Chapter 20: Sparrow's Moves

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(Please note that I know very little about dressage so some of the moves are in the video above. They don't have the names but I'll try to describe the different moves the best I can. Also, this video isn't mine. None that you may see are mine)

As soon as the music came on, it sounded great. "What song is this?" Myla asked as she watched Eric bow before he turned Sparrow into a trot down the fence line. "In My Mind" he answered. Soon, they were doing crazy moves. The first was something that looked like he was high stepping. It was crazy but Sparrow did this as if it were the easiest thing in the world. after a while he did his high stepping trots to the middle of the arena where he twirled in a circle. I couldn't tell how he was even doing these moves. Once he was done with his strange twirls he began trotting to the beat down the fence line. He did some strange lope where with each step his front hooves would trade places on which would go first and which would go second. They did these different moves until the song ended and Eric pulled Sparrow to a stop before he bowed.

When they came over to us, Myla was clapping. "I didn't know you could do dressage" Myla giggled as she stopped clapping. "Nice work, that was very cool" I nickered to sparrow, my ears perked. "Thanks, it's very easy when you have the steps down" he nickered. "Easy for you to say" I joked. We laughed and so did Miraculum. "How long till the competition?" Myla asked, looked at Eric. "Two weeks, but your ready" Eric said with a smile. "You think so?" She asked as she stroked my neck. "If you can jump an oxer as easily as you did then yeah, your ready" Eric chuckled. Myla smiled. I could sense that she was worried but very excited. I nickered as I looked back at her. "Your still worried" Eric said as he studied her face. "Nothing it's just..." she trailed off and I now knew why she was nervous. "My parents would most likely say no to me competing" she said replacing the smile on her face with a frown. "Then talk to them" Eric stated. "Do you think they would listen?" Myla grew more and more worried and upset. "Myla, you have to try. If you want to compete you have to get your parents to let you." Eric sounded very serious. "They now know that they can trust Imani with you" Eric pointed out. I watched as Myla thought about her options. Silence hung in the air. "Alright, I'll talk with them" Myla finally broke the silence. "After practice" she said before she had me lope off towards the jumps. I heard Eric laugh as me and Myla went towards the jumps. Soon, we were jumping through the course very easily. When it came to the oxer, it was easier then the last time I did it. We went through the course three more times after that before Myla and Eric dismounted me and Sparrow. Miraculum walked out of the riding arena and we followed. Eric held onto Sparrows reins and Myla held onto mine till we got to the hitching posts. They untacked us before they slipped our halters on and cooled us off with sponges and water. Once that was done, they put us in the pasture for the night. I hope Myla's able to get the permission she needs to ride me in a contest. I watched as Myla and Miraculum walk towards there house till I couldn't see them anymore. I turned my attention for grazing beside Sparrow for a while before I decided to sleep.


     Miraculum and Myla walked all the way back to their house in total silence. Thoughts were racing in Myla's mind. She was wondering how she would ask her parents to ride in the jumping competition. Just asking to ride was hard enough. Once Myla opened the door, Miraculum slipped through the door first before Myla slipped in next. She was greeted by her parents who sat in the living room. Myla was silent for a while before she walked over to her parents. Her mom looked at her in concern as her dad looked at Myla with a raised eyebrow. "What's wrong" her mom asked. Myla was still silent but she found her confidence when Miraculum whined and nudged Myla's hand. "Mom... dad..." she started. "Could I compete in show jumping w-" she asked trailing off. She was loosing her courage and was getting a bit nervous and worried that they would say 'No'. Miraculum gave a low bark as if to tell Myla to just say it. Myla looked at her then back at her parents. "Could I compete in show jumping on Imani" Myla let it out so fast that it took time for her parents to process what she had just said. "Imani will take care of me and I won't fall off" she added hoping it would help her case. Once they got their minds wrapped around what she had said, her mom looked at her dad with concern in her eyes. Myla's dad looked at her mom with a bit of concern but acceptance in his eyes. Her mother seemed to relax a little but she was still a bit worried. She turned back to look at her daughter who's eyes were on the ground and avoiding eye contact. Her mother sighed and smiled. "I don't see why not" she said without hesitation. Myla's eyes traveled from the ground to her mothers and smiled brightly. She engulfed her mom in a huge hug. "Thank you thank you!!" She screamed. Miraculous barked happily as she wagged her tail. Myla's father joined in on the hug. "On one condition" her mom said as she looked at Myla who froze in fear. "We want to see you compete and win the competition" her mom smiled as Myla smiled again. Miraculum joined in on the hug as she whined with her tongue hanging and her tail wagging. The family laughed and gave Miraculum a few pets, scratches, hugs, and a few kisses. Miraculum enjoyed this attention to the most before her and Myla went up to Myla's bedroom to go to bed. Myla changed into her pj's, brushed her hair and teeth, and got under her covers of her bed. Miraculum jumped up on the bed and laid down on her stomach close to Myla's chest. She yawned before she laid down on her side and Myla wrapped her arm around her and both fell asleep.

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