Not over

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Eren POV

        I wasn't blind folded so I could see where I was, a cellar tied up to a chair, my mouth covered by rags gross. I looked around staying calm if I panic I won't get the chance. Did they find me already ha I can't wait for the look on their faces. A man came in he, I knew him the person who killed my parents now they are after me. I smiled biting the rag. This is it, my job is almost done I just need him to make a step closer but he moved to the side damn it.

        “Assassin hunter! Wow came to find me and kill me!” it sounded British man.

        I stayed calm moving my foot in a circular motion he just looked at me with his hazel eyes looking at my foot. I stopped when I tried to moved I feel to my side with the chair when I looked down the chair was chained. I am going to die. He steeped over me I couldn't move I was tied, I grunted. Then I heard gun shooting we both looked at the door and saw Jean was there. He pulled a shot gun aiming for the guy he looked down at me.

        “You had a back up!” He yelled at me.

        I smiled biting on the rag pulling off, “Shot!”

        His head flew off from his body rolling towards me I was covered in his fucking blood. The blood I was covered in it was like my own skin, my hair my pants everything, Jean left me there his job was done. Now how the fuck to get out. Some of the blood went in my mouth but I spit it right back out. I flip the chair back the blood was still pouring out of his body. I laid there for an hour the blood dried on me it was gross having someone blood on me. I smelled like rot and I need a shower. After sometime Jean came back he was also covered in blood he moved to the side and there was Mikasa and Levi with eyes full of shock. Damn it, I spit more blood. The body near me was blue covered in blood, guess I was not alone.

        Levi stumbled over to me, “What happen we searched for hours!”

        I looked at Jean he just walked away that was him, “Well get me out of this fucking mess it disgusting,”

        He laughed, “You sound like me,”

        He untied me trying not to touch me Jean walked over to me with a napkin wiping my face. I thanked him while he took a hold of Mikasa and walked off. I sat on the pool of blood trying to wipe my self but it just spread.

        Levi hugged me I didn't moved so he did came after me huh? I wiped the tears away from his face then slowly kissed him in this fucking dump. We parted then we went out not speaking each other. When I got home I quickly got a yelled at because I made a mess of trailing blood following me behind. Did I care nah, I quickly took a shower seeing the blood drip down from my bloody body. When I got out Levi was there laying down snuggling on the pillow I put on some pants and jumped next to him. He looked at me with a shake of his head.

        I pulled the covered over us, “Eren, can I stay here?”

        I titled my head leaning in for a kiss but he moved the side, “Awe,”

        He looked at me, “I am serious, Jean and my sis could have my house,”

        I sighed, “Sure so I am kicking Mikasa and Jean out? That horse face would be please,”

        He laughed. “Yup I don't trust them while your around,”

        I laughed kissing his neck he tried to push me off but I held him close to me, “Hey Levi,”

        He groaned, “What?”

        I laughed kissing underneath his jaw line, “Can I have fun?”

        Another groan but sounded like a moan, “No you many not!”

        I smiled licking his neck in a circular motion then planting a kiss, “Why not?”

        He moaned while I went to another area, “Because!”

        I grabbed his waist pulling me upwards, “Shame,”

        Another moan from him, “Eren ugh, stop.”

        I stopped pulling him closer then gave him a kiss on the cheek, “Guess this is it huh?”

        Then we both drifted to a sleep it was finally over but not all was left. I still had to go to school tomorrow. I sighed cuddling Levi near me I am not the hero this time. The next morning would be sunshine and rainbows I hope. I shuttered at the thought on the second thought I like this. I don't want to be weak anymore I want to be strong. 

(ErenxLevi) Assassins protectsWhere stories live. Discover now