Chapter 11~Real

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We drive a long way from the west side of London and it is exhausting. I really look haggard right now and poor me, I am with three good looking boys. I mean two. Well, my dad is a man.

"We're here?" my dad asked.

"Y-yes," I answered.

"Can I just stay here?" he nervously asked.

"Of course, no! Come on dad. You have waited for so many years. I think this is the perfect timing for both of you." I tried to comfort him.

"I don't know, princess. I think she is still mad at me," he sadly said.

Princess? Wow. It's so good to hear. I tried my best to not show them that I am about to cry.

"So... are we going to sit here the whole day?" Cire breaks the silence.

"Jeez. You are a mood changer." I tucked my tongue out when I get out of the car.

"Mama!" I called them out.

"Oh my! Zendaya, where have you been!" she angrily said.

Mama looks so disappointed so I tried to look away from her, but I look at where my dad is.

"Oh!" That's the only thing she said.

"Criselda. Hi!" Papa waved at her with a smile.

My mom ran to him because I think she's mad at what he did for the past years. I also run to her direction so I could stop her if she will do violence.

But instead of slapping him hard or hitting him, I was surprised at what she did.

She hugged him.

The hug that they are longing for a long time. The hug that they missed when they are separated and the hug that is stating him to not leave her again.

"You came back," mama said.

"I'm sorry. I don't deserve you," Papa cried that made us cry too

"I know why. Please don't blame yourself. It's also my fault to not check you at all," mama said.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE!" my sister suddenly appeared right in front of us.

We just ignored her for we are having a special moment here. Of course, mama and papa can't ignore her. Aish... another mood breaker.

"Papa?" she asked that made papa cried.

"You are a beautiful lady now," he sincerely complimented her.

"Seriously?! How about me?" I walked between them.

"You both are," he hugs both of us.

"May I join?" mama cutely asked.

"Of course. My love," Papa answered cheerfully.

I am really blessed to have this feeling right now. Our family is complete again. I'll not spend my whole life again wondering if my dad will come back to us or if he already has forgotten us. I am just truly happy.

"Perfect for a family photo," Cire suggested. "By the way, Dylan, could you go here because you are blocking them?"

"Oh sorry," Dylan apologized.

Ate Lisa looked at me teasingly and smiled. Dayuum~ I know what she is thinking.

"Okay. 3...2...1. Cheese."

We all smiled perfectly for a family picture.


I look at my phone to see who is calling me this time.

It's the Aphrodite Agency...but why did they change their number now and I thought they already have an app?


"Hi. Miss Zendaya. This is the Aphrodite Agency. You sister, Lisa Johnson has made a reservation for us. We will deliver your date tomorrow and please be informed that we will message you the location of the date."

"Wait. You already said that the first time I checked you out. What made you say that again?" I curiously asked.

"I'm sorry Ms. Zendaya but this is the first time that you register in our agency. We just say it today. I'm sorry but this call is time-recording. Enjoy your date tomorrow."

I am really surprised to hear that. First time? What about the past dates? Didn't they just recognize or there records are deleted?

For confirmation, I need to ask the person who I think know what is happening.

"Ate Lisa..." I gestured her to come right in front of me.

"What?" she asked.

"I think the agency erase the records of my past dates," I bite my lip.


"They said it is the first time they call me," I explained calmly but deep inside, I'm not.

"So, the real agency called you?" she asked and that made me surprised.

"Real? So it means the past is..."

"I am the so-called-agency finder. Well, I tried my best to find you the right one," she winked.

I frowned and showed her that I am mad at her. She looked down for she knew that she did wrong.

"HAHAHAHA...did you see your face?" I laughed out so loud because my sister's face is priceless.

"What?" she is now crying and she is hitting my hand. "I hate you."

"I know you are lame when it comes to a date. I didn't enjoy it. Including that." I point my finger to Dylan and I just do it secretly because who knows, he might think the other way.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to ask, who is he? I thought he is now your boyfriend because I also chose him for you," she loudly said.

"Shhh... lower your voice." I stopped for a while and I whispered to her ear. "She's our cousin."

"Pfftt... WAHAHAHA..." she really laughed hysterically.

"Tsk..." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, there you are..." Cire approached us.

"Hi," my sister bro-fist him.

"May I borrow my best friend?" he politely asked.


My sister went inside and she us left us two outside.

"Would you mind if I take you to walk?" he asked.

"Nah. Let's go." I pulled him to the road then we walk somewhere we don't know.

"Where will we go?" I asked.

"To the nearest park I know," he patted me as he said that.

Awee... I have the cutest best friend in the world.

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