Chapter 6| Stupid rumors

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"I fucked up bad, Gen!" I suck on my teeth. As soon as Calvin left I grabbed my phone and called Genevieve. I didn't know what else to do. How could I be such a dumbass?

"I mean you stuck to deny deny deny." She shrugs through the screen. I groan loudly and pace back and forth between my room.

"He knows he was talking about Grayson Ugh why did he have to twist my words! Fuck, now he's for sure going to break up with me." I whine.

"Well, now you can be with Grayson." She says in a perky voice.

"I don't like him!"

"You had a dream about him and thought of him during your little argument. I think you do." She bites her lip.

"No, I don't." I sigh.

I sit at the edge of my bed and screw my eyes shut. I can't get the image of Calvin's face turning emotions. How could Gaby tell him? I'm over here being supportive of her and she rats me out? Maybe Genevieve is right. Maybe something is going on between those two.

The next day at school is excruciating. I haven't seen Calvin at all and we always meet by the front entrance before first period. As I walk by the semi-empty halls I see Gaby at her locker. Her locker is the top locker so you can see the perfect shot of her stomach. Her growing stomach. She's wearing a short-sleeve shirt and you can definitely see the curve and roundness at her stomach. She's always been the skinnier one and I guess you'll be able to see her bump fast.

"You're keeping it?" I ask once I get to her. She looks over at me and slightly turns pink.

"Oh yeah. I thought I had told you." She hesitates.

I shake my head no and look down at her stomach again. "How'd your parents react?"

"My mom was mad at first but she says she'll be supportive. My dad isn't talking to me so that's fun." She sighs.

I nod the sudden urge starts popping at my throat. "So how'd the dad react?"

Fuck. I guess that was a strong urge.

She stops for a second and closes her locker. "H-He didn't take it well when I told him I'd be keeping it."

The bell rings and Gaby tightly holds her books to her chest. "I'll see you later, Sel."

She walks by me and I turn my head over my shoulder to see her disappear into the flooding hallways.

I have math third period. My first period is English and art is my second.

I walk into the small classroom and sit in my usual seat in the back. Scarlett walks in a few seconds later and sits next to me.

We greet each other and talk a little before the bell rings again.

"How's Calvin? Things didn't go so week last night and  I haven't heard from him since." I confess.

"He came home all mad and then he was arguing with someone on the phone like an hour later." She shrugs.

The same thought creeps into my mind and I try to desperately shake it away. It's Friday and Grayson and I are going to do our tutoring session during lunch today since he has to go to his Aunt's or something.

We sit at a table away from everyone in the school library. I set down my lunch tray beside my bag and try to quickly eat my food while Grayson sets up his stuff.

"Some girls were talking about your friend's baby bump in my Psychology class today." He whispers.

"I asked her about it and she just seemed off," I whisper back.

"You don't think..."

"I'm trying not to." I sigh, shoving a french fry in my mouth. "But it's hard when Genevieve shoves the idea down my throat. I don't know I think I'll talk to Calvin later today or something. He got mad at me last night and I haven't seen him since."

"What'd he get mad at you for?" He asks.

Wouldn't you like to know?

"Just some silly argument." I play it off.

We go over our study guide for math and to my surprise, I'm slowly getting better at these math problems.

We take a minute to finish writing down problems and I can't help but glance at him. I really like his eye color. The way the green specks really show in the light. The way they look almost brown at first glance.

Fuck. Stop it, Selena.

He drops his pencil and leans back in his chair, cracking his knuckles.

I jump and look everywhere but him. Great way to be slick.

I'm still with Calvin. These rumors could be just rumors. These rumors are killing me. I have to ask him about it tonight for once and for all.

The shy boy from math classWhere stories live. Discover now