Will you?

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Eren POV

        It's been days but it felt like months. I never wanted to tell them but I had no choice. I have friends who are assassins great, I hate life already. On the other thought I never had a close friend except for that horse face who fucking follows me. Good thing he didn't came here screaming.

        “Master Eren!” a familiar voice yelled in the halls.

        Fucking great I thought so soon. He came in the door with a knife in his hands and of course he is a training assassin. Why do I have to be stuck with fucking assassins!

        “What horse face?” I said sitting up in my bed.

        He put his knife away while he stood near the door way, “One of the assassins name Levi told me you were here and I got mad because you have another protector,”

        I looked at Mikasa who was hiding in the shadows staring at Jean I sighed. “Jean meet Mikasa another protector,”

        He looked at the shadows and saw her holding a silver knife in her hands. He narrowed his eyes, “I seen you before,”

        Mikasa lowered her knife good there won't be any blood shed but who knows assassins likes too see blood.

        “You here too take away Eren?” she hissed.

        I turned around not listing to their conversation then chaos of glass shattering where the fuck they get glass from. I looked at them with a glare they both froze and sat near the wall.

        “Did I mention that I am a assassin hunter? I thought I made that clear,” I spat almost yelling.

        They both nodded their heads and said, “Yes you made that clear sir,”

        I sighed, “Can someone get me something to drink? Like water?”

        Mikasa nodded her head and left, I nodded my head towards Mikasa telling him to follow her. He nodded his head while I went back to sleep.

        It was dark and I sat there tied, but I stayed perfectly calm about it. I was hungry and thirsty but when I scan the room there was only guns, and more blood. I made a grunt but I was so hungry, I tried to move my legs but there was no hope I was locked in. I tiled my head seeing if I had my dagger it wasn't there. The door opened front of me shooting a beam of light in my face, I winced.

        “Eren! I finally found you after a long time!” a man said in a deep voice.

        I made a growl he just laughed, “What the fuck you want assassin?”

        He made a gasp noise but didn't seem surprised, “It is a shame that Eren the assassin hunter got tied up and going to die after he answers questions,”

        I woke up sweat coming down my head it seems like I am healed because my bandage was off and my bullet wound was closed. It was dark and a glass of water was there and Mikasa was awake polishing her gun.

        “What time is it?” I asked rubbing my head.

        “Around 3 why?” she asked.

        I shook my head and took a gulp of the water, “Nothing at all and hey when can I get out of this hell hole?”

        She smiled, “In the morning but you won't go to school about two weeks?”

        I nodded my head and slowly laid down then out of the window. It was nice but not beautiful like the stars you see at the ocean.

        “Hey Mikasa,” I said while she looked up at me.

        “What is it?” she asked.

        I smiled looking at her with a comforting smile, “If I die will you forget about me?”

        She looked shock at the question but then she sighed, “If you want me too,”

        I smiled even I knew my life would be near an end because soon they will forget about me and let me rot in a jail cell. I know their coming after me. 

(ErenxLevi) Assassins protectsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant