Chapter 12

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Scarlett's POV~

Ashton, Calum, and I got into a taxi. Ashton sat in the back with me while Calum sat up front. I laid my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. Calum was talking to our driver about random things. I tried to zone him out but I couldn't

"So, how long have you been a taxi driver?" Calum asked starting a conversation.

"Oh gosh, where do I start? I guess it was back in 1996. You can do the math," he answered with a thick British accent.

"Seventeen years?" He low whistled.

"Is that how long? Wow I just can't keep count." And with that the conversation was over.


An hour later we arrived at the airport along with another taxi.

"You might want to stay here for a moment," Ashton suggested as he put a hand on my thigh. I nodded. He opened the taxi door and I heard ear piercing screams from teenage girls. I looked out the window to see Luke, Michael, Calum, And Ashton taking pictures and signing papers After 5 minutes Ashton came back to the taxi, grabbed my hand, and started introducing me to fans.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Many asked.

"Yes, this is Scarlett," he introduced. Some hated me but many were happy about us. I got to take pictures with fans and even sign some posters! It was so cool! When we finally made it into the airport Ashton intertwined our fingers. I smiled he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world.

"Are you ready, kitten?" He asked as we got to the gate.

"Kitten?" I asked.

"You know... A nickname something that only I can call you," he explained. I grinned and kissed him on the cheek. "I think you missed," he told me. I looked at him confused until he kissed me. Of course Luke had to clear his throat and ruin our moment. I groaned as Ashton chuckled.


"First class please aboard the plane," and voice was heard over the intercom. Ashton grabbed my arm and pulled me along down a long hall that leads to the opening of the plane. I could see Ashton felt excited while on the other hand I felt scared. I've never been on a plane before but I wasn't going to let my emotions take over.

Finally getting onto the plane, Ashton led me to a seat in front of Luke and Chloe. Michael and Calum decided to sit all the way in the back, for who in gods name knows why.

I sat by the window while Ashton sat on the outside. I started shaking, I couldn't help it. 'I hope Ashton doesn't notice' I thought to my self as he put in ear buds. I looked over at his phone and saw what song he put on. 'Royals By - Lorde' his phone stated before he turned it off. I smirked and pulled out my own phone. I forgot my screen saver was Ashton and I blushed. Ashton chuckled. I looked over and he was looking at my screen saver. I quickly unlocked it and he took it from my hands.

"Ashton!" I tried not to be loud. I could see he was looking through my photos. I crossed my arms over my chest as he laughed at the pictures I had of him. I felt my cheeks grow hot. He pressed the home button on my iPhone and pressed the contact app. He did a couple things and gave my phone back. I looked through the contact names and saw these;


'Cal - Pal'


And the one that made me laugh;

'Insert Cute Nickname For Me Here'

He nudged my shoulder while I typed in a nickname.

'Teddy Bear'

"Teddy Bear?" He asked

"Because you'll always cuddle with me," I explained as he kissed my cheek. "I think you missed," I smirked. He nodded and kissed me. I kissed back as I felt the plane rumble. I pulled back in fear. He wrapped his arm around me and told me it was all right. We had to turn off our phones so it would interfere with the plane. I looked out the window to see the plane rolling down the runway. My stomach did a flop as we took off. Ashton put his hand on my cheek to make me face him.

"Ash what are y-" I was cutoff by his lips crashing into mine. I forgot about the plane, the crying babies, and adults talking. All I was focused on was Ashton. Our lips moved in sync until he pulled back.

"I can't wait until we're in Australia," he whispered in my ear. I giggled and nodded. He leaned back on his chair humming a song. I put in my headphones and listened to the only thing on my phone... The 5 Seconds Of Summer album. I put it on shuffle and hummed along to 'Never Be'. I guess Ashton knew what I was humming to because he started to air drum to the song. I laughed air drumming with him.

I can tell this was going to be a fun flight.



Sorry of the short filler chapter... Alyssa and I are writing more since she's sleeping over at my house.

We still don't have a schedule to post sooooo I think it's just going to be random....

XOXO - Madie

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