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(The Art photos below are mine)
-Flash's POV-

     I stood on a small hill overlooking the field near the humans house we moved to with Sparrow who was the herd lead stallion. He took his job very seriously. Me, I'm the bachelor stallion. If you don't know what that means it's a second in command stallion that helps the lead stallion. I may not be lead stallion like my dad wanted me but it's still a good position. Lately Sparrow has been on very high alert for one reason. Imani was heavily pregnant with their first foal. "Bro, calm down. Their are barely any predators around here" I nickered trying to help him calm down. He sighed as he lowered his head a little. "Sorry, I'm just..." he trailed off but I knew exactly how he's feeling. "Nervous, scared, and over protective" I chuckled. "I know" I nickered before shaking my head a little. "How did you deal with it" he asked. I smiled as I looked down at Sunflower who grazed by our twin foals. "Well, I just stayed their and helped Sunflower however way I could" I said calmly. "Ugh, I wish I had your confidence" Sparrow snorted as he brushed his hoof on the ground. "Sparrow, it's natural for a first time father to feel this nervous. You just have to have faith that everything will be ok" I advised hoping it would help him feel better. He only nodded. I watched him stare at my sister with a nervous look in his eyes. "You can go check up on her, I'll keep watch" I nickered as I looked at him. "Thank you" he nodded his head before he trotted down towards Imani who was grazing near Sunflower and the foals.

-Imani's POV-

    I lifted my head from the ground and looked towards Sparrow who trotted towards me. "Hey hun, you doing ok" he asked as he nuzzled me. "Yes I'm fine" I answered as I returned the nuzzle. "You sure?" I laughed at how nervous he sounded but I wasn't going to tease him. "I'm fine Sparrow don't worry" I assured him. He just smiled a little and was about to say something when the two twins trotted over to him. "Uncle Sparrow!!" They whinnied in unison. "Hey guys" he nickered looking at the two foals. "Can we go stand on the hill with Daddy?" Daylight asked with her ears perked. Her coat was mostly similar to Sunflowers but she had her dad's eyes. Her twin brother Midnight pranced in place unable to contain his eager and excitement. His coat took after his father in some way but not the leopard print coat like Flash. His coat was a dark brown and had a blanket coat similar to mine. I guess he gets it from his grandma while he had Brown eyes. I laughed as Sparrow smiled. "Of course but you don't go passed the hill" he nickered and the two foals cheered. "Yay! Thank you" they called before they took off to their father. "Such bundles of energy" I chuckled before turning towards Sunflower who sighed watching the two. "How do you keep up with them" I asked and she shook her head. "I don't know but I blame Flash for the amount of energy they have stored up" she teased making the three of us laugh. I went back to grazing as Sparrow stood beside me. "So have you two figured out any names yet?" I lifted my head to this question but I wasn't sure how to answer it. "Well, we thought of a few" I answered glancing at Sparrow. "If its a colt we thought about maybe the name Arrow" Sparrow nickered with his ears perked. "And if it's a filly, we thought about Autumn or Black Rose" I said with my ears perked. "Those are very good names." "May I give one" Sunflower smiled. I nodded as a smile appeared on my face. "What about Inverno? It fits a colt or filly" she smiled. I thought about it. "Sounds unique " I nickered. "I'll keep it in mind" I said. "I can't wait to meet the new foal" Sunflower just about squealed in joy and I giggled. "Me too" I nickered. I looked towards the sky as Sparrow went back to the hill and I thought to myself. I'm going to do my absolute best to make sure my foal has a better life than I did.

 I'm going to do my absolute best to make sure my foal has a better life than I did

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(Omg my first ever book finished! I hope you guys liked the book!! Thank you for reading and be on the look out for The second book of the Faith series!)

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