Chapter 3: The Long Trip And New Place

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The men put me in the strange metal thing then loaded their horses in after me. After they loaded their horses in I saw the men walk to the other wagon like things. A few minutes later it felt like we were moving. Looking out the window it proved we were. "Hey, are you okay?" One of the other horses asked and I saw them looking at me. I snorted "no! I'm not okay!" And pinned my ears looking away. I heard them talking among each other before a black stallion beside me looked at me. "Why are you so angry?" He asked nickering to me and I stayed silent not looking at him. "Hello! Do you hear me talking to you!?" He snorted and I swung my head biting his neck and he squealed jumping at the sudden bite. "What was that for!?" He snorted looking at his bite wound on his neck then looked at me pinning his ears. I just snorted looking out the window. "Chill it Spartan. She's a newly caught wild horse how'd you expect her to act?" I looked over and saw a white Arabian thoroughbred pulling spartans mane then she looked at me. "I'm very sorry for his behavior he's always grumpy" she nickered and spartan snorted rolling his eyes. "My names Flake" she said before she looked at a brown and white pinto stallion "that's Sparrow" I looked at him before flake looked to a silver grey dappled morgan who ate hay from a hay sack and said "that's Silver" then she looked at Spartan who snorted looking at me "and you've already met Spartan" she nickered and Spartan snorted. "What's your name?" flake asked and It felt like all four of them were looking at me. I hesitated for a moment before I sighed. "Imani" I said lowering my ears a little. "Imani, that's an unusual name" Spartan said and it sounded as is he was smirking and gave off a giggle. "Imani....its Swahili for faith Spartan" I was shocked to hear Sparrow knew what my name stood for. I saw spartan glare at Sparrow while Sparrow just glared back at him. "Cut it out you two. we don't need a fight in here!" Silver snorted looking at the two stallions. "Fine" Spartan growled before he looked away from Sparrow as Sparrow did the same. I could quickly tell that there was something different about Sparrow that wasn't in the other three. "Your setting a bad example for Imani on how things go here you two" flake said and Spartan looked at me and snorted "She sets her own example for a wild horse like her." I could easily tell that what ever kindness he had was gone from me biting him earlier. Everyone went silent for a long time and all I could and would do was to look out the window and watch as I was taken farther and farther away from my home.

After what felt like forever we came to a stop somewhere near a fenced in area. I saw the men coming to the thing holding us still and took out the other four but left me in here. "Lets move it now!" I heard one of the men shout then I felt the thing moving again and once it stopped I saw the doors fly open and the gate that kept me separate from the other four horses came open as well and I ran straight out only to be surrounded by fences and I soon realized I was locked in. I looked at the others who were put in a different pasture near by but they all grazed. All except for Sparrow. He watched Spartan for a while his owner wrapped his bite wound I gave him then I felt him watching me as I ran around the pasture looking for a weak point. But there wasn't any. They really prepared this place for a wild horse like me. As I continued running along the fence I caught glimpses of me and Flash running side by side over the prairie of my home. I halted a tears running down my face as I closed my eyes and my mind showed flash running everywhere to find me. I missed him so much I couldn't describe it. It hurts so bad to be apart from him. I must of had lots of tears running down my face cause when I opened my eyes I saw sparrow had walked to the fence separating us and he had a worried look in his eyes.

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