Chapter 22

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(Picture of Matthew above)

Scarlett's POV~

I never really got to say goodbye to Ashton. After the 'adventure' I didn't want to see him. Now, before you say anything, I want you to know that I didn't want to talk to him or say goodbye is because if we hugged I would never let him go. Once I heard the screeching of the bus I knew they were gone. That's when the tears started to flow. I couldn't handle myself. I was a wreck. I started throwing things across the room and cursing at the photos I had of us on my phone. Once I calmed down a little I decided to walk downstairs. Nothing. I heard nothing. The whole house was quite, aside from Chloe's mini whimpers, I didn't hear yelling, talking, banging pans. No, it was silent. A single tear fell from my eye. I watched it hit the floor. I realized how venerable I was, just standing there crying on a stair case. 'I must be strong,' I thought, 'I have to be able to show that I am not weak'. I walked down the stairs and saw Chloe. She was lying there curled up in a ball. I grabbed a nearby blanket and covered her.

I made my way into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge. It read;

'I hope you know that I am not mad at you what so ever. I love you. Remember that. Every time I'm at a performance I'm thinking of you. I love you baby, Ash.'

I tore off the note from the silver fridge and stuffed it in my pocket. The reason why I'm at Luke's house is for chloe, okay maybe because I didn't want to be alone but whatever, I didn't want to leave her alone even though I'll be next door. I sighed abnormally loud and made myself walk up the stairs. I opened the door to what was once Chloe's clean room. But now, notebooks, trash, anything I could find ended up on the floor. I started to pick some things up and put them neatly back into their rightful place. Once I was finished I walked out, trudged down the stairs, and left. No trace. Hopefully chloe would wake up and realize that I was gone and not be mad.

As I was walking I looked over to the old alley I had once saw a guy come out of. I guess my adventuress side came onto me when I crossed the street towards the dark ,what seemed like a, cave. Walked in looking around. I could see clearly, like it was daytime. Only, it was night, I looked around and saw old dumpster. It was empty, I was still confused of how I could see clearly in the middle of the night. Then it hit me, I was a vampire! I totally forgot!

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" A unfamiliar voice, I whipped around and saw a tall, pale man standing almost a few inches from my face. He had silky black hair with a tough leather jacket around his shoulders.

"U-um, I'm s-sorry I didn't-t know anyone was in h-here," I stuttered almost tripping while walking backwards. A smirk grew on his face.

"Oh dearie, it's alright with me, but you better be careful around here or you'll see me in the wrong place at the wrong time," I nodded, turned and started walking. "One more thing," I turned on my heel to look at him. "I'm Mathew," he said.

"Scarlett," I said while turning and walking out of the alley.

Chloe's POV~

I woke up to the sound of buzzing. Letting out a growl of frustration I reached over to the coffee table and grabbed my phone. I turned my phone on to see I had two text from Luke,

Luke xoxo-


Luke xoxo-

Answer your phone!

Unlocking my phone I went to messages and replied back.

- Luke! You interfered with my beauty sleep!

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