Chapter 12

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Mewtwo turned around and growled at Anubis. "Can you take a hint?! I don't need your help!!!"

"But Arceus told me that we have to work together."

"I don't care what he says. He thinks he's a god when he really isn't!!" Mewtwo yelled, "he cannot boss me around like he can with other Pokémon. I work on my own and if you were wise, you would see that!! Just stay out of my way or else!!!"

"Fine... But Arceus won't be happy..." With that Anubis left Mewtwo by himself.

"And good riddance..." Mewtwo mumbled in annoyance.

Mewtwo only walked a few more miles through the forest until he reached a cave. He grunted. "I hope you're in there with your little human Miley Mew..."

Mewtwo approached the cave and entered it. To his surprise, he did see Miley glaring at him. He glared back at Miley.


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Sorry this chapter was a really short one but I Hope you enjoyed it anyways. More coming soon.

Also the part with Anubis and Mewtwo's little argument was originally going to be different. Instead of letting Anubis escape, he was going to be killed by Mewtwo but I decided to scrap that idea. I was also originally thinking of making this as long as Faith the Eevee But I've decided on finishing it after 15 chapters instead of 20 or so. Which means this story is almost complete. Just three more chapters left.

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