Chapter 12

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Lance grippes the photograph of Lotor harder. The cargo ship shakes as its bumps into a small meteor. One of two soldiers who was escorting him back to earth, looked at the photo he had.
"So this is Lotor?" He innocently asked, Lance however just looked at him and smiled, assuring him. "Yes this was the guy who was trying to destroy the universe." The guy shrugs as he minds his own business, obviously unimpressed.

When they finally landed on earth, he get off of the ship. Greeted by Nikolia, he was one of the higher ranking garrison generals. Lance's respect for this man has increased in following year. Not just only him but the whole garrison itself.

The respect also comes from the fact that he was attractive. Very attractive, he won't say he was on high rank as Keith, but he was there.

Lance approached the man as they shake hands "it great to see you again. What do you need me for?" Lance asked as Nikolai guides him to his office.
"Based on what i'm hearing, you are investigating the missing Alrean cruiser for almost a year now! Correct!" He said seating himself in-front of his desk. Lance followed "yes! I been trying to solve this problem and i'm close." Lance said smiling a bit. Nikolai nodded as both of them started talking about the mission and investigation.

The whole thing about Altean cruiser was unorganized, things just come in place without any sense. And Lance wasn't even a investigator, he doesn't like the subject and yet here he was.

Nikolia's face turned serious, clapping his hands together. He leaned in. Lance heard every word he had to say.
After an hour of flight he finally landed home, when unlocked his house, he realized the house was dark. As in no one have been here about three or two days dark. Lance was skeptical to enter but sucked up and went in.

And he was right no one was here for days.
The feeling of dread and worry was started to fill his gut as he pulled out his communicator. Calling Krolia.
It took seconds for her to answer.

Instantly her skin went pale just looking at him. She forced a smile trough her face.

"L-Lance how"

"Where's Keith?" Krolia's face fell, choking on her saliva. She hold back the tear that was about to flow trough her cheeks.

"Lance its not something you to worry about!" She was obviously lying. Trough the years Lance learned the way people lie. The reflexes they do while lying.
"Please! Don't lie to me! What happened?" He came out as very aggressive but in reality he was just tired.

When Krolia was finally convinced to talk about where his husband is. She started to say some weird stories that no way Lance was going to believe. Especially if the theories that made was from Slav of all creatures.

But at the same time Lance was skeptical. Maybe they were telling the truth. Whatever is happening Lance decided to go where they are with the Red lion.

The feeling of worry was suddenly down. If what Krolia was saying is true then his love is in danger. He should be panicking, not sitting on their love bed by the edge, soullessly staring at the wall where their calendar hang.

The giant red circle marking the day when, they'll forever be together. He wondered if the wedding will be cancel or delayed. He doesn't want it to late, he doesn't want his family and friends be disappointed, when realized that a day they were waiting desperately was never happening.

The thought gives him a panic.

Holy shit! am i an asshole?

Maybe he was an asshole, or just something snapped in him when Nikolia said those word to him like that. Crumbled in million pieces never recovering. So he became numb.

Waiting for the red lion wasn't long until giant lion started to hover over their house freaking out the neighbors. Keith could love seeing them running around like a headless chicken.

Lance made a small chuckle as Red purred above him.

Pidge and Hunk barely survived the wave of explosions and blood. For seconds Pidge was completely out of it, unable to know what was happening around her. Only being guided by Hunk, who was now panting as if his life depended on it. She felt bad for him.

The moment of silent washed over, they had nothing to say. The shock still hadn't wear off. One moment they were in garrison the second they were witnessing the last battle of humanity.

"Pidge... whats going on? What did you do?" Hunk voice almost came out a whisper of the wind. But Pidge quickly turned around and started to explain.
"You see... i was making an machine made out of same metal that created Voltron, the lions. By using the Quintessence that I borrowed from Altea" she was hiding behind her dirty white coat. Hunk looked furious, when he was actually angry its not a great sight to see. She doesn't want to taste that fury. But she had it well deserved.

Hunk pinched the tip of his nose "how do you fix it!" Pidge started to fidget as she looked around the environment. The place was completely destroyed. The giant hole where a city was standing, they were just above it on top of the cliff. Looking at it. The dread of she did it started to fill her chest.

"Pidge tell me. What happened?" He sound desperate, people died, a lot of in fact. And it was all her fault.

The guilt was eating her alive.

"I created a time machine. Which means, were in an alternative reality. I called it 'The Mirror Edge'" she said looking down on a ruined city "i know that name sound edgy but trust me, it makes sense. You see it can create a mirror like image of a person, say Lance, you take our Lance and put him in front of the machine i showed you back at the Garrison. It hits the said person then boom. Some place, somewhere a gate opens and different Lance can enter, doesn't matter how many. But each of them have to be different in some way!" She finished explaining as Hunk watched her.


"What you think about we stuck here?" He asked. She never think about it until now. But she know the answer so well. "We wait until we got sucked back to our own world... but i think it will take long time. I'm so sorry Hunk" she wanted to cry. This place sucks so much ass that Pidge never felt this dreadful.

The world were Voltron never existed, her never became friends. This is what happens when you mess with time. And she blame no one other than herself.

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