Chapter 14

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Mewtwo looked around Miley's cave to look for Beatrix. As he did, Miley slowly got back up.

"You'll never find her. She's hidden." Miley said.

"Where is she?! Tell me where she is!!" Mewtwo ordered.

"I'll never tell you anything."

Mewtwo growled and used Psystrike again. Miley dodged and used Ice Beam. Mewtwo avoided her attack and he used Fire Blast. Miley was hit and was now burned. Miley was hurt by burn. Mewtwo used this as an opportunity to attack again with Psystrike. Miley hit the wall from the impact and fainted. She was finally down.

Mewtwo sighed in relief and continued looking for Beatrix.

He continued looking through the cave until he found the hidden passageway to the underground of the cave. "She must be in here..." He smirked and went down.

Mewtwo finally reached the ground below and saw what he was looking for the whole entire time... Beatrix, the humon.

"Mewtwo..." Beatrix and Rufus gasped. Rufus stepped in front of Beatrix in an attempt to protect her.

"Don't worry Beatrix... I won't let him hurt you. I will protect you" Rufus said, with a look of determination, but inside he was scared about what he was thinking of doing.

"No! Rufus! Stay back, he could hurt you... or worse... kill you..."

"Don't worry, I'm going to protect my humon." Rufus smiled at her, before turning back to Mewtwo.

"Be careful Rufus..."

"You little fool... You can't defeat me... I am one of the strongest Pokémon in the world. A young pre-Evolution can't possibly do anything. Just get out of my way kid." Mewtwo warned him, however Rufus stood his ground.

"Never! I will not surrender!" He replied, going into a battle stance.

Mewtwo used Psychic to pick him up off the ground and threw him against the wall with great force, choking the Eevee.

"No!! Let him go!! Leave him alone!!" Beatrix yelled.

"I warned him to stay out of my way... Now he must die!!" Mewtwo replied harshly, tightening his grip on the young Eevee, who was gasping for air.

"R-run... Beatrix..." Rufus gasped. Before he took one last breath before his eyes that once filled with life rolled back in his head. Mewtwo slammed the lifeless Eevee on the ground beside Beatrix. "Nooooo!!" She cried in utter heartbreak.

"Now it's time for you to join him..." Mewtwo told Beatrix.

Suddenly, a portal opened from outside of the cave and Arceus's voice boomed around the cave underground. "Mewtwo!!!"

Mewtwo groaned and rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Arceus..."

Arceus flew towards Mewtwo. "What is the meaning of this... You've gone too far Mewtwo... You've been killing innocent Pokémon and you ordered Anubis to leave you alone when I specifically..."

Mewtwo interrupted Arceus. "You are not the boss of me Arceus. You may think of yourself as a God but you are not to me... Now this is my business so you better get out of it..."

Arceus growled. "You will pay for disobeying my orders Mewtwo. This ends now!!"

That's the end of Chapter 14. Hope you enjoyed. ^U^

One more chapter left. Sorry this was late. Chapter 15 may be out later tonight or tomorrow morning before school so stay tuned for more.

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