Chapter Eleven

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         "If you tell anyone about this I will kill your whole family and I'll make you watch, you little brat." he growled at me and tears fell from my eyes like waterfalls as I quickly nodded my head.

        He smirked at me and gently cupped my face, "Now my sweet, go wash away the evidence,"  he said sweetly, like nothing ever happened.

        I quickly got up from my spot on his lap and rushed to walk back where my family was, but before l made it three steps away, I was stopped by him.

        "I will be checking up on you soon my darling, to make sure you haven't spoken."

        I woke with a gasp and wildly looked around. I sighed in relief as l realized that it was only a nightmare, well a memory more like.

        I fell back on my bed and tried to catch my breath. My eyes widened and my breathing increased again when I realized that it's been six months already. Today is six months since the last check-up. It's every six months and l know today won't be any different.

        Today I will see my nightmare.

        I rubbed my hand on my forehead and let out a shaky sigh. Looking over at the clock, l saw it was 6:13 in the morning. 0nly five hours and forty-seven minutes remaining.

        l slowly started on my morning routine, but all I could think about was my nightmare. Every time he comes for a checkup, he makes sure to let me know not to tell anyone of what happened that day. He makes sure l keep my mouth shut tight.

        I stared at myself in the mirror and observed my face. I had plain brown eyes and boring brown hair. For being Hispanic, I didn't have that nice tan, instead I had a pale complexion. I looked more and more and tried to find what man saw in me that made him do what me did. I found nothing.

         A sharp knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.        

        "Mami said to hurry up, there is someone at the door for you. It's a boy," Jose rushed out before, l heard his little footsteps as he ran away.

        My heart stopped and my hands turned clammy. He's never arrived at my house before, but I know he would. Thinking about mom and my brother, I quickly grabbed my things and rushed down the stairs, my heart racing and my breathing increasing I until everything came to a stop when l came to the front door and saw a figure standing at the door and my mom talking with him.

        l signed a breath of relief when l saw that it was Jared. I never thought l could be happy to see him.

        "Nina honey, Jared would like to give you a ride to school. What a nice young man, " my mom gushed in her Spanish accent.

        My face flushed and I rushed towards them and stepped out the door, signaling that l was ready to go. My mother looked at me and nodded her head, "Be home before seven," she winked in a suggestive manner and l flushed in embarrassment.

        Without even realizing, I grabbed Jared's hand and pulled him outside to his car.

        "If you wanted me to pick you up this bad l would've done it sooner," he smirked at me and in no time we were on our way to school. l slumped in my seat and sighed in relief. Sometimes he checked up on me before school, so I am very grateful for Jared at the moment.

        All of a sudden l felt someone grab my hand and jumped while snatching it away, Jared gave me a weird look, clenched his jaw, but kept his hands to himself for the rest of the ride.

        I bit my lip and looked out the window. I'm going to be very jumpy today and I hope it doesn't mess up our friendship. Yes, he sees me as more, but I only see him as a friend, nothing more.

        He parked the car and we both got out. I walked over to him and looked into his eyes hoping that he could see the apology in my eyes. He shook his head and grabbed my hand, leading me into the school.

        He walked me to my locker, the entire time he was silent. Once we arrived at my locker, he let go of my hand and leaned against the locker next to mine while I got the books I needed.

        The whole day was spent like this. Deb wasn't here unfortunately and there was always this awkward silence between us.

        By the time lunch rolled around, I was pissed. He wasn't talking to me because I naturally reacted to someone unexpectedly touching me? Of course he didn't know, but still.

        I was sitting at our usual lunch table, fuming. I was furiously munching on my sandwich, tearing pieces off of the sandwich in an angry manner.

        That was how Jared found me and he sat across me, setting his lunch tray down. I swallowed my bite and narrowing my eyes at him in a glare.

        He ignored the look I was giving him and started unwrapping his sub. He took a bite out of it and I crossed my arms over my chest, still glaring at him.

        After about ten minutes, he finally looked up and raised an eyebrow at me. I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes, standing up and storming out of the cafeteria.

        For the first time, I skipped.

        I walked out of the school doors, which was surprisingly easy. I stormed to the sidewalk and marched to the park. Sitting myself on the swing facing the forest, I gently swung back and forth.

        I can't believe that all he did was raise his eyebrow. Is he serious? Did he not care at all about what I was feeling or the fact that I was mad? He ignored me all day and then expected me not to be mad?

        A snap cut my train of thoughts and I snapped my head up toward the forest, which is where the sound was heard.

        My anger was now forgotten and chills racked up my spine as I saw a dark figure appearing out of the forest.

        I sucked in a shaky breath and slowly stood up. My heartbeat accelerated and I abrubtly turned around, stumbling over the swing and quickly sprinting the other way.

        I looked back and saw that he was gaining in on me. I sped my pace, tears filled my eyes and I wished that I was still at lunch with Jared.

        I was pushed to the ground and quickly got on my hands and knees and started crawling, but was pushed down again and flipped over. A foot was pressed against my chest to keep me in place and it was getting hard to breath. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I stared up at the hooded figure.

        "Hello my sweet. It's time for your check up and the doctor's in."


Another update. I hope you guys liked it. Vote and Comment for faster updates. Until next time Muffins:)



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