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                  A bang hits the door. Four others follow. Then an explosion. The door is open. Bullets and sabers flash and I can barely tell what is happening. I have to rely on my instincts. Smoke fills the room. Darkness falls. My lightsaber illuminates only barely a foot in front of me. Two bullets miss me. I slowly walk forward and take out three stprmtroopers from behind. Then I use the force to clear the smoke.
                   The stormtroopers are gone, along with the slightly older child. Sabine chokes and sobs. Ezra's anger radiated off him. I could feel it.
                    "Ezra!" I call, but he had already bursted out of the room, and into unknown danger. I handed Sabine her child. "Stay safe." I say. Then I follow Ezra, with one last glance at Sabine, I was gone.

** Sorry! I know this is so short. I am very busy with other stories and life activities. I apologize. -Sumya**

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