Chapter 9: confusion

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Myla's POV

         When dad led me back to the house I wanted to ask him two questions but I saved them till we got home. Once I heard the door open I asked "Why is she dangerous?" He looked at me for a while. "She's still wild and wild horses are aggressive" he answered but I could hardly believe what he was saying. Did he not see how the mare nuzzled me and how gentle she was around me? "But dad, she was really sweet when I was by her" I said defending the sweet and gentle mare. How could he not of seen the way she treated me. "Not from what I saw, she reared when I came over. She could of bit or kicked you" he argued. "You are not to go back to that pasture do you hear me!" He ordered. I wanted to cry. I didn't want to not feel the mares soft muzzle ever again. I couldn't fight him so I called Miraculum, grabbed the handle attached to her vest and had her lead me upstairs. I started crying as I reached the stairs and heard my mom call my name as I went up the stairs and to my room where I reached out my hands to find my bed then I laid down on it crying. How could my dad think so negatively about the mare? I soon felt a cold nose rub against my cheek and a soft warm tongue lick my face. "Miraculum?" I asked but I knew it was her as I felt her lay down by me and she laid her head on my arms still licking my face. She happily whined a response and I lifted my arm around her cuddling with her. She must of felt my sadness for I heard her hesitate to follow when dad took us away from the mares' pasture. What did dad see that was so dangerous about the mare? If she was dangerous then why did she act so kind to me and Miraculum? The questions rang in my head most of the night before I must of fallen asleep.

             I woke up to Miraculums' soft warm tongue licking my face. I got up and reached for her soft head then found it. Miraculum led me to were my clothes where so I changed into them before I had her lead me down stairs. I heard mom and dad arguing about something but I didn't want to hear it all. All I heard was "We need..." and the words "How could you...." It was so hard to hear those words but I had Mira ( Mira was her nickname ) lead me outside and back to the mares pasture. When we reached the pasture I heard snorts and nickers from the other horses in other pastures begging for my attention but the nicker I couldn't hear was that of the kind mares. She seemed to stay silent as if her life depended on it. Mira gave a bark and I heard a few blades of grass being chewed. A soft nicker then came as hooves bending the blades of grass made a sound for me to tell it was the mare who was coming. I then felt a warm breathe of air being exhaled into my face. Reaching out my hand I soon found the mares soft muzzle. She nickered happily and kept her muzzle in my hand as I stroked her muzzle. She kept her muzzle in my hand and I happily continued stroked her muzzle as she gave me soft nickers and snorts. I didn't want this to end but every good thing has to stop at some point.

            I stopped feeling her muzzle as she must of pulled her head up at some thing, Then I heard it. Foot steps making their way over here and the mare had trotted away from the fence. I heard her breathe become quick and heard her stomp her hoof. Miraculum snarled and I knew that could only mean one thing. They were going to break her! I smelled the sent of the leather saddle and heard the iron metal of the bit and other iron pieces on the bridle as the man holding it came closer. I nudged Miraculum and she went silent as I listened to them and what they were doing. Then I heard the gate swing open and a man walk over to me. "Hey Myla" The man said. I recognized his voice as Eric's, he was an old friend who I've known since I was very little. He was about twenty and I was eight teen so about two years older then me. "Hey Eric, what are you doing here?" I asked and I heard him sigh. "I came to watch the men break this wild horse." I gave a silent gasp in shock. I was right. They are going to break this mares' wild spirit. I heard the mares' hooves hit the ground hard and then heard loud ear piercing neighs. It sounded as if she was screaming and it hurt to hear it. "What are you doing here Myla?" He asked and I began to think of an answer for that question. I couldn't tell him what I really was doing here. "I- I was just....... walking around in joying all the horses company and........ found myself over here" I stuttered. I wasn't sure if it sounded like enough and Eric sounded like he was going to say something but it was covered over the cracks of whips and the loud screams of the mare who sounded like she was jumping. I flinched every time I heard a whip crack and Mira whined. "Easy girl!" and "The sooner you break the better" were all I could hear while Eric was talking. I needed to do something to help her before it was too late. I heard a body hit the ground and one of the men groan. This was my moment and I clicked my tongue and Mira seemed to be thinking what I was thinking. She run into the pasture and then I heard barks and neighs before I felt something push me to the ground and heard the fence break as ropes went piercing through the wind. I felt arms around me then heard Mira bark as she licked my face. "You okay?" It must of been Eric who pushed me to the ground. "Yea. What happened?" I asked and pat Mira's head telling her I was safe so she would stop licking me. "The mare charged at the fence where we were standing and she charged right through it almost running us over" he said. "Is she okay?" I asked worried more about her safety then mine. Eric was silent for a little and I pushed him off me as I heard whips crack and the mare scream in pain and furry. "What are they doing to her!?" I screamed and felt a tear slip down my face. "They are getting her under control she's getting too wild!" he said grabbing my arm and pulling me back. I snatched my arm out of his grip and heard Miraculum begin the growl. My attention turned from Eric and Mira to the mare as she gave out harsh screams then came the sound of whips hitting and tearing flesh. "stop, Stop it!" I yelled making my way towards her only to have my arm grabbed again jerking me away from her. "Myla are you crazy!? She could kill you!" Eric demanded. "Let me go!" I screamed and then Eric began yelling as I heard Mira snarl and growl. He let go of me and I tried to make my way to the mare but she gave no sound. Where was she!? I began to cry. I don't want this mare hurt or even killed.


                I fell to my knees crying and then felt Miraculum at my side. She licked my face and I wrapped my arms around her. The mare was gone now and I had no clue where she was, I could no longer visit her. I wouldn't be able to feel her soft muzzle or hear her sweet nickers. "Myla!?" I heard my mom yell before I felt her hug me. "Myla what's wrong?!" She asked. "They are hurting the mare! They wont stop!" I yelled my eyes full of tears. Why couldn't they just leave her alone and let her be? I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard screams coming from where the barn was. My mom and I both ran to the barn where I heard the mare kicking and rearing while one man groaned. "Oh my goodness!" I heard mom exclaim. What was she saying that for? As if someone could read my mind a man called out "WE NEED A MEDIC!!" The mare must of kicked him hard for I heard the downed mans' shallow breathing. I must of been near her for a man grabbed me and pulled me away from a wall. "Be careful! The Devils Daughter just about killed someone!" He exclaimed and a shiver went up and down my spine. Devils Daughter. That name ran through my head giving me more questions then answers. Why did she earn a name that didn't suit her? Why did they have to frightened her? What were they going to do with her now? I received no answers. Was this it? The only thing I seem to be getting were question after question piled up on each other without giving me any answers.

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