Chapter 3

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Anubis slowly walked towards Arceus. "Did you find her?" He asked.

"Yes, but alas she had escaped into the ocean and I had lost track of her. My apologies, Lord." He bowed.

"I will not give up yet. I will find out what she is up to." He called in a red Gyarados.

"Leviathan, at your service!" The sea serpent bellowed.

"I am looking for a Mew with a human baby. She has escaped into the ocean. I want you to follow her to see what she is up to."

"Of course, Arceus." Leviathan replied. He did as he was commanded to do and swam after Miley.

Miley was in a giant pink bubble with the baby in the ocean. She continues on, heading for Jirachi's cave home. Unbeknownst to her, Leviathan was watching her a distance away.

Suddenly Miley felt like she was being watched. She turns around to see Leviathan. She stops. "Let me guess... Arceus has sent you to look after me too?"

"Maybe... Maybe not..."

"Geez, why is Arceus sending Pokémon to go after me? Is he suspicious about what I am doing? Well... It doesn't matter to him. He may be the creator but he has no right to send other Pokémon to stalk us. He should just get out of every Mon's business." Miley thought.

She flew up to the surface and into the sky. She turned the baby and herself invisible to hide from sight. She continued on to Jirachi.

Once she got there, Jirachi was in the cave but he was asleep.

"Hey Starlow, I need your help. This is important." Miley said aloud.

Starlow the Jirachi was still fast asleep like he was in Hypnosis.

"Starlow wake up!!!" Miley yelled. She was getting tired of waiting, so she used Ice Beam to attempt to wake him up. It worked.

"Huh... What-what's going on??? Had it been a thousand years already???" He yawned. He turned to see Miley. "Oh hi Miley. What can I do for you?"

"I'd like to make a wish." Miley answered.

"A-a wish. I'm sorry but I can not do that at the moment. I am still too tired to make wishes. Please come back later" Starlow yawned.

"I don't have anytime to wait. I need my wish now. It's important!!" Miley informed him.

Starlow fell asleep again, not even giving a care of what she was saying. Miley rolled her eyes. "We don't have time for this..." she thought. She used another Ice Beam.

Starlow used Flash Cannon while still asleep.

Miley avoided the attack and used Shadow Ball.

Starlow used Flash Cannon in his sleep once again.

It was a critical hit, but Miley wouldn't give up. She used Dazzling Gleam then Ice Beam.

Finally Starlow woke up and shook his head from the ice on his face. He shivered. "I told you, I need my rest!! I cannot grant wishes." He said, grumpily. "Only a song of purity will wake me up." Starlow quietly said, starting to fall asleep again.

Miley rolled her eyes in annoyance but then decided that she had no choice so she started singing to Starlow like he was some kind of baby. It worked.

Starlow opened his eyes groggily. "Ah... That was peaceful and nice" he told Miley." Now what can I do for you?"

"I need you to grant me a wish." Miley replied.

"What is this wish?"

"Arceus wants to get rid of Beatrix, but she has no guardian to look after her. I wish for a way that will allow Beatrix to stay in the forest with me."

"That is a wonderful wish. However, I cannot do anything to the Pokégod himself, but I will try my very best to help." Starlow said. He finally granted Miley's wish using one of the blue wish tags.

A necklace floated to the ground. The necklace had a charm of two Mews with the tail wrapped around the others tail. The Mew on the left was pink and the Mew on the right was blue.

"This necklace will help you. It has the power to transform Beatrix into any Pokémon like you can." Starlow explained.

"So how does it work?" Miley asked.

"The wearer has to close their eyes and say '(the Pokémon's name) I choose you!' " Starlow answered.

"Sounds easy enough. Thanks for the help." Miley and Beatrix then left Starlow's cave and went back home, careful not to run into anymore trouble if they could help it.

That's another chapter for The Pokémon Whisperer. I couldn't find any pure songs sadly so I could add a video in this chapter so if anyone have any suggestions, please tell me in the comments.

Anyways more is coming soon. Hope you enjoyed ^U^

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