Chapter 11

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Mewtwo continues his search for Beatrix. Arceus suddenly appears again out of his demension and flies to Mewtwo.

Mewtwo growled in annoyance. "What do you want now? Can't you see I'm busy? If you keep interfering I'll never find the child."

"I thought you'd need some help." Suddenly, a certain Lucario appeared beside Arceus.

He bowed with respect. "What is it you wish, Lord Arceus?"

"Anubis, I want you to assist  Mewtwo." Arceus ordered.

"Help Mewtwo???" Anubis questioned.

"Yes, and you better not fail me again! I will be watching you both!" He bellowed, flying off back into the sky.

Mewtwo glared at Anubis. "I don't need your help, Fool! I can do this myself!"

"Perhaps you are correct but Arceus still told me that I must help you and that's what I'm going to-"

"Do you always do what Arceus says?" Mewtwo interrupted.

"Yes, I mean he is the creator."

"Well if he's so godly then how come he can lose against a ten year old human trainer?"

"That's just a myth. It isn't true."

"Oh sure... Believe what you want to believe. Just stay out of my way." Mewtwo growled as he walked off.

"Hey wait!!!" Anubis shouted, running after Mewtwo to catch up with him.

That's the end of Chapter 11. Hope you enjoyed. More coming soon...

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