Chapter 1

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Chapter Text
"The universe have countless different quantum realities, where each one of us do exist but in different form of life, or story!" As Slav explains making weird among of body movements so the human children pay's attention to him. Each one them gasp in believe. While others makes no movement but listening.

Behind the class room Keith stands watching everything in front him. He was surprised, that Slav was this good with children. When Slav stopped talking, each children sits in there respects seats. Slav talks again
" there's so many realities, you could get lost in them!" He said before pausing "but if you know which world you live in" Before class end one kid raid his hand and asked " sir... which world do we live in?" He asked.

The sound of that question caught the attention of Keith who was leaning against the wall. He straightening his back.

Slav holds his ten arms up in the air started to count, it takes him about fourteen seconds, until he jolted, to eye the students and said  "six" that was surprised everyone in the class room.
Guess even Slav himself.
The school bell ranged as students rushes out of class.

Keith waits behind as students cleared. He reached to his nape and started to rub it, he was never this calm and also exhausted before when he and the other's ended the war with Galra. And it has been 5 years since then.

Allura left earth to ruler over Altea, and Hunk followed her as in exploring the galaxy. He wanted to learn alien species culture's. Pidge in the other hand have been testing Altea and Galra tech by using Earth's tech and combining them together. Shiro and Lance both stayed in galaxy garrison. Shiro have become the most highest ranking commander.While Lance stays as fighter pilot but he teaches as well.

Commander Iverson sent Keith and Slav to teach and pick up students who wanted to get in the garrison. And of course Keith couldn't say no, he had nothing to do! And that school was same school that he was in as a kid. He never dreamed returning to his old school were he spend rest of his childhood.

He was exhausted... for some reason, everything was glowing and shining. It's like he was dreaming. Students and children laughing and running as they has no worries of being attacked by an furry purple alien or magical elf's. It almost peaceful, he never thought of peace when he was fighting Shiro, or Zarkon or anyone.

But he knows the day will come. And it did!.

One pad in a shoulder, he jolted in back to the real world, and Slav was giving him a weird look. "What?" Keith said there was shear amount of annoyance in his tone. "Well in 5 percent of realities, a kid stoled you're arm when you were zoning out, then without one hand you would anle fight so you get crushed by evil monster or worse torched to crisp by protecting someone instead of that person" he said, getting too much close to Keith's face for god's sake. Keith pushed Slav away. "I-i what! ... listen I don't understand what you are saying!" Keith said.

"Well you se-"

"You know what, I don't care!" Keith cuts him off while try to end the conversation but

"ooh where's Lance?"

He looked around a bit, there was no sign of Lance at all, as if he was never existed. The halls of the school was too bright, it ended up making him sleepyhead. Being too sleepy and tired, it annoyed him. He sighed "i'll look for him, he was teaching other class, anyway were going to leave in a hour!" He walked way, leaving Slav.

Earth 12000 "Sir we picked up stress signal." One galra solider said. "Where?" "Uuh planet earth?! But it's impossible for any living creature survive in that toxic atmosphere of earth. It been dead for decades. What should we do Commander Sendak?" Sendak steps in command center, he was wearing light purple amor, no more glowing yellow eyes, and most importantly has was alive. "We should be careful, it might be trap. Contact the Altean's." He said. Galra solider nods in agreement as the ship moves towards to dead planet. In sight the ship disappeared in smoking mist.

Keith walks in the school ground, finding Lance sitting in the bench reading a book. A book he give him in his last birthday.  

"Hey lance!?" He said waving his hand in the air. Lance looks amazing as ever, his brunette messy hair waves gently in the wind. The sun shines trough his beautiful brown skin. "Keith, whats up?" He gets up, snapping his book shut running his way to Keith. Lance holds his hands tight.

"So were leaving!" "Ooh~ this early! Man i was having good time with this kids." Lance's face changes, as he sighed in disappointment. "Can't help it you know commander Iverson. If me and him goes clashing again, i'm might kicked out of garrison in matter of seconds!" Keith replies while Lance mummers in his mouth, pounding his cheek "It might worth it" "What!" Keith says while Lance started to pinch his cheeks.

"Nothing nothing! I was just jocking, Mr. Grumpy pants!" Brunette said releasing his cheeks while walking his way back to school halls. Keith stays for a bit as he watches Lance leave him but not permanently. As the winds blows the burning leafs falls from the gaint tree an top him. In matter of sweep in the wind. The half galra see a man that was almost familiar to him. Man's black hair and his pale but colorful skin beames in dark aura. His purple black eyes stares soullessly trough The black paladin of Voltron.

"KEITH" he looked behind, Lance was waving his hand, smiling lively. When Keith returns his focus on the figure, the man was gone. There was no sign of such person was like ever existed. "Coming!" Keith turns back making his way to Lance. He stares at the ground as something felt different. The feeling of emptiness and uneasiness. Like the sky is going to crashing down. "Keith" gentle whisper snappes Keith out of his daylight slumber. Raising his head, he greeted with Lance who had consurned face. Guess he was staring the green grass so long, it worried Lance. "You okay, you been like this the day we come here" lance said his face was full of worries. "Ye-yeh i'm fine. You don't have too worry to much" "No really, i know it lost cost and it's too late to say it but, you sure to waste your time being here, rather than traveling trough galaxy and commanding the blade of marmora with your mom." Lance says in such a confidence.

"What! Of course not, Lance I promised you that day i will never leave your side. I will forever be with you, no matter what" those words he did really mean it, in deep inside his core. He will never leave Lance. Even if they separated he'll find him. Lance sighs and then raised his head, in touch of a skin Keith's lip was meeted with Lance's. Soft and warm feeling of Lances lip. He kissed him plenty of times, but this was completely different. Things about to change, and felt like he couldn't never stop it.

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