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Fred was woken up when he was shaken roughly by Pettigrew, who grabbed Fred's arm and quickly apparated the two men out of the room for the first time in months.

Calliope quickly followed by focusing on Fred, she opened her eyes and found herself stood beside Fred, who was sprawled out on the grass in a dark graveyard.

"Merlin no," Calliope murmured.

"What's wrong?" Fred whispered so that only Calliope could hear.

"It's happening," Calliope said, "the graveyard- Fred he's going to regain his own body now."

Pettigrew grabbed Fred by the scruff of his shirt and dragged him away from the main body of the graveyard and behind a large gravestone, "stay quiet boy." Pettigrew squeaked, not sounding very confident in what he was saying.

Pettigrew left Fred who seemed beyond confused at what was happening. Moments later there was a shuffling that could be heard in the graveyard. Calliope gave Fred a pointed look and pressed her finger to her lips, then she left Fred to see two people scrambling to their feet beside a cup that was emitting a strange blue light.

"Where are we?" Harry Potter asked as Cedric Diggory pulled him to his feet.

Diggory shook his head, and looked down at the cup with a frown on his face, "did anyone tell you that the cup was a portkey?"

"Nope," Harry said.

Before either of the newcomers could work out what was going on, several things happened at once. The first thing was that Fred jumped up from behind the bush and ran towards Harry and Cedric shouting, "run!"

The next thing that any of them knew, both Cedric and Fred had been blasted away from both Harry and the cup and had been tied tightly with chains a gravestone. Voldemort emerged into the graveyard with Pettigrew close behind him. Voldemort had an amused smile as he looked at Cedric and Fred struggling to escape their bonds, Voldemort's smile grew even wider when his eyes rested on a very confused Harry.

"Calliope?" Harry frowned, not understanding what was happening.

"No Potter I am not the banshee," Voldemort laughed a high, cold laugh, "Wormtail, restrain him."

Pettigrew did as he was told, he dragged Harry over to a large marble grave that had the name 'TOM RIDDLE' inscribed upon it. Harry was quickly bound to the gravestone. Whilst this happened, Voldemort made his way over to a large cauldron with a bubbling liquid inside of it.

"Fred," Calliope said, "cover your ears," Fred shot her a confused look, which she did not see as her eyes were fixed upon Voldemort, who was lighting a fire underneath the cauldron. Seeing the determined expression on Calliope's face, Fred did as he was told, he struggled against his bonds, and was able to cover his ears and block out sound.

Calliope let out an earsplitting scream that no one could hear, but Voldemort could feel it. He let out a shrill laugh, which made everyone in the graveyard jump, "the banshee is attempting to prevent what is prophecised. There is no escaping this halfbreed! I shall rise again, and there is nothing that you can do to stop it!"

With that, Calliope's body fell to the floor and a dark mist escaped it, the mist settled into the liquid in the cauldron.

"Bone of the father, unwillingly given, you will renew your son!" Wormtail declared, the surface of the grave that Harry was stood on cracked, and a fine trickle of bone dust floated its way into the cauldron at Pettigrew's request. Once the dust had settled in the cauldron, Pettigrew began whimpering as he spoke the next line, "Flesh of the servant, w-willingly given, you w-will revive your master!"

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