Chapter 14

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When the Marmora ship's door slides open, Lance and Keith bursts in, both looking shocked, Keith looked like he had gone to meat grinder.  

"Ooh quiznack." Krolia said while greeting both man, she holds Keith up and helped him to sit.
"Ok Keith, i need to ask you something, before I forget and panic! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! WAS THERE OTHER ME! WAS THERE OTHER YOU! I don't get it!" Throwing his hand around, Lance started to ramble. Krolia noted that whenever Lance was scared freaked he do that, Keith was silent beside her. He was looking down on his shoe. Shaking!

"Keith?" She asked petting her son's bloodied hair.

"ANSWER ME DAMN IT!" Lance this shouted, and it seems to work as Keith snapped out suddenly getting up from his sit.
"I— Lance i'm sorry, I thought!" He didn't even answer as he plummeted back to his sit. "What?" Asked Lance, he was relentless today. Krolia wonders who or what had ruffled his feathers today as he was not backing down even though he is seeing his husband state in front if him.

"Lance i think you need to stop, he's not in the mood!" Krolia said trying to calm down Lance. But oh no it is seems she have insulted him as Lance gave her a nasty glare. Keith was shaking at this point, but she know that he wasn't shaking because of what had happened in the ship. He was angered. "KEITH YOU CANNOT JUST IGNORE ME!!!" Lance screamed but his shouting was cut short by another.

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW! LEAVE THE FUCK ALONE" Keith finally screamed back "I CANNOT BE AROUND YOU , JUST FUCKING LEAVE!" Lance was taken back by his scream as Lance took a step back. Krolia was frozen in place as she looked at her son. He was truly angry, but she felt as though it had hurted him, Keith realized what just happen as he cover his mouth with his hand.

Lance then changed his gazed at Krolia his eyes hurt and teary "tell him! To go fuck himself" said Lance one last time as he sharply turns around and left.

It was the first time she had seen her son argue with his husband, in fact she only seem them bicker for time to time, but never in length to screaming match. Whatever happened at that ship, Keith was angry at Lance.

Suddenly Keith gets up again "mom?"


"Blow up that ship, it shouldn't even be here!" His voice was tired and worn, his eyes were glassy, he appeared to be dehydrated. But reluctantly she nodded.

Leaving Keith on his own devise, she left the room and went up the main controller room. There she saw Kolivan seeming to observing the ship.
"Kolivan!!" She walked up to the general "we need to blow that ship up!" She told him, he frowned.
"Why? What did he find out? He should have reported to me about his finding!" He said completely oblivious about what had happened. She shakes her head.

"I don't think Keith is in a state of reporting to you right now!" She answered. Kolivan saw quite for a moment "he was the only one survived, isn't he!" As tragic as it was, Krolia had already was accustomed to it. Maybe even Keith, but something had tired her poor son up for three days.
"Yes! He asked me to blow it up!" She doesn't know if Kolivan would follow through, maybe they would send more soldiers up there. And see whats in there, but based on Keith's looks it impossible.
"Well then blow it up, it is!" With a bored voice Kolivan leaned into one galra and whispers something to his ear. With a minute the galra nodded.

Taking this as mission complete, she turned around made her leave. As she walking the explosion irrupted behind her, the impact of the explosion caused the ship to loose some control but it was mere second. Turing her head around she saw a bits and pieces of the rotten ship floating through the endless space.

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