Chapter 14~Right

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  "LISAAA! " I felt the rage to attack my sister because she lied to me.

  "What? "  she asked innocently.

"You don't know?"  I sarcastically said.

I search for Richard in Google. By the way, his real name is Richard Park. How did I not notice it in the first place?

"What is that? " she asked.

"You didn't tell me that your husband is the owner of the YGSM entertainment company. How dare you to not tell me that? Do you know I am spending my whole life waiting for this company to notice me? WHY???"  I dramatically said while hugging my sister. "Please tell your husband to make me a Kpop idol. PLEASE..."

I heard Cire laughed behind us and I death glare him. He laughed again and tried to pull me away from my sister. 

 "Let's go, babe, "  he said that made my ears flutter and my heart beats so fast. 

 "Wait. Are you two okay?" She grinned and put her hands on her waist. "I thought I just heard my sister cried like a goat a while ago because of you... but now you are like, ' Baby, let's go, .' "  she sarcastically said.

"She cried? What did she say?" Cire asked.

  Oh jeez! Why am I here with this two?  "What? She's just overdramatizing. Let's go back to our date." We're really supposed to go now before she spills everything out.

 "She was like... ' I'm in love with my best friend.  I should catch him before he got another girl. We should be soulmates, do you know that?'  and she cried simultaneously. " she exaggerated her story too much.

 "That's not what I said, " I make face to her. 

"I believe her, " Cire said. 

Really? I am so done with this two. I just rolled my eyes and I'm about to walk out. 

"What is happening here?" Mama said with Papa beside her.

"I'm just teasing her with her boyfriend. What's wrong with that?" she annoyingly said.

"Oh, Cire!  I KNOW IT IS YOU." Mama emphasized the YOU.

 "You're not mad? Jeez, I thought you don't want this to happen." I nervously asked her.      

"What?" she asked.

"Me having a boyfriend?" I close one my eyes. 

"Why would I? If a man asked permission to the parents first, it will be a 100% okay. " Mama said.

  "So you did ask them?" I asked him. 

"Well, before you know, I already did it. " I smiled and kissed him on his cheeks to show him how proud I am to him. He looked at me with a smile on his face. He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him by holding me to my waist. Dayum... I really love this man. 

"Ehem..." my sister and papa both interrupt us.

Oh no! I realized that my parents are here. I quickly ran away from the house and went outside. I saw Dylan sitting on the side of the car while he is texting someone. 

"Yo!" I called him.

He just smiled and wave at me. I sit beside him and tried to check his phone to see who he is texting.

"You shouldn't do that," he told me.

"I'm sorry."

He just ignored me and he continues texting someone on his phone.

"Thanks for being with my dad for the past years. I really appreciate you using the app to find me," I sincerely said.

"Do you think that I only use the app for your father?" he grinned and I think he is teasing me.

"Why? What else?" I asked.

I was shocked when he suddenly kissed my cheeks then ran away. I want to chase him but I can't stand to where I am sitting right now. That crook...tsk!

"What's up?" I jumped to my seat when Cire sat beside me and I didn't even notice it. 

"H-hi." I am stuttering. Jeez.

"Wow. The cheeks, huh?" he said.

I don't know how to react so I just look at him absurdly.

"W-what are you talking about?" I nervously asked.

"I will return what you steal from me a while ago." 

He leaned closer to me and then, he closed his eyes. I didn't notice that his lips already land into mine. It is so soft and comforting. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. It is a passionate kiss.




Is this the feeling of having a boyfriend???? 

Jeez. I feel like I have a full responsibility of myself now. This is how I know that I am a strong (in)dependent woman, right now. Aishh... what am I even thinking?

Honestly, this experience with Cire makes me so comfortable with him more. Now I know that this is feeling is really right and he is the right man that I have chosen, what could possibly be wrong? 

What will be?

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