Chapter 7

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Its been almost 2 days since Lance left, yes Keith kept a count. There was a sudden dread was building up on his throat.
While waiting for Lance he watch some weird junks on Netflix to pass his time.
Goes jogging around the neighborhood.

Then maybe cook something for himself . After awhile he head to the kitchen, thanks to him growing up alone, he learnt how to cook to save his life. Lance is very good at baking especially the cinnamons.
He poured the pod with water, boiling it to max. Then he started to cut the onions, then he pulled out three potatoes, cutting it. He repeated his motion couple of time with different veggies. Then putting it on boiling water earning a sweet smell. Alone in a house he was used to, their house wasn't that big, in fact one living room connected to the kitchen also connected to the bathroom and bedroom. It was just enough for both of them in a mean time. Outside, the rain was still pouring.
The house was soo quiet for Keith it became depressing. After thirty minutes of silence making curry, eventually he made the table himself and Lance. But he waited until Lance's arrival, he felt like lost puppy. He isn't like this.

Sitting in silents waiting for Lance. He know he shouldn't be clingy. He should be doing something but what? It been too quite. Keith eventually gets up from the kitchen chair, making his way to the gloomy dark living room where rain is loudly pouring outside.

Detecting his communicator laying on the glass coffee table. Taking it he turned it on. The object lights a bit until Krolia's face pops out of the screen.
"Keith!" She smiled showing how much she's happy to see him. And Keith was happy too, he do have a small amount of guilt in him, he declined his mother's recommendation. He smiled back at her.
"Hey mom! How have you been?" Maybe he should join her. Since Lance isn't paying much attention to him. Krolia looked distressed by the sound of that question, she rubbed back of her head. "Well, we do need a hand, currently i have been having a bad feeling. Slav isn't helping either!"
Keith sits in the couch not taking his eyes away from Krolia. "Yeah what about Slav?"
"Ugh you know him, screaming nonsense. We try to ignore him but at the same time it seems like this uncanny feeling been affecting everyone!" Now that Keith think about it, it hasn't been feeling same since he left that school. It feels like everyone is hiding something from him. Ignoring him.
"Tell me about it, i have been unease about this...stuff, I don't even know what it is!" Krolia sighed sound tired. "Would you give me your coordinate. I'll go to you, to figure this out together" krolia smiled then chuckled under her breath. "Do what you like, the blade of mormora welcomes you warmly." She said Keith nodded ending the call.
The extraction point that his mom give him was right above his house. Which resulted his neighbors going haywire on the streets. It was funny for seeing them panic like headless chicken . Lance could've given him a stinky eye if he catches his laughing. And Keith doesn't want that.
The giant ship hovers over there house as he climbed jet up away.
Once his inside, he was greeted with Kolivan.
"Keith, nice to see you're shadow for once"
"Ha, trust me theres someone better than i am!"
Kolivan eyed him weirdly but shrugs it off.
"So whats all the fuss?"
"We have been getting this unknown stress signals from every corner of the universe, but once we reached the coordinate theres no one there. Some of our technicians thinks it a bug in out system, but Slav thinks its heavily unlikely!" Kolivan explains, Keith sighed rubbing his temple. "Of course Slav, what is he saying this time?"

"He said it was a warning from other earths, more likely other universes."
"From what?"
"No clue!"
"Of course, why wouldn't it be.! Damn it just when everything going perfecto!"
Kolivan slapped Keiths head "stop whining! Come on"
"I'm not whining! It true though"
When he and Kolivan reached the main HQ, he was baffled by Slav who was clearly having seizure.
"What the hell is he doing," Keith asked amazed.
" i have no quiznacking clue we didn't even invite him in, but here we are!" Krolia said frowning her eyebrows.
"It same thing, just like before. He's going to destroy the multiverse." Ten armed alien leans into Keith.
" I DON'T KNOW,"Slav screamed. Keith back up.
"Slav what the fuck are you saying, look around you. You affecting everyone in this room."
Slav looked behind, seeing some of the galra soldiers. Looked worried and kinda scared" i' sorry. I'm really sorry"

Kolivan gripped Slav shoulder.
" tell us!"
Slav sighed sitting. " theres someone in other dimension breaking through reality, heading... somewhere. Or looking for something, someone. But all i know is he's killing and destroying everyone and everything that gets in his way. And"
"He's heading in our way."
"It ridicules, how do you know this?"
"I made a blue print during Zarkon's reign. As prisoner. I have already built it"
"Could you show us"
"No! I can't"
"I see! Please take care of Slav for me" Kolivan said guiding other soldiers to take Slav.

After Slav left with two galra soldiers, Krolia takes deep "the hell was that just now?"
"What if he's right about this. We may need Voltron again" Keith was sweating cold.

"Maybe. But right now we can't do anything. If not, we are cornered, who ever this person is will come to us, while we cannot!" Kolivan said. Keith did not like this way of thinking. He's been always the one that goes straight first into danger.
And now asked to sit and wait for inevitable is itchy.

"Well then wer-" before Keith could finish his sentence, a giant portal appears in front of there ship. Inside a broken completely ruined ship approached with broken debris following it. There's no sight of a light as the ship floats with no life. Slowly and carefully the giant ship approached their side.

"What the hell?" Keith gasped. Getting closer to the window Keith observe the space ship. As he glanced at it. He caught a glimpses of seems to be human blood scattered in the round window.

His mind quickly wanders to dark places, he shakes it off.

He gesture at Krolia.
"Krolia, move slowly away from the ship. But not too far! We should investigate the ship." His mom gives him a puzzled looked before ordering her man.

The abandoned ship creaked as its slowly floats away to nothing. But before that, they launched a hook to keep it in place.
Keith puts on his mormora suit, looking back at five other soldiers who was ready as he is.
"Remember the the drill. Once we get there we will split in to tree group. Try connected all the time, no matter what."
"Yes sir!" One of them said.
Once they were ready,  they dive head first at the abandoned ship. Finally reaching the front door it was completely shut together by some kind of sticky...thing. Keith couldn't make out what it was, but it was black and has disgusting smell.

The soldiers behind him gaged a little as he inhales an oxygen from his helmet.
"Oh my, ogh god this smell!" He panicked Keith silently gripped his shoulder as other two finished breaking the door. He launched himself inside the ship.
Finally six of them entered, once they in the their eyes blinded by the dark.
One Soldier brings out the flashlight. Looked around Keith found a controller, he put the gravity back.
The whole place boomed as the lights flickered on. Blinding them all at once.
Keith hooped on his leg, testing the strong pulling power of the gravity, which was heavier than Krolias ship.
"Krolia were inside!" Keith announced, but no one responded but loud stack, as him and others flinched in pain.
Before Keith could realize what just happen green gas leak out of the vents. He try and breath out the gas but he had already inhaled it. His chest tightened as his legs gives up on him kneeling on the ground. And with that everything goes dark.

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