Chapter 21: Is This Love?

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(Omg thank you guys so much for 303 views! This is a bonus chapter taking place around the same time that Imani started walking around again after recovering from the puma/mountain lion attack. Hope you guys enjoy!)

Flash's POV-

      I gallops across the prairie of Mexico, my ears perked for any sound and my eyes searching for any movement. It's been weeks, maybe even a month and there is still no sign of Imani. I'm really worried and I miss her so much. I've already lost my mom, I can't loose her too. My white, black spotted body was a blur as I raced across the terrain. The day she disappeared, the herd celebrated and seemed happy. Even father celebrated! I knew he was cruel to her but I didn't know he was this cruel. How could he not love his first child but love the second? My mind was a blur. All I could think about was where Imani could have gone. She would never have ran away without telling me so I could go with her. Even though I loved my father, I'd rather be with my sister than him. Even if it means leaving the herd and loosing my chance at being the lead stallion. Imani deserved the chance of being the lead of this herd not me. That privilege always fell upon the first born, not the second.

       I slowed down to a stop by a small stream for a drink. I lowered my muzzle into the cool water and drank. "Flash!!!" The neigh scared me. I jerked my head up and looked towards the source of the neigh to see it was my father. He trotted over towards me, his raven black fur shining against the sun. He didn't seem happy but I wasn't worried. He may not of loved Imani but for some reason he loved me. "What are you doing." He calmly asked, his ears perked and eyes calm. Ever since Imani left he's become more calm and acts like a father should act. It was hard to believe but it's how he's acting. "I'm just out for a run father" I lied. If he knew what I was really doing, he would freak out. He's banned anyone from talking about Imani. If her name is even mentions they get kicked and sometimes kicked out of the herd. "You've been out on a run for ours son" he nickered. " I know, but you know me. I can run for hours" I neighed proudly making my father chuckle. "I know son" he chuckled before his expression went serious. "Come with me, I want to talk to" He nickered before turning and walking towards the herd. I was a bit hesitant but it's rare that he ever needs to talk with me so I couldn't deny what he was requesting. I followed him towards the herd and up a hill that overlooks the herd that was grazing peacefully. "You know that you are next in line to be lead stallion correct?" He looked at me for a second before looking back at the herd. "Yes, I know father" I nickered nodding. "Well, as lead stallion, you will have to choose a lead mare" he said without hesitation. I was stunned, I forgot that a lead stallion always has a lead mare. Now, I'll have to choose one before I can become lead stallion. There was no mare here that I loved nor did I want any mare. "But father, I don't love any of the mares in the herd" I whispered so none of the mares herd. I know some of the mares like the blue mustang and a roan Hanoverian had a crush on me but I didn't have any feelings for them. "Flash, you must choose a lead mare before I pass down the position to you" father said as he looked at me. "You have three weeks to decide son" he snorted before he started to walk away. "Father! What if I don't choose one" I neighed looking at him. "Than you don't get the position" he snorted before he continued to walk away. I was frozen. Why was he making me choose a lead mare in such a short time. Well, three weeks isn't a short time but there's no way I was going to find a mare I liked in that amount of time. I snorted before I took off racing across the plain.

         I ran for what felt like hours, the wind in my white mane felt great, the rush of my blood pulsing through my body, I was free. My run was interrupted by a loud neigh that echoed across the land. I galloper towards where the neigh came from to find a very disturbing site. "Come on, be a good girl and stay still" a chestnut stallion snorted as he walked closer to a buckskin paint who had her ears pinned. "No, leave me alone" she begged, backing away from the stallion. I had to help this mare and get this stallion out of my fathers territory. "Now now, you need to be qu-" he stopped dead in his tracks as I reared and let out a harsh ear piercing neigh. When I landed I stood tall and proud and glared at this chestnut. "Your trespassing on my territory! Leave now and you will not be harmed" I snorted stomping the ground. "Or what little colt, you gonna neigh until I go deaf" he smirked turning his attention towards me so the mare could back away from the stallion. "This is your last warning! Leave now!" I snorted ready to charge. The stallion snorted as he stood his ground. That was a sign that he was challenging me which I accepted. I took the first move and charged at him. Even when he reared I had no fear. I got up right next to him, reared, and locked my teeth on the side of his neck. He used his front hooves and pushed me off. I snorted and kicked him in the chest causing him to stumble. He snorted and we charged each other again. Hooves went flying and flesh was cut. We fought for twenty minutes before the chestnut began to tire. He snorted and started backing away before he took off as fast as he could. I snorted and watched as he ran off till I could no longer see him.

