Kill him

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Levi POV

        I am going to kill the bastard! I load up my gun getting extra bullets in my pocket just in case he pulls one on me. I was the fastest assassin around here and the world I mean come on I am the best. I ran all way to his house and burst in shooting the door opened. I entered the house but then I heard a click near my head when I look at the side of me there was Eren holing a gun with one of hands and the other holding his arm. I dropped his gun how the hell he heard me?

        “You need something?” he whispered in my ear.

        It sent chills down my spine soon enough I spin my leg tripping him but he just making a back flip. I charged after him hit after hit and soon enough I felt a punch in my gut I shot out a small grunt. I was not giving my sister to some kid on the streets. Soon enough I been knocked out with a handle of gun that’s when everything went black.

        I woke up on a couch I heard Eren chuckling, when I got up his was polishing my gun.

        “What the fuck?” I grunted.

        He smiled loading the gun, “Nice gun.”

        I stared at him, “Is this a trick?”

        He looked at me with a smile, “The trick is why you came so late?”

        When I tried to toss a punch he was over over me having his knee on chest.

        “You made my sister into a weird person!” I spat.

        I could feel his knee digger dipper into my chest, god damn it hurts like hell. I grunt in pain then he titled his head pulling him close to him, “I did nothing to Mikasa she did it on her own,”

        He dropped me banging my head on the arm of the couch. He got up then stretched his arms like nothing ever happen. I spun around kicking him on the back of his spine making him hit the TV first. He got up seeing me making me a flip from behind the couch. He wipe some blood the dripped down his head, it was sicking. He must die.

        I load my gun and he did at the same speed, we had a Mexican gun war. It was quiet and the only thing I could hear is the static of the TV he limped to the side. But not giving up I shot a bullet near his head but before I hit the trigger he was already on the other side he doge it. He limped holding his free hand on his head, blood ran down his arm. With that much of blood lost he should be dead but why? I shot a bullet to his arm he didn't budge just making it hit him. The motion of the bullet pulled Eren shoulder back then more blood dripped down from his shoulder now his face was covered in blood just showing his eyes.

        “Why don't you just die!” I yelled.

        He limped forward putting his hand on a table next to him, “If I die here I want to die in honor,”

        I froze lowering down my god he didn't care if he died? Then I heard a fall I quickly dropped down my gun running to his side. I put my hand over the larger wound I never got this messy, the blood tickled on my hand I checked his pulse he was still alive. I quickly took off my shirt wrapping it around his head. Then slowly took off his shirt and damn no wonder Mikasa is all jumpy he got a good chest. I shook my head taking his shirt wrapping it around the bullet. I called Mikasa no pick up shit is mad at me. I searched through his stuff and found a first a aid kit way in the back. I searched for anything to take bullets but nothing. He grunt in pain good he is making noise.

        “In my room top shelf to the right,” he said.

        How did he know I was trying to help him? I ran to his room and did was I told and there was a real first aid kit and I opened the metal box seeing stuff that doctors would use. I quickly ran down to him seeing him trying to sit up he maybe heard me coming. I picked him up putting him on the couch near us. I stood over him slowly taking off the shirt that was wrapped around the bullet. My heart jumped when sweat came down his head I never done this before. Slowly I grab the tweezers digging in to get the bullet. He screamed in pain holding onto the couch.

        “Sorry,” I said making a swift motion taking the bullet out making gush of blood with it. I quickly wrapped it back again tightly. I should take him to the hospital.

        “Ha ha it is okay, at least I would die in honor,” he whispered.

         I thought for a second all this time I could of called the hospital and let them do the dirty work. I wanted to slap the kid so hard but instead I got out my phone and dialed the number and told them what happen and just said the man who shot him got away. I didn't mean to start all of this I got over protective. After a while they came taking Eren in the stretcher then left me. I laid back down on the couch I regret it all, when everyone left I closed the door. 

(ErenxLevi) Assassins protectsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