I Love You, Simon Lewis

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First of all, I can't believe I have gotten over 1000 views and 28 votes. I am so happy I could scream!

I'm so glad you are all reading and enjoying my Jimon stories. I love writing about my boys in love and I had a lot of fun writing about them.

I still have more Jimon stories and I'll post as inspired.

Please share my stories and comment and vote and what not.


Simon was saying something in that spastic and animated way of his and Jace chuckled even though he couldn't hear what he was saying.

He had left Angie's place furious because she had insinuated that he was cheating on her. With Simon no less.


Simon was his best friend in the whole world. If it hadn't been for Simon, he wouldn't be where he was. And Angie had the audacity to say that his dependency on Simon was unhealthy.



"Jace, best friends do not cuddle." Angie yelled. "You can't even spend the night with me because; according to you, you 'sleep better when he's close'. That is not a best friend, that's a boyfriend."

Jace rolled his eyes. She was just jealous because she knew she could never be as important to him as Simon was.

Simon was his best friend, his savior and his peace. He and Simon were a packaged deal. Anyone who didn't like it could eat his dust.

Unhealthy dependency.



He had no idea how long he sat, staring at the water below. All it would take was a tiny push and he'd fall into the icy depths.

He was tired. He could feel the bruises forming all over his body from his father's drunken rage. If he jumped now, no one would miss him.

There was no one.

"Hey?" he flinched at the voice. "I don't think that's a good idea, man."

He turned dull eyes to the boy standing behind him. He had huge glasses on his face and his brown hair peeked from under his hoodie. He had a guitar case strapped to his back. He looked worried.

"Jace? Jace Wayland?" he asked. Jace raised an eyebrow. How did this kid know his name?

"You're in some of my classes." The boy said, as if reading his mind. "We were paired together for Chemistry?"

Jace vaguely remembered that, but he didn't know who he was paired up with. It didn't matter though. After tonight, this kid would get another partner.

"Uh, I know it seems bad now, but you don't want to do that." The kid was still talking. "High School sucks, I know. Being a teenager blows even worse and sometimes I want to take a flying leap off this bridge myself, but then I think of all the stuff I wouldn't get to do, you know?"

Jace gave him a look. Was this kid for real?

"Like pizza." The boy grinned. "I can't imagine not having pizza. Ever. Plus I haven't even had my first kiss yet. I wouldn't want to die before that happens, you know? Although, I'm sure that won't happen for a while." He laughed. "I also still have to get back at Becks for dyeing my pair purple, that one time. So there's so much to do before...before this. Don't you think?"

Just The Two Of Us (Jimon) Vol.  1Where stories live. Discover now