            Once I was sure the stallion was gone I looked at where the mare hid to see her walking over to me. "Thank you so much" she said, her voice very soft and sweet. "Your welcome, are you okay?" I asked tilting my head a little. "Yes I'm fine, what about you" She said looking at the cuts and two bite bite marks I received. "Oh, don't worry, they'll heal quickly" I reassured her my ears perked. Something in my stomach felt weird. There was this feeling that I wasn't sure about. Was I hungry? Sick? Thirsty? Is it love? I couldn't find the answer. "My name is Flash, what's yours?" I asked, my voice calm and polite. "My name is Sunflower" she said, her voice very sweet. "Nice to meet you Sunflower, that is a very lovely name" I said with a smile. "Oh, thank you" she said, her chocolate brown eyes looking at the ground. "Umm, do you want me to walk you home?" I asked already regretting my choice of words. "Well, I don't really have a home" she sighed. "My herd was taken by humans" she said, her ears lowered. "Oh, I'm so sorry" I nickered gently nuzzling her. "If you'd like, you can come and join my fathers herd" I suggested. Deep inside for some reason I was hoping she would agree. She looked at me than around as she was considering her options. After what felt like forever, she smiled. "I would love to" She nickered happily. "We aren't that far from the herd, follow me" I said and started walking in the direction of where the herd was grazing. "So, this is your fathers land?" She asked looking around. "Yes, but it'll be mine soon" I answered, my head high with pride. "Oh, your very lucky" Sunflower nickered. "This land is beautiful" she said admiring every detail of it. "It is, especially when your running" I nickered looking around. My mind went to one thought and my mouth just spilled it. "My sister and I used to race across this field every single day, all day." I could see it. The race we had before she disappeared. Me racing ahead of her, running as hard as I could only to see her waiting for me by the stream. "You have a sister?" She asked tilting her head. "Yeah well, I haven't seen her in a while and I'm not sure if she's still alive or not" I said, my voice full of sorrow. "I think she was taken by humans when she saved me from them" I sighed. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked" she nickered her ears lowered and shaking her head. "It's okay" I nickered perking my ears. The rest of the way we walked, talking about our past lives and getting to know each other. We walked for hours till we finally made it to the herd. Father was on the hill when I saw him before he raced over here. He stopped a few feet from me and Sunflower, his ears perked. "Flash, where have you been I was worried sick, and who is this young filly" father asked. "Father, this is Sunflower. Sunflower, this is my father Blackstone" I said looking at the two of them. "A pleasure to meet you sir" Sunflower nickered as she bowed her head as a show of respect. "The pleasure is mine" he said bowing his head back. "I saved her from a stallion who was trespassing on the land. She has no where to go so I thought that she would be a good addition to the herd" I said calmly. Father looked at Sunflower with his ears perked as he thought about it. He kind of scared me when he was getting ready to answer. His expression went serious but he smiled. "We welcome you to the herd Sunflower" he neighed as an announcement to the herd which the herd neighed back happily, welcoming Sunflower to the herd. "Thank you so much sir" Sunflower neighed joyfully. "Please, just call me Black" he chuckled before he allowed her to pass and go meet the members of the herd. Father looked at me as I just watched Sunflower and I guess I had a smile on my face. "I see you have made your decision" father laughed. "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked looking confused. "On your lead mare" he said gesturing to Sunflower. I was silent. I had no idea what to say. "Don't worry, you still have enough time to ask her if she'd like to be your lead mare" father smiled before walking away. I watched him walk away before I continued to watch Sunflower. Is that what I'm feeling? Love?

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