Chapter 3

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Earth 12000
"After such a terror Prime paladin did to his own planet, we cannot let the same thing happen to other earths. You do realize that." Coran said to Allura while she being stitched up by her healer.

Allura hissed in pain "i know Coran, but I cannot do anything against him, humans being tortured, corrupted. People of earth is evil. There's no turning back!" She said the sadness and quilt on her face, her eyes were no more shiny and sparkly as it was, now its just sore-full abyss. There's countless battle scars on her body.
Muscle she build, not because she wanted to because she has to. Princess of altea, to soldier, to battle scarred worrier.

She remember the time were the paladins was like second family to her. She cheerers them. She think she saved them, find them a home. But now knowing that she was the one who takes there home away.

She made them dangerous soldiers. A soldiers that capable of never ending killing apocalypse.  

Allura can't remember what caused this apocalypse. Because she has amnesia! or she chose not to remember.
But one thing she know, Allura never seen such massacre, one man can make. It traumatized her beyond healing.

The door slides open. The two of only survivors of earth steps in.
"My queen there something have breaks trough the atmosphere of earth, it's coming in our way."one said who was wearing a red uniform he was tall. His hair was black and small curl peaking.
"What is it?" Allura asked. One behind him answered "its voltron"

"WHAT, whats is it doing here?" Coran gasps.

"It doesn't matter move the syncline, quickly do not waste time."The ship bends aside. Everyone in the ship expect the black hair stared to fall aside. He was floating, he looked at other human " uhhg Jon help?" He reached his hand to him, and Jon held it tight. "I got you Dami,"

Damian sees Voltron closing there way, there sword drawn and Black goo like hell flame was coming out of it eyes. Theres no way five human controlling that thing, it was moving on it own.

It raised it sword swinging it in pure shear of strength. 

In brief moment, everyone holding there breaths. Suddenly the ship goes light speed, Allura opens the wormhole. In seconds before Voltron sword hit it, the syncline disappeared.

Leaving Voltron in anger, it screams in lion and human mix. 

Thirty minutes later

Allura's heart beats fast. Coran was holding his breath and finally releasing it, with loud "peewww i that was closer than before, how come Voltron getting more and more stronger!" He said
Allura wipes her sweat from her forehead, and grabs a coat, then covers herself. Feeling like exposing her naked skin.

She looked at the other two humans and mutters in her breath " i know.......somehow"

"Are you two okey?" Allura asked. Jon who is half alien raised his arm and waves. She takes that as "yes" Damian stands there, his eyes widened, with shock in his face.

Then without a word he points at the main window. She returns to Jon who was making same expression. Allura finally maked her way same.

The Voltron looking them dead in the eye.

Next Allura was suffocating, her lungs started to fail, and her eyes closes on its own. She try to take a breath but nothing. Everything was cold and dark. And she was floating in nothingness.

But before giving up, she saw Voltron gobbling up the front nose of the ship.

Current reality: earth 6
"Keith, Keith... dude wake up!" Lance patted Keith's cheeks but not gently thou, Keith grunts, hot ray of the sun radiates and it started to burn his skin.
"Okey, okey fine, I'm getting up. And don't call me dude when I'm your husband" he says rubbing his eyes. Lance stares at him. And Keith returns it.
"You're pretty you know that Keith" was it the sun or its just him. His face burns even more.
He shoved Lance's face "please don't stare."
Lance jumped from bed on to the floor.
"Okey dokey husband dude" he winked. Keith shakes his head wondering why the hell he was so jumpy and smily today, rolls up form the the bed. Checking the time it was almost evening.

"Lance why didn't you go to work?"

"What do you mean, today's Saturday!" He say behind the door of the bathroom, Keith can hear Lance starting a shower.

Scratching his head, he can only reply " ohh yeah"

Staring senselessly at the door, his mind wonders back in time when he was in school grounds, that man or a boy. Have not leaved his mind.
For some reason he know that person, yet he doesn't remember persons face.

Was he hallucinating or was it something else?

Following the walls his eyes stumbled across the calendar, one date was marked heavenly in red.

Hopping off from bed he moved closer. It was there wedding date. Two weeks from now, there will be married and live together. Well not if there together not, but still, both of them will grow old together.
Just thinking about it gave his heart a jump.

Speaking of jump, the calendar falls and then ground started to shake violently. Everything was moving. Then it stopped.

One seconds of panic, Lance bust out from room. Fainting heavily.
"Keith are you alright?"
"Yes, but you?"keith answered back "what just happen, i never felt this strong earthquake before" is

Hours of cleaning up and dressing, they finally decided to get out, to see if neighbors were okey.

But they didn't expect to see giant gap that was made in middle of the road. It was almost miles away. Two of the neighbors waves, And Lance waved back gesturing if they okey. She raised her hand and made motion.

"Keith what should we do?" Asked. Lance peaked at the gap.
"We should call our lions find a way to fix this gap and connect the roads." He kneels, then closing his eyes trying to call, The Black lion.
Soft humming in his head, he felt Black lions presence. And in a minute Black lion roars on top of him hovering, beside him was Red.

He can hear people at the other side amazed by the scene in-front of them.

"Wow imagine what Ms. Anderson feeling right now, i bet she never guessed her noisy neighbors to be a freaking defender of the universe." Lance laughs in comm. Keith chuckles in comment, reminded that Ms. Anderson not very fond of them. Thinking them as good for nothing trouble makers always making loud noises in the morning. Now she know why.

"Do not worry, we will take it from here, please step aside for a minute." Keith said in the comm, it was like giant Robot lion speaking to them.

"Okey whats, plan?"
"I have no idea"
"Are you serious,"
"Yes" Lance grunted at Keith comment.

Lance was silent fro a moment until he speaks
"What about you hold the two while i try and melt them together."
"Well thats worth the try!" They follow the plan, Keith floating in the middle of two cliffs and sinks lions claws on the dirt. Lance fires hot lava, as Red lion approaches in Keith direction.

"Keith In count of tree, move as fast as you can"

He gripped the controller tightly
Jolting his body he moved The black lion, in mid air. And steady.
"Did it work?" Keith asked
"Yeah! Good job"

They step out of the cockpit, greeted by countless of civilians. But before they can meet them, there comms were buzzing until Pidge screamed in in there ear.
"Guys i need you here now!" She said sound inpatient. "Yeah alright but what the fuck is going on" Keith screamed back at Pidge. But she replied with fast paced rambling "there's no time to explain, I promise you it won't take long".

Keith sighed in exhaustion "fine" he was not expecting this kind of morning.
So much of time spending with Lance.

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