Chapter 6

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Chapter 6




I hate alarm clocks. Like really, wouldnt you hate things that try to break things up between you and the one thing you love the most? There's no human involved in my case but I think Im pretty much in love with sleep and my bed. But ofcourse, thanks to my worst enemy ever, the alarm clock.

After continouosly groaning and snoozing the alarm on my phone, I woke up at 8 am. Today was going to be a big day. Well, big day only if I was going to meet that oh so majesty of a human being that was going to change my luck forever.

I crossed my fingers and woke up towards the right side of my bed. Superstitious or not, waking on the right side always seems right.

After taking a warm shower and drying my hair I opened my closet to wear my formal job clothes. That includes formal pants, shirt and a coat over it. After applying minimal amount of make up I headed to the living room to find my friend fast asleep as always.


She seemed to have best job ever and loved doing it. Keerthi was a hair dresser in a very reputed parlour of Mumbai and had her job hours from 10am to 4pm. And yes, she did get paid pretty well because she was one of the best they had. Lucky ass she was.

Heading to my car, I get inside and prepare myself to reach the locations I had emailed my resume to.

As I turned the ignition on, I knew I had to hurry up. I had sent my resume to a total of 5 firms and well, considering my present luck, I wasnt going to get a job in the first try. Probably the 5th firm would appoint me, yeah. I just had to expect thr worse each time.

I headed to the location of the first company that was a small finance firm. Parking my car in the lot i headed out and smoothened my skirt with my hands, taking a deep breath.

I can do this.

Surprisingly I was more nervous today than any other day. It was probably because of my visit to the fortune teller. I knew my luck was going to change and strangely I was more nervous than joyful about it.

I entered the huge enterance that were automated sensor doors and headed to the reception area of the extremely massive building that was made out of shiny glass. It reflected the sunrays which made the building look even bigger. So much for a small firm.

"Good morning! How can I help you?"

A cheery voice snapped me out of my senses while I was looking around the reception area. It was small yet spacious.

"Morning! I am here for an interview at 10pm." I said to the young female who was seated behind the desk with a pen in one hand and the phone in the other and looked just as cheerful as she was a while ago.

"Sure. Your name please?"

"Aisha Khan." I said smiling.

"Right. You can head to the third floor. Sir will see you now." She said after typing my name in and confirming the details.

"Thank you."

I headed to the third floor in a rush. I obviously couldnt waste all my day giving my interview to just one company. By hook or by crook, I needed a job.

After reaching the third floor, I headed to the large glass doors. But just as I was about to open the door, a girl sitting on a cabin just beside the huge doors caught my attention. She was eyeing me questioningly.

"Um, I have an interview?" I said, confused.

"Oh right. Sorry. Miss Aisha Khan?" I nodded. "You can go right in. Dhruv sir will see you now."

Must be boss's secretary. What happened to the every secretary is always hot shit? This one wasnt hot. She wasnt ugly either. But just not hot.

As I walked to the door, I felt the nervousness come back to me. No, I can do this. I know I can.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in." Said a husky voice.

Inhaling deeply, I entered.


I cannot believe this. This is crazy. Honestly, I did not think the changes would start to show this fast!

I got the job! And that too this job. I got the job on the first try. This never happened. Ever. Like, I definitely know my luck is changing. It has changed! This is a new thing for me, since I always expect the worst.

The interview was over the top good. The boss was an old man with an amazing attitude and a kind nature. He gave me a chance to prove myself and I surprisingly showed confidence with each question I answered.

Though I started to sweat when he asked me why I wanted the job and why I was not staying in the previous jobs for long. I did not want to sound desperate so went along with the most reasonable answer I could give while also impressing him.

"I did get reasonable salary in my previous jobs but I never did their work wholeheartedly. Your firm deals with finance and the different fields regarding it. When I chose to study commerce in my earlier life, I knew I wanted to deal with accounting and financing and such. I dint stay in my earlier companies for long because I did not find any interest in working their." I finished confidently as I released the breath the was holding.

"Impressive. I expect a lot from you then, Miss  Khan. You can join the firm from today. Congratulations on your new job. Neeta, my secretary will show you your cabin and tell you your work for today."

So that was what brought me here, in my new cabin. Neeta led me here and right now was explaining me what my work exactly was but I seemed to be in my own world shocked at how well everything happened today.

"Erm, hello? Miss Khan?" Neeta waved her hand in front of my face.

"Uh, sorry." I said as I snapped out of my senses and gave her an apologetic smile. "And you can call me Aisha." I said smiling.

"Sure," she said smiling. "I will explain everything again to you." After explaining all the details again, she turned to leave smiling again.

"Congrats again, Aisha! Boss has expectations from you." Neeta winked at she turned to leave.

"Please dont scare me." I said faking being scared.

Neeta laughed and turned to leave as she said, "Have a great day."

Ready for my new life, or am I?


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