Chapter 9

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As him and Lance walks trough the halls, Keith makes sure he had permitters in check, hopping none was following them. But he was unsure. He wasn't even sure about Not Lance that should he trust him or not is questionable.

Keith looked behind himself constantly, while caring long unconscious body of Martilian. Keith paints try to shake an exhaustion off his shoulders. "Jesus fuck wake up." He gasped.
Lance look back, smiling, almost innocently.

"Do you want help" Keith held Martilian like packsack.
"No, but i want you to remember every small greedy details as possible of what happened here!"
Lances face fall as he nodded "okey!" Said with disheartened tone.
"So what have you been doing before all of this fiasco?" Keith asked.
Lance mockery chuckled "i was in a military, i was one of their boy scouts. Some likes me some don't. You know it was hard to live in very strict environment". Keith couldn't see Lance's face.

He wonder what kind of face he was making. Was it regret? sorrow? Happiness? Determination? Even back on earth he never know whats emotion Lance is hiding behind his smile or tears.

Keith had nothing to say other than "oh". Why did he even asked this question in the first place. What ever life this Lance gone trough it was not his place to poke his nose around.
"I'm sorry to ask!" Keith apologized. Lance looked back, this time smiling... in a weird way that make Keith's stomach turn. "Don't worry about it. I mean you asked!"

Turning back Lance hummed a ominous song. Somehow he recognized the song but not quite figure it out what it was.

"I just thought have you ever met me in your world?" Keith swallows his forming saliva on tip of tongue.
"No, I don't think i have Keith!" Lance explained without facing him. For some reason deep inside of Keith mind, Lance not knowing him, in other world Lance was not with him sacred him.

Deep inside his heart, he'll rip out anyone's throat if they try and take Lance from him.

Wait what am i thinking, thats not how it works! Keith shakes off inner voice in his head. He turned his attention to Lance who's now holding Martilian.

Keith approached two of them. "How is he?"
"I'll try wake him up" lance said bringing half galra down on the ground, then he slapped his helmet very hard. Keith stand there shook, all this time he try not hurt Martilian. But pain is the only answer to everything.

Martilian groans in pain opening his eyes slowly he looked between Lance and Keith. "Ughh what happened captain Keith, and blue... no red paladin?" Lance tilted his head questioning what this furry alien was talking about. Keith awkwardly smiled " i'll tell you later"

The soldier quickly gets up, checking himself from any  injuries. "Umm! My weapons are gone, do you have any extra equipment?" Mar asked Keith rampaged his pocked but found only pocket knife "this" he showed the half galra, Martilian sighed disappointed but grabbed the knife anyway "better then nothing!"
Keith nodded "true, but you should stay by our side no matter what, I don't want to loose you before finding the others, got it!" Keith explains, Martilian smiled widely "sir yes sir!" He salutes.

"Good" Keith turned facing Lance, the halls of the ship becomes taper more and more he look at it. He returned to Mar, nodding at him. "Lets go, Lance!" Keith called but the younger male was kneeling on the ground placing his ear on vent.
"There's something here! We should check it out" lance suggested but both half galra's couldn't respond. Then Mar finally said something "you know we both of us couldn't fit there, only you can!"
Lance looked shocked for sec until he realized what he just said, face turning red. "Oh heh sorry! Kinda make sense." 
Lance cleared his throat looking back one time, before climbing to narrow dark vent.

As Lance crawled away Martilian looked Keith with questioned eye. "That was not The red paladin." Mar asked Keith sighed rubbing tip of his nose "yup! Somehow the two dimensions collided, and we ended up with this one?"

"You sounds like, your asking!"
"Yup, i am. I have no idea how to fix this"
"Ohh my- what should we do?" Mar asked leaning against the blood soaked wall. Keith crossed his legs as he sits.
"We'll try get out of this ship. And find the other 4 if we can."
"Where could they be?"
Keith didn't answer, and by the time he get tired of waiting Lance's scream echoes trough the other side of the hall.

Mar jumped "what was that?"
"Its Lance! He's in trouble. Come on!" Keith sprinted past Mar, quickly making right turn. And wave of cold shock washed over his spine.

Two Lance's was standing in front of him. One is a bit taller than the other and seems to hold normal earth looking hand gun. While Lance he was dealing with had his knife on the ready.

Keith pointed his blaster at older Lance "freeze, Don't move!" He warned staring at the older, but older Lance didn't seems to phased by him. He he just slowly turns to him and eyed him annoyed look "i just want my knife back!" He's voice was slow and gloomy, it was not fast and light voice he used to hear from Lance. In fact it made Lance more imitating. What make Lance one of the best fighters is that, he looked fragile. Its easy for enemies to underestimate him. But this Lance! He was standing like he can take on Zarkon hand in hand combat.

"I was going to ask him nicely, but seems like talking is not an option. I don't value being that gets in my way!" Lance narrowed his eyes, looking like he was ready to feast on his pray.

Keith didn't lower his blaster in fact he gripped the edge even harder. And of course Lance gives him disappointed sign. Lowering the hand gun, he shot younger Lance in the stomach, younger gasped in pain collapsing on ground. Keith try to scream his name but was punched right in gut, having a wind knocked out of him.

He gasped for air, kneeling on the floor, looking up to see Lance, he immediately gets kicked in the face, which was not pleasant.

Facing the floor Keith heard a small reload of the gun, and braced himself for the trigger.

"Bye, bye little insect!" Older whispered behind, ready to pulled the trigger. But of course just like nick of time Mar runs behind of Lance and slammed that bitch to the wall. Lance made surprised noice and was knocked for mean time.

Keith pressured his nose trying to stop the bleeding. Mar walked passed him to younger Lance. Who was bleeding heavily on lower abdomen. Keith quickly gets up, giving pressure to bleeding wound he has received.

"What should we do? We need him?" Mar asked one drop of sweat formed around his forehead. Keith didn't answer but looked at the person who is claiming to be Lance. But not his. Younger Lance's eyes were fueled with confusion and tears, he was scared.

"You'll be fine. We just need to patch you up! Got it!" Keith gives the boy knowing smile, he barely know him, but it was feels like actually loosing Lance. Younger Lance's breathing gets faster as the light of his eyes disappears, and before he could know it, Lance was limb on the ground. Eye open lifeless.

No thoughts formed in his head as he try to process what just happened. Older Lance killed Younger Lance, it was confusing Keith in whole another level. As he watched Lance's dead body he heard beside him Mar shuffled getting up, he looks around.
"What are you doing?" Keith asked but the soldier didn't answer, instead he grabbed to a wire that been dropped, and started to tie Older Lance. Which now Keith decided to call Psycho.

"What are we supposed to do with that Psycho?"
Mar finished tying up and fallen back to examine his handy work. "We need information out of him! You know how?"
Keith thinks for a moment before cracking his knuckles "i think i do!"

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