Chapter 1: Wild Race

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          Have you ever wondered what it's like to only be loved by your little brother, but hated by everyone else including your own father? Well, I can tell you what it's like. I lived with that almost my whole life. But, I'm here to tell you my story of how my life went from horrible and miserable to the best life any horse could ask for with faith. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Imani which is Swahili for faith, I'm the first born daughter of BlackStone the leader of mexico's prairie herd, sister of Flash the fastest horse of our herd, and the most hated horse of the herd like an omega in a wolf pack. 

I'm going to start with the day my life changed me mentally and physically. The day started like any other. My brother and I galloping over the vast open prairie. We both loved to race, every single day we would run for as long and as far as we could together. "I bet I can beat you to the stream!" Flash looked at me with a look of too much confidence in his Lapiz blue eyes as he galloped a few feet ahead of me, his white mane flowing with the wind. "Oh your on!" He smiled as I looked at his white black spotted face with my green eyes. We both gathered our strength and speed before using it. I saw Flash zip past me as if I were walking. I heard him laugh as he continued running ahead. Unlike my brother who was all speed, I was all skills and smarts. I knew of a shortcut that would take me to the stream faster than Flash could even run. However, it can only be passed by the most skillful jumpers. Lucky for me because I'm the best jumper of the herd. I quickly turned down the path of this shortcut, galloping through the many bushes. I smiled as I began to approach a nine feet tall fallen tree log. As I approached it, I paced my strides to get to the right speed. I kept this pace as I estimated the size, seeing my jump point, and estimating the strength I need to jump over the log. When I got to my jumping point, I pushed off the ground with my powerful back legs and flew over the log like it was a twig. I landed easily and continued my fast gallop all the way to the river. It took me less than ten minutes to get to the river where I stopped. I got a sip of water from the river as I waited five minutes for Flash. When I saw his face I had to do my best not to laugh. He looked so shocked and confused as he slowed down to a canter before he came to a hard stop two feet from me. "What!? How?!" I watched as he looked behind them then at me as he seemed to try and figure out how I got past him. "I didn't see you pass me" he snorted as he had a questioning look on his face. "I took a shortcut" I giggled and he snorted as realization hit him. "Typical" he snorted glaring at me. "Hey, you ran a good race" I laughed as I nickered. "Even though you got beat by a mare" I teased and he just threw a glare at me.

           We both laughed like crazy till it was interrupted by a loud and harsh neigh that would shatter glass anywhere nearby. "Flash!" Oh great, its father. Everyday my time with Flash would always be interrupted by father just because of training. Now you may be asking what kind of training. Well, father chose Flash to be next leader of this herd even though he is the second born. I'm not sure why he wont give me that chance but he doesn't. "Coming father" Flash called towards our father who stood on a nearby hill looking at us. If I was sure, I bet father was giving me the death stare for some strange reason. "Well, I'll see you later sis" Flash sighed as he looked at me then back at father. He started cantering towards our father not giving me a chance to say bye but I didn't mind. It happens everyday so he knows that I'll see him later. I watched them till they disappeared behind the hill. I sighed as I turned away from the hill and started walking back towards the herd. As soon as I reached the herd I was greeted by angry snorts and glares by every single horse in the herd. I lowered my ears looking at them but I snorted shaking my head and walking to the far edge of the herd to graze. I'm unsure of why the whole herd hated me but when I would ask they would just turned away from me. I was lucky to still have my brother but he was gone most of the day. I sighed and just grazed and closed my line of thought so I wouldn't have to think about the questions that won't be answered. 

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