Chapter Two

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        The shrill sound of the bell met my ears snapping me back to reality and the end of lunch. I gathered my trash and threw it away in the garbage before rushing to my locker. I put my science textbook in my bookbag and slung my book bag over my shoulder.

        As I turned around to head to my next class, I felt someone staring at me and my muscles tensed. I looked at my surroundings and froze when I was met with a pair of icy blue eyes.

        I quickly adverted my gaze and turned to continue off to my next class which was science.

        Why was he staring at me?

        I shrugged the thought away and entered my science class. I sat in my usual seat in the back near the window. All of my teachers knew that I never talked, so they never insisted on me answering any of their questions. They knew I got my work done and that's all that mattered to them.

        I watched as the class filled with students and was shocked to feel someone sitting next to me. No one ever sat next to me. I was the freak.

        Out of the corner of my eye I watched as the person slumped in the chair and rested his head on his folded arms. He had familiar chocolate brown hair and I mentally groaned.

        Jared Cruz seems to be everywhere today. I didn't even know he was in this class. Then again he was probably skipping half the time and the other half I was probably too busy day dreaming to notice him.

        "Okay class, I would like all of you to pay extra close attention today," my pregnant teacher spoke. She was due any day now and her belly was bulging. She wobbled from her desk to the front of the room.

        "As you all know, I'm giving birth this month, but what you all don't know is that I'll be leaving  tomorrow. I will be giving birth on Wednesday and I have a project for all of you. I need all of you to pay close attention because the substitute will not know about the project as well as I will explain it to you. This will be the last day you will see me, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask," as she explained this to us, she hobbled around the room picking up tacks of paper and a clipboard.

        "For this project each one of you will have a partner," at this the class became excited and was looking at their classmates eagerly. "but, I have already chosen them for you," the class groaned exept for Jared and me.

        The teacher looked at her clipboard and started naming off the names of students who will be working together.

        "Victoria and Andrew, Brad and Rose, Justin and Lynn..." she continued naming off students and I listened closely for my name to be called. It looked like she was pairing the students boy girl.

        "Oliver and Karah, Carol and Isaiah, Sarah and Miguel, Natasha and Joshua, and Nina and Jared," she finished with that and I felt my eyes widen in shock.

        The boy next to me, the bad boy who was taking science for the second time, is my partner? I felt my heart drop and my hands get clammy.

        How was I supposed to work with him? I don't even talk and he's barely ever in class. How will this work?

        I felt my head spin and I turned to look at him, only to mentally gasp as I saw his icy blue eyes were already staring at me.

        His eyes were emotionless, no matter how much I looked into their depths, I couldn't see an ounce of emotion. That's something that scared me beyond words. I didn't know how he felt about this.

        About being partners with the mute.


        After the teacher explained the project to us, she let us basically get to know our partners. That's when the awkwardness came in because I don't talk and he wasn't willing to either. Tomorrow is our first day to work on the project and to say I'm nervous is an understatement.

        The rest of the day flew by and finally it was time to go home. After gathering my homework, I walked to the front doors of the school.

        I opened the doors to be met with the cold winter air. I didn't mind though because winter is my favorite season.

        I didn't have a car so I walked to and from school everyday. That's another thing I didn't mind. I got to enjoy the fresh air before getting home, so when my parents asked me if I wanted them to take me to school, I shook my head no.

        If I talked, I would tell them that walking is good exercise and a great way to appreciate nature.

        I actually don't live that far, a ten minute walk maybe. Nothing really bad happens in this town, but I always have to be careful. Anything could happen.

        Although I dont live that far from the school, I have to be aware of my surroundings because in an instant everything could change.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed the next chapter! Please vote and comment what you think and if I should continue writing. I want to know if you guys want to read more.

If you do, please comment and tell me What's your favorite season. Mines winter:)

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