Chapter 5

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Dark earth 0
Princess Allura was sharpening her sword, silently she listen to the hard rock clashing with metal of the sword. But the hard drop caused her to fly off from her throne. She pulled herself off the ground. The giant shadow towered her, eye widens as she first time meets the beauty that was Voltron.

The Voltron was covered in black goo like veins it has loosened jaw. Its eyes were burning with dark flames.

Allura never seen this miracle before as she hold her hands up in the air. Almost laughing. Feeling jolt of joy she never felt for long time, since her mother died.

"You're amazing" she whispered.

Her joy was short lived, the Voltron suddenly lift its hand revealing a sharp purple giant sword. And it was the end.

Dark earth 7
Shiro stands in-front of the broken cabin on top the hill. The wind blows strongly, and his hair got into his eye but Shiro didn't mind it.

How long has he been standing there, probably awhile since he landed. There was silent chattering behind his ear as the two soldiers started to whisper to each other.

Why can't he go there? He did got the warning from another dimension, that there was a evil force coming to there way.
Has it already here, but why they didn't got the signal. It was silent kill.

He picked his pocket, brings up the cigarette between his fingers, his hand shake violently, lighting it up.

"I have to go up there" he sighed deeply, he cannot see the scene but he have to.

He walks up to the hill. As he do his legs wobbles and shakes, his eyes swell up with tears, and started to choke.

He was in-front of the cabins door now, he pushed it, there was numb feeling, a blood splatter on the wooden walls as he sees Lance's head, Pidge who's hanging on the wall with a fucking chainsaw impaled in her.

Dropping his cigarettes he mumbles in breath "who did it!"
The soldiers behind him screamed as one of them were dropped dead on the ground. His head rolled down the hill. Other soldier screamed until his scream was ceased. And standing front of him was a man who's feet taller than his rocking a black coat that was ripped in the edge.

The man turned his head revealing an evil smirk.

"WHO, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, WHY DID YOU DO THIS?" Shiro screamed at him, but the man didn't response.
But seconds later he laughed, his laughter was so hallow and chilling he felt like the wind knocked out of him.
"Well aren't you pathetic one! At least you're the one worth living!" He said pointing at himself "call me the Prime Paladin"
Current reality:6
Keith opened his eye his spine was killing him with this terrible sore. But he realized he was laying on the ground, covered in dirt. He saw Lance laying face first on the floor.
"Lance?" He crawled to him, then hold in his arm. Lance's face twisted, confirming his alive.

Keith remember that Pidge and Hunk called them about there special time machine, which was Keith desperate to destroy. Pidge switched on something, and there was bright light, now nothing. He looked around the tables and chairs were destroyed the small time machine was in same place completely intact. Everything in the room except the machine was broken.

"Pidge? Hunk?" No sign of them. The door forcefully opens as Matt enters in panic
"Are you guys okey! what happened?" He asked, Keith head was throbbing "i...I don't what happened!" He said weakly. 

A couple of people enters the room as they dragged the both paladins into nursery room.

Keith sits in the bed, male doctor examined his head, then bandaged it with clean cloth. He glance at Lance who was laying, the doctor checked his temperature and pressure.

Doctor murmured something, then started to make his leave. But Keith stopped him.
"Is he alright?" The doctor give him a look then sighed. "Well he will be fine, the explosion did shocked him a bit, but he'll be fine" the doctors eye lights a bit until he leave.
The doctor who examining him suddenly looked at him. "So ughh Keith? How are you feeling?"
"Well didn't you already know, my head is still throbbing and its just getting annoying!" He said

Doctor shakes his head "no not that have you having hallucinations or like episodes or something?"

What? Why could he, he didn't had traumatic experience happened to him, expect fight with Shiro but that wasn't, that traumatic.

"No, no not at all" he asked, doctor was silent for a minute until he takes his mask off.
"Listen, i just wanted to say, is that people who usually comes out of war, intended to have PTSD, it got so frequent, its a normal thing to us, i picking up intense strong wave from you brain, i want you to have a break, sleep tree time a day and i wont advise you to drink"

Well Keith did try drinking about week ago but didn't got a sip. Maybe he should - what are you going to do about it doc.
Keith silently agreed, "fine whatever!" He hopped down the bed, His eye where Lance was, but he already had left.

He walked across the halls as the new cadets salutes him, he nodded at them but not paying much mind.
Lance was standing front Pidges office.
"Lance, what are you going here?"
"I thought they could be here, but I can't find them anywhere"
"Now that you said when i wake up they weren't there!" Keith approached the guard who was... well guarding the door. The guard salutes.
"Hey! I have a question, why did you quarantined this place?"
"I'm sorry sir that's classifi-" the explosion behind the man cut short his answer. Causing both of them to fly. The fire alarm goes off as the cadets started runs and scream.

Keith wakes up try to breath out the toxic gas from his lungs. Lance was laying on the ground. Wasting no time he grabbed Lance by the shoulder and started to drag him.
Both of them greeted with two professors of the garrison, until one of them shot dead purple like laser. Keith looks behind himself as this weird looking creature stands pointing its weapon at him.
It was gross looking, it teeth's were pointing out of its jaws skin, piercing it. Its eyes were covered with very old looking cloth with blood dried on it. Its armor was nothing but ripped under-armor, it seems to have been tied by thin wire that looked like it has spikes on it.

It charged its weapon but stopped, staring at seemingly at Lance. Keith backed away to remaining professor who was alive, giving unconscious Lance to her. She gently hold him.

The creature tilted its head. Then smiled wickedly, it backed away slowly taking it sweet time to torment Keith, hunting him.

Before it disappeared into the black mist it said something but he couldn't hear.
And its was gone.

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