Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


I still was in a shock thinking about what just happened. After that Kamran asked everyone else to leave but after assuring them that they will be given a good recommendation to other companies.

Thats weird. No boss or any man in general would ever do that. It was just too much work. Why did this guy seem so good?

I know I should be thankful that he let me have this job but the truth remains. He is an arrogant man. I still do remember our meeting at the restaurant and nothing is going to change my views about him.

Kamran and Dhruv excused themselves and returned to Dhruv's former office. Now its probably Kamrans.

All of us hugged and cheered and congratulated each other. I called Keerthi and gave her the good news. As expected she was happy for me. I ended the call and turned to my friends. I was glad all our jobs were saved now.

"Hahaha did you see his face yesterday?" Sonia pointed at Akshit and laughed histerically. Akshit frowned.

"Oh come on Sonia, we were all pretty broken too." Zoya tried taking Akshits side.

"It was still funny though." I joined Sonia and chuckled.

"Oh not you too Aisha?" Akshit sighed and made a puppy dog face.

Just then Dhruv returned from the office along with Kamran.

"Okay guys, its my time to leave." Dhruv said. "Be good to your new boss and work hard. You all are the lucky ones, dont forget that." Dhruv smiled and left.

He was a good old man. But now our new boss was the arrogant Kamran Malik. I looked at him standing at a distance, and noticed him staring back at me.

Hmph, how am I going to survive in this office with his hotness and arrogance all together?

"Okay now, my secretary Tamanna will be giving you all instructions of your new work procedures." He said pointing at a tall blonde haired girl standing will a folder on her hands. She looked decent. But wore a skimpy top and a skirt which was above her knees. Ugh what a downer. She seemed nice until i noticed her wadrobe.

She smiled and walked towards us, while Kamran went inside his office after throwing one last glance in my direction.

What is this all about? He keeps looking at me like that. As if he knows something that I donyt. What if its about that night in the club? I hope its not. I hope I did not call him something more than a jerk or do something stupid. That would be so embarrassing. Especially now that he is my boss and he can do anything. What if he tries to take his revenge or whatever?

"Hello miss Aisha?!" I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when i saw tamanna standing beside me. "You in this world i hope?" She asked playfully.

"Yeah, ahem, sorry."

"Here's what you will be doing. Your new assigned work." She smiled gratefully. "Good luck." She did seem that bad. Infact she was pretty sweet.

"Thanks." I smiled back at her and she walked away. Guess I shouldnt judge people on the basis of what they wear.


After a few hours a few people seemed to leave after their shifts were over. My work was finally complete so I stood up and walked to Tamanna's cabin to hand my files to her so that she can give them to Kamran. But her cabin was empty so i figured she had left too.

After debating with myself for 15 minutes about whether I should give the files myself to Kamran, i finally knocked on his door

"Come in." Came his reply after what seemed like half a minute and thats a long time.

"I finished my work sir. Here are the files." I nervously kept the files on his table. He did not look up at all and i proceeded to walk to the door.

"Wait." He said and i suddenly froze. Oh god what now?

"How many different files did you make of that document?" He asked seriously.

"Four?" I said more like asked him.

"Okay, good. Well done, aisha."

I smiled and studied his face for a while. He seemed to be studying mine too. He looked tired and his hair seemed messy. His tie was loosened and the top button of his shirt was open. God, he looked...good.

Just as i turned to walk to the door again, something struck me. I have to ask him. I have to know about what happened between us that night at the club. Its now or never.

"Umm, can I ask you something? If you dont mind?" I started nervously.

"Sure?" He said in a normal tone looking deeply into my eyes.

Gosh he definitely was intimidating.

"What happened between us that night? At the club?" I managed to say. My palms were sweating like hell and i could feel his intense stare on me.

Oh god, i hope I dont make him lose his temper.

Suddenly his face broke out in a smile. I felt relieved. Okay, i hope this goes well.

"Nothing that you should be worried about. We talked. You were drunk. You were angry. But its okay because you were drunk." He winked.

Asdfghkl why does he keep winking?

"But.. if you still think something happened, then you might find that out if fate wishes." He said amused.

I was more than confused but something struck me as soon as he mentioned "fate".

"Uh okay. So no hard feelings right? Like I hope you dont have a grudge against me or hate me or something.." i trailed off, i just wanted to be sure.

"Aisha? Why would you think that? And no, i dont. Thats a female thing to do. And im certainly not one. " He gave a slight smile.

I wanted to retort back but kept quite and smiled. "Thank you btw, for the job. And sorry, just in case I told you something when I was drunk." I gave a cheeky grin.

"No problem, you deserved it. You have potential and you are hardworking.  And you dont have to be sorry for anything." He smiled back.

I couldnt believe this. I was so wrong about this guy. He seemed so genuine and nice. Also, he was the first guy who ever said that i was hardworking. Other bosses never seemed to notice that.

I felt happy and satisfied with our little conversation.

"Thank you Kamra...i mean, sir." Great. Way to spoil everything.

"Its ok. You can call me Kamran." He said with a grin and saying I felt butterflies in my stomach would be an understatement. There were elephants!

"Good night." I smiled for the last time and walked back to my cubicle, packed and drove home.

On my way back, i kept playing our conversation in my head again and again. He seemed like a great guy inside. And outside? Dont even get me started about his handsomeness.

Okay i need to get a grip of myself and stop drooling.

One thing struck me though. How could I still have a job and be happy when Dhruv is long gone. I mean, wasnt he my lucky charm?

And then it struck me. NO. WAY.






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