Chapter 20

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Scarlett's POV~

Once I got the news I felt sick,

"I'll be right back," I told all of them as I got up and practically ran to the bathroom. I prayed someone wasn't in one of the stalls. I cursed myself quietly when I saw someone's feet under a stall door.


Boom! The stall door slammed open. I gasped lightly. A hooded figure stood in front of me.

I was about ready to shriek in fear before I felt a hand grab my mouth to keep it close.

'I told you before, shut up! Don't let him hear you,' I mumbled a weak 'help' before getting dragged out a rusty old bathroom.


I 'awoke' from my daydream, or should I say daymare, and I felt sick to the stomach. I could feel something coming up and without thinking I ran into a stall door. There was no time to feel the pain instead my dinner was coming up faster than a rocket taking off into space.

I opened the door, slamming it in the process, and went onto my knees and puked. Was not a lovely sight, none the less. Once I felt better I flushed the toilet. I checked my self in the mirror and I looked horrible. I reached into my bag suddenly feeling a pang of fear as I remembered someone was in the stall. I quickly fixed my makeup and ran out the door to meet my friends and boy friend.


When we got home I was so full. I couldn't believe my dress still fit on me... Ashton and I went inside as Luke and Chloe drove of to go to the fair.

"Scar, are you okay?" He asked grabbing my hand. I intertwined our fingers and gave his hand a squeeze.

"I'm fine," I told him with a fake smile. He nodded as we headed in side.

"I'm taking you out go an-" I cut Ashton off

"Didn't you already take me out?" I questioned.

"Let me finish," he told me "I'm taking you out on an adventure," my eyes turned bright.

"Go get dressed in normal clothes," he told me and I rushed up stairs. I put on black skinny jeans, a 'Take Me Away To Paradise' tank top and a red bandeau. I finished off the outfit with a black leather jacket.

I walked out of the master bedroom to see Ashton already dressed in a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and black skinneys. He low whistled and looked me up and down.

"Let's go," I said to him. He nodded. We headed out side and I grabbed the handle to the passenger side. He stopped me.

"We're running this time," he said giving me a wink. I suddenly got excited. I get to use my vampire 'powers' I haven't used them since Washington.

"We're going to the gas station that's a couple blocks down, you think you can keep up?" He asked, I couldn't help but notice his eyes. They were a beautiful shade of green when they where lit up.

"Scarlett?" He caught my attention by waving his hands in front of my face.

"Hm?" I answered

"Do you think you can keep up?" He asked repeating himself. I nodded.

"3..." He started to count down. "2... 1... GO!" He said zooming past me.

"Oh no you don't!" I yelled after him. With out thinking, I ran at vampire speed. I thought I was catching up to him but to my realization, he was much further than me. I cursed under my breath when I got to the old gas station and Ashton was leaning against it with two packs of Sour Skittles.

He tossed me one and I caught it.

"Thanks," I muttered. I started to open it but he stopped me.

"Not yet," he told me swatting my hand away. I pouted. "Follow me, but this time, were walking." I nodded and we started to walk along the sidewalk. We started talking about some random things until we reached a building. I looked at him and he nodded towards a ladder on the side. I started climbing up with him following. I was still clutching the sour skittles he had given me at the gas station. I reached the top and I covered my mouth. There were blankets spread across the roof with a portable DVD player. I moved out of the way so ashton could get up. Once he got up he hugged me around the waist and kissed me on the cheek.

"Do you like it?" He asked, his hand still around my waist. I nodded.

"Let's lay down," he said gesturing toward the pile of blankets. I nodded again and we lied down on the soft blankets that covered the concrete roof top. I took a look at the DVD player and saw Finding Nemo on the screen.

"Awh, baby!" I looked at him and he kissed me.

"I love you," he said as he pulled back. My heart leaped. 'Did he just say... I love you?'

"I love you to," I said as I pulled him in for another kiss.



I'll have to get used to it but I think it's cool, af.

Anyways... Sorry for being stupid and not updating but yeah.... Hope you all like it!

Madie XOXO

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