Chapter 10: Understanding

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Imani's POV

         I snorted pinning my ears as I stomped the floor of the strange boxed in space I was in. I eyed the people that gathered some by the man I kicked others just watching the men or me. I wanted them to leave me alone and to stop hurting me. "What happened!?" a women yelled running through the crowd and straight to the man on the ground. Blood ran down the side of his face and some down his arm. "The Devils Daughter kicked him trying to kill him!" the man beside the downed one argued. I snorted. Why was he not including that the man I kicked whipped me over and over again and I was defending my self and why call me the Devils Daughter? I watched the women clean off the blood from a cut on his head and a deep but not severe gash on his arm before putting something on it and putting the man on a white thing and taking him out of the barn. I snorted stomping the ground and the crowd moved away from the walls keeping me from charging the humans. They soon ran out seeming terrified at the sounds I made and the body language I sent. My muscles were tense and once everyone who I could see was gone I tried kicking the walls around me but it was no use. I didn't make any dents. I wanted out but it seemed freedom wasn't on my side.


            I began to get tired so I stopped to save and conserve energy before I noticed a small girl by the gate of this box. I turned my head towards the gate to get a better look at her and saw it was Myla then I saw Miraculum come trotting towards Myla and me. "Hey Imani!" Mira barked wagging her tail. "Hey" I nickered Lowering my ears a little as I backed away deeper into the box I was in. Mira found a way in through a hole in the wall and she looked up at me. "What's wrong?" she whined and I looked at the gate then my side that had a bleeding gash from the whip. "The man wouldn't stop whipping me since I didn't want to come in here so I kicked him and now the other man is blaming me for wanting to kill him" I snorted pinning my ears and looking towards the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry Imani" She whined lifting her muzzle to mine and I then felt her tongue lick my nose. For a wolf she was very kind and loving. I laid down and Mira laid down in front of me laying her head on my front legs. The gate then opened a little and I saw Myla walk in her hands extended. I nickered to help her find me and Miraculum which she found us easily as she sat down at beside me. I would have kicked or bit them but Myla showed me I could trust and rely on her. She was what was missing in other humans. She had a kind heart and she doesn't seem to rely on what a horse looks like but how the horse acts. She stroked my back but stopped laying her hand on the cuts from the whip and she seemed to use her index finger to trace the cuts to get an idea of what they came from. I flinched my skin as her finger landed on the deepest cut that bled a little. It stinged a little but I stayed still. "That man gave you these didn't he?" Myla asked and I snorted. She stroked my neck and leaned against me laying her head on my neck. "I'm so sorry girl, I tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen" She said sounded sad and I could tell she felt guilty as if she had given me the cuts. I nuzzled her and she stroked my muzzle smiling. "You need a name, I refuse to call you what the others call you" she stated and I perked my ears. "hmm, Faith?" she asked and I snorted nudging her. she giggled "I'm guessing that your name means faith" she began to think and I looked at her. "Hmm, Geelof? Tro? Glauben? Tru? Creideamh? Fidem?" She stated the words for faith in Dutch, Danish, German, Icelandic, Irish, and Latin (in the same order as typed above) but she wasn't saying the Swahili word for faith. I stayed silent not answering to either of the names. Then she said "Imani."I nickered nudging her and she giggled. "Imani is your name then, its very unique" she commented. I laid my head in her lap and she laid her head against my back near my neck. Mira got up and laid down beside both Myla and me laying her head by me. Right then and there I thought about if I wanted to return to my herd where Flash probably waited for me or if I wanted to stay here where I found friends who care about me and even though I seem to have found a bad name for me among the other humans, I had a girl who would help me earn a better name for me. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was home.

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