Chapter 13: First Ride

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The rest of that day me and Miraculum played with each other while Myla told Eric about me and what she thought I had been through. When night had fallen, Eric grabbed a lead rope and a halter before he handed it to Myla. "You should put her in her stall before the other guys come to get her and spook her" He insisted as he handed the rope to her. "Your probably right" she said. "Imani! Miraculum!" She called, catching our attention. We both trotted over to her, our ears perked. "Sorry girl, but I think it's best we put you in your stall" she said with a slight frown. I didn't want to be in a stall for a night but I understood why she was putting me in one now. Those other guys would try and only end up getting kicked. I nickered perking my ears and lowering my head for her to put the lead rope and halter on. She put the halter on and opened the gate for me to come out of the pasture. I walked out the gate and straight over to Myla and Eric. I saw Eric eyeing me for some reason. His eyes seemed to be filled with shock and surprise. Myla grabbed the lead rope and walked towards the barn. I obediently followed her, my ears perked. Eric and Miraculum followed close behind. I heard Miraculum growl at Eric every time he would get too close and he seemed to back off and eye her in fear. When Myla lead me into my stall, She took the halter and rope off before she found her way out and closed the door. I looked at Myla as she looked towards me. I looked into her grey cloudy eyes and nickered. I felt like she wanted to do something but I couldn't tell what. She left for the night and I was alone. I didn't want to be alone at all but it seemed that I didn't have a choice. All I could do was wait till the next day.

     Myla was walking with Eric and Miraculum with a crazy thought in her head. Eric seemed to notice that there was something on her mind. She was holding the handle attached to Miraculum's vest. "What are you planning to do?" Eric asked with a suspicious look. Myla was caught a bit by surprise. She kept silent and continued walking. Eric eyed her, "Myla, what are you planning to do?" He asked again. Myla stopped walking and was still silent. Eric stopped and looked at her. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone" Myla said. Eric was a bit shocked. He thought about it for a little before he nodded. "I promise." Myla was quiet for a moment. "I think that if I ride Imani, then maybe others might see her a different way" Myla said with a serious expression on her face. Eric gasped at the words 'Ride' and 'Imani'. He didn't seem like he expected that. "Are you out of your mind?!" Eric exclaimed, his voice full of anger. "She is a wild horse! You can't ride a wild horse that hasn't been saddle broken!" Eric exclaimed. Myla didn't react to Eric screaming. "Weither you help me or not, I'm going to try and ride her" Myla stated. Miraculum looked at Myla like she was crazy for a moment before she began to wag her tail. When she put together what Myla had said, she agreed with how the other humans would see me if they saw Myla on my back. Miraculum continued to wag her tail as she looked at Myla and Eric. Eric was still angry but he was thinking about it. It took a while before Eric began to calm down. He sighed. "Fine, but I cant let you do this alone" Eric sighed, a small frown upon his face. Myla smiled. "Thank you" she sighed. Miraculum barked happily. "I can tell you that  don't really like it" Eric groaned as he glared at Myla. "I didn't think you would, but I'm glad your gonna help me" Myla smiled. "Well, we will start tomorrow morning" Myla stated before she gave Miraculum the signal to take her home. "Alright, see you tomorrow morning" Eric said before he left for his house. Miraculum led Myla home where she snuck in, changed into her pajama's, and went to bed with Miraculum snuggled up right beside her. Both Myla and Miraculum were excited for tomorrow.

-Next Morning-

     I woke up as the sun was rising. I had a window in the stall that was facing east, so I could see all the beautiful colors. They ranged from a bright orange, to a dark violet. The colors were so beautiful! It made me think back to when I was a yearling. I walked over to the window and just stared at the amazing colors. My brother and I would stare at the amazing colors every morning when we were still with each other. I could fell my brother staring at the amazing colors as well. I wondered if he missed me at all or if he even remembered me. That hit me hard. I hadn't thought about if he remembered me. 

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