Chapter 12: Open Your Eye's

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              Myla smiled as she stroked my muzzle and Miraculum pranced around me happily. All this stopped when I heard footsteps coming. I jerked my head from her hands and turned to look at Eric as he run over. He froze dead in his tracks when he saw me by Myla. "Myla.. move away, very slowly" he said looking at me dead in the eyes. I snorted pinning my ears as I stood tall and strong glaring at Eric who kept glancing at Myla. "What? Why?" She asked as she turned her eyes towards him. Eric started to move towards me with his arms stretched out. "Easy girl" he said in a calm voice. I snorted as I reared at him making him back up. "Easy girl" Myla soothed, her voice calm. I turned towards her my ears perked. I wasn't sure why she was keeping me from hurting Eric but I knew whatever she said was for the right reason. I saw Miraculum beside my legs, growling at Eric, her ears pinned. I heard Eric lounge to grab my halter but was greeted with a soft kick. I was careful with how much force I used when I kicked him so he wouldn't have any broken bones. "Argh!!" He groaned before he fell to the ground. I had got him on his arm and I probably left a bruise. "Eric? You okay?" Myla asked. She stayed by my head still stroking my muzzle I could tell she knew I didn't kick him so hard because she would hear a bone break if I did go to break on and she knows I wouldn't hurt him unless he was hurting me, Myla, or Miraculum. "No! Myla, get away from her!" He demanded as he got up and grabbed a near by whip that was hanging on the wall. I freaked out. Quickly I turned around to face him, my ears pinned flat against my head. I snorted loudly and stomped my hoof as a warning for him to back off. He ignored the warning and cracked the whip. "Myla run!" Eric ordered as he almost whipped me causing me to rearing. My front hooves almost caught his arm when he put his arms up to keep my hooves from hitting his face.

     "Stop it!!" Myla shouted as she got between us. I quickly stopped and perked my ears as I looked at her. Miraculum walked beside my right front leg. She kept growling at Eric as he looked at Myla. "Myla get out of the way before that horse hurts you!" Eric shouted. I snorted. He couldn't possibly think that I would harm Myla. "She wont hurt me" she calmly replied as her grey eyes looked towards Eric and she stood beside me, her hand on my shoulder. Miraculum stopped growling but she snared every three seconds. Eric looked at her with confusion in his eyes. "She isn't a monster you guys think she is" she said her voice sounding very soft. "But she hurt one of the stable hands" Eric snapped as he looked from Myla to me. "She was scared" Myla said, a frown on her face. "Do you really expect a wild horse to calmly be lead into a stall" Myla asked. "She isn't wild Myla, we bought her from a person who said he gentled her" Eric corrected. "Look at her!" Myla ordered. "Does she look like a tamed horse to you!?" Myla asked. Eric looked at me up and down studying my body language. I pinned my ears at him. He slowly dropped the whip but that wasn't enough to convince me that he wasn't going to try and whip or slap me. I wasn't going to take that chance. He was quiet for a long time. "She isn't used to people, she isn't tamed Eric" Myla snapped as her hand stroked my neck. "If she isn't tamed then why can you even stand that close to her?" Eric asked a little calmer then he was earlier. Myla smiled. "Because I showed her I wasn't going to hurt her" Myla answered. I nickered as I turned my head to her face but I kept an eye on Eric. Myla giggled as my nose touched her arm. Eric sighed as he looked to the ground. "Fine, your right" he admitted. The tension in my body was released when I saw a change in his body language. "Try introducing yourself again to her, but the right way" Myla said as she stayed standing by my shoulder. Eric was hesitant when I pinned my ears as I looked at him. Eric slowly approached me his body language showing that he was full of fear and regret. He slowly reached out his hand towards me but he didn't put it on my face. I was becoming very curious for some reason. I was questioning weither I should give him a second chance or not. Right then I heard what my mother and brother would have said. 'Give him a second chance'  were the words that echoed in my mind. I decided to listen to this voice so I slowly reached out my nose to his hand to sniff it, to show him a sign that I would give him a second chance. A smile lit up on his face when he saw the change in my eyes. Myla smiled before I looked down at Miraculum who was wagging her tail happily. I neighed happily and began to canter away before I jumped a fence into a near by opened pasture with Miraculum who jumped through the fence and ran after me. She was barking happily as her tail wagged like crazy. I had another human who finally understood me now. I was happy. I didn't feel completely at home yet but I felt like I was going to feel at home here soon. 

(Hope you guys in joyed this chapter! sorry it took so long for me to update Faith but I promise that I will try to update this more. Let me know what you guys think about this chapter!)

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