Chapter 11

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"What the quiznack!" Keith screamed looking at giant gate that was glowing, he gasped and gagged, feeling of dreadful panic was rising in deep down, he can't freak out now. He was close to find out what the hell happened here, he can taste it.

Opening the gate he saw one of his team mates, "Aria!" He whispered getting more anxious not for himself but Aria.
"Hey!HEY!" He screamed but no answer, the young galra does nothing but stare at the ground.
Both of his arms were tied up and was hanging on the ceiling, same goes to his legs.

Keith rushed to his side shaking him a wake, small pained whine Aria waked, but he was quickly shaking his head.
"NO NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GET HELL AWAY FROM ME, I'M THE BAIT!" He screamed and before keith could react, a giant chainsaw lowers down on Aria's nape, the galra screamed in pain and soon his scream turned into grumble, until his head rolls down on the floor.

The blood scattered across Keith helmet and his suit, panicked he quickly wiped it off. Sound of 'bizzz' was caught on, and poisoned gasses leaks from the vents, causing Keith helmet once again going danger mode. Quick thinking he takes off his oxygen bank and exchanging it with Aria's. Whos head now was on the ground.

"Well, well, well! You are alive, pleasant surprise!" A voice of psycho chimed in on the radio. "You asshole!" Keith cursed.
"No need to call names, he probably didn't mind dying, Maybe!" Psycho's mockery was now just getting into him. The fact that he trained with Aria in his blade of mormora and voltron days, was even more heartbreaking.

"Thou you probably want to get out, or you can just die there with you're bud!" The communicator cuts off but was followed by a scream, Keith jump and sprinted right were scream originated.
He opened metal door, there it was two of his partners.
"Hey you ok?" He asked the one.
One hand placed on his wrist attaching some kind of bomb. "I don't thinks so buddy" Psycho said.
Keith's eyes widen "LANCE DON'T" blast followed by blood splattering, Keith got wind knocked out of his lungs. Getting back up, Psycho looks down on him, taking clearly stolen mormora helmet off, revealing pale looking Lance. Behind him a headless galra body.

"Listen you better not follow me around, so I won't bounce your head off the ceiling, got it" he threw the helmet on his face. And quickly makes his turn and left.

Completely out of stamina, he flopped back on the ground passing out in the process.
Jumping in panic, Keith paced a glance at everything, the room, the furniture. All of things that surrounding him were familiar.
"Earth technology!" Murmured, supporting himself he got hold of computer table, but he knocked it off. The sound of table crashing on floor echoes trough the ship. His body suddenly tenses, looking back at the door once Psycho left to escape and of course he sees the body of his teammate. Headless body he could say, the blood was scattered on walls looking horrific.

Swiftly Keith gets up from his position, gently laying the body on the ground. Giving a respected pose for the comrade. "Rest well buddy! I'm sorry!"

He lifted his right arm, realizing it has bomb, which seems to be home made one. As Keith tried to rip it off, the communicator buzzs Psycho warns him, not to or else he need to go around the with no arm, spilling blood all over the ship.
"You will die!"Psycho laughed "don't flatter yourself Psycho!" Keith barked, but after a minute Psycho never answered.

The half galra took deep breath until coughed.
"Alright, i have to get out of here" agreeing to abandon this rusty ship, he swings the door open, immediately regretted his decision, weird looking insect with 4 legs jump at his face, Keith quickly blocked it with bombed arm, causing it to chew on it. Great amount if pain went viral as tried to shake it off, it use its legs to cling on him. It felt like the hugger was sucking on blood, the feeling of something important leaving his body.

So he made last second decisions to swing on the wall, as it being crush it made a gross screech Keith covered his one ear with his free arm, until the hugger release his arm, suddenly the bombed arm made beeping sound.

Once again Psycho opened the his communicator "oohh now, this the second time you tried to damage the bomb, the third one will be last"
After hearing what Psycho said Keith give once glance at his arm. He sighed in exhaustion and pain. But fine he will get trough this, he can do it.

The game Psycho is playing with him is nothing more than same tactics that movie saw had done, if he would figure out what kind of pattern he was using, the black paladin might have change.

He opened the door, the room was caked with blood. The air was sticky and reeks with iron, even when he was wearing his helmet.

And there on the ground, a man with wheelchair.
""To realize one's destiny is person's only obligation, and when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it" The alchemist" smooth and old voice said to him. As man with old filled with cockle and wrinkles turned to him.

"Who are you?" Keith asked, as he slowly came to touch the old man "are you real?"
Old man crackled and clicked his tongue "earthling called me a "God" thats what you call me?" He said. Keith felt weird, he know the universe has god like beings that live amount the people. He had the urge to ask a lot of things but he kept it to himself.

"Why here? This! This is so unnecessary! And yet you're here!" Keith said having a sadness in his vocal.

"Son! Everything and everyone is written by one hand. You call it a Fate. Mess with time and space, you ruin the written rule." He said, his body started to evaporate, seeing trough the old man. Keith froze where he stand.

"I didn't, i was just caught up in it, i know better than asking help from you. But at least, give me a sense to all of this" sadly his word didn't reached him. As the old man completely evaporated in front of him. Leaving Keith speechless.

Everything he went trough, he needed to get out of this ship. . He started feeling dizzy, and black paladin was hungry and thirsty. Dreadful nausea and panic started to rise as he slowly support himself by falling on the ground. Unknowingly passing out again.

Was he hallucinating? Or was it real?
Deep into the darkness someone calls Keith a soft and warm.
"Keith?" He slowly opened his eye lids, someone was staring at him close. "Keith?" Lance, looking down on him, looking worried.

Keith backed away immediately, holding on to his gun. Lance however did nothing, he raised his both hand and softly smiled.
"I'm not gonna hurt you. Please trust me." The brunette backed away, giving a space for raven hair to breath.
"What happened?" Keith was still had his gun pointing at Lance.
"You passed out due to exhaustion!"
"Because of you?" He barked, Lance shakes his head. "I saw you! You were different, even now! You're different, you were a bit old!" Now that he said it. He looked at Lance, he had gray stray hair and glassy exhausted eyes. Obviously the man beside him was wore off trough years.

Seriously, Keith had it enough.

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