Chapter 15

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Arceus and Mewtwo glared at each other.

Arceus uses Judgement on Mewtwo. Mewtwo was hit hard but wouldn't give in.

He used Psystrike. Arceus dodged the attack and used Extreme Speed. Mewtwo hit the wall from the impact and growled. "You will pay for that!!!

"No!! You will!! For all that you've done." Arceus bellowed.

"What I've done.." Mewtwo was rudely interrupted.

"Silence!!!" Arceus ordered.

Beatrix just sat there, watching. Mewtwo killed her friend, she had to do something to avenge him, but what could she do. Suddenly Arceus spotted her. "Don't just stand there. Are you going to help or not, human? If not, then leave."

Beatrix looked at Mewtwo and back to her Mew necklace she possessed. She put the necklace in her hand and closed her eyes. "Houndoom, I choose you!" She declared. She transformed into the Dark Pokémon, Houndoom. She ran to Arceus's side. "We'll going to stop him together." She said.

Arceus didn't reply but instead looked at her for a second and slowly nodded.

Mewtwo used Fire Blast on Beatrix but she dodged and used Flamethrower.

Mewtwo was burned from Beatrix's Flamethrower Attack. Arceus used Extreme Speed. Mewtwo growled and used Psystrike on Arceus. Beatrix used Dark Pulse. It was Super Effective against Mewtwo.

"Will you stop attacking me!!!!"

"Not until you stop all this, Mewtwo..." Arceus told him.

"I will not give up!! Ever!!" Mewtwo replied to him.

"Fine... Then neither will we... No matter if this fight will take 1,000 years. It will never end until one of us reigns victorious" Replied Arceus.

"Fine by me..." Mewtwo responded with a growl.

Arceus used another Judgement Attack while Beatrix used Dark Pulse. Mewtwo used Psystrike only to be encountered by Flamethrower. Beatrix ran towards Mewtwo and used Bite.

Arceus used Thunderbolt on Mewtwo.

Mewtwo collapsed to the ground. He attempted to pull himself back up with his hands.

"Have you had enough???" Beatrix asked.

Arceus and Mewtwo ignored Beatrix. "Just give up already, Mewtwo." He told him. "Face it... You lost... You don't stand a chance against us..."

"I... Will... Not.... Surrender..." Mewtwo replied weakly before falling back to the floor.

"Let's finish him off..." Beatrix told Arceus.

"Indeed... A few more attacks should do the trick."

"No!!! Why are you siding with the human. I thought you were supposed to be a God." Mewtwo said.

"I don't care what you say Mewtwo. Beatrix is one of us now..." Arceus bellowed. He used Judgement and Beatrix used Dark Pulse. After a few more attacks were taken at Mewtwo, he was finally defeated at last.

"Yes... We did it..." Beatrix shouted in pure excitement before she transformed back into a human.

Arceus nodded.

Suddenly, Beatrix turned to the exit to see Miley flying by with a weak smile on her face but it soon dropped when she saw Arceus.

"So... I guess you're going to take Beatrix away now.."

"No actually... I think she proved herself worthy of being a Pokémon."

"Really?!" Miley and Beatrix questioned in unison.

"Yes... She has great battling skills and she helped me defeat Mewtwo. I think it is right to let her stay. This is her home now."

"Thanks Arc... I-I mean Arceus..."

Arceus grunted and ignored her. "I'll be on my way then..." Arceus flew back into the sky and back into his dimension.

Everything was finally at peace in the forest once again. Mewtwo stayed in his cave away from Beatrix and Miley and now Beatrix lived peacefully with the Pokémon in the forest. The Pokémon finally started trusting her with the help of Arceus. Each day she feels that Titan and Rufus were watching her from the Spirit World and they were indeed. They were very proud of her including Titan who didn't trust her at first until Rufus told him her story.

That is the end of The Pokémon Whisperer. Hope you enjoyed.

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