Chapter 4: Meet Me There, Okay?

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Ashlynn's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night and checked my phone. It was 12:30 in the morning. I texted Hunter and went into the bathroom. My phone beeped and I smiled.

Hunter: Sure. I'd loved to go for a walk. Don't worry, I'll bring some flashlights and I'll keep you safe. :)

He was so sweet. But we were just friends and nothing more. Although, I wish we were. Anyway, I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I looked in the fridge and found some left over waffles, from IHop.

I texted Hunter back and just remember how my dad made me feel, when we went for walks. Hunter, he was really nice. And maybe cute.

Ashlynn: Cool. Meet me in front of my house at one, okay? Also, you're sweet. See you soon. xoxo

I went back up to my room and closed the door. I went in my closet and decided to pick something half my style. When I'm just chilling with my friends, I wear jeans and a shirt with a sweater. I took out some baggy blue skinny jeans, a red shirt that said 'sugar, spice, and everything nice', a dark nlue sweater that said 'Old Navy', and some pretty pink flats.

I walked down the stairs, holding my flats and opened the door. I looked in my pocket to make sure I had my keys, then put on my shoes. I closed the door quietly and waited for Hunter on the doorstep. I got a text message from Hunter and looked down the street. I couldn't see Hunter with his flashlight.

Hunter: I'm on my way. Where do you live?

                                                                Ashlynn: Oh, I see you. Don't worry. You'll see me, when I walk to you. Which is... right now!

I started running and tripped on a rock. I closed my eyes thinking I was gonna hit the ground, but Hunter caught me in the nick of time. "It's a good thing I brought my flashlights, huh?" I got up and hugged Hunter. "Hehe. C'mon. I know the perfect place."

I took Hunter's hand and his flashlight. We ran and ran until I came to a stop. "Why'd... you stop?" Hunter asked, out of breath. "Because, we're here." I said happily. Hunter put his arm around me and I blushed.

As we entered the woods, I started to feel a little scared. I've been throught these woods before, but never at night. Hunter turned on his flashlight and held my hand. I stayed close to him and kept looking behind us. I felt like someone was watching us.

We stopped under a tree and I started to get even more scared. "Hunter... I think we should go. Hunter?" I looked at him and he was scared as well. I felt a slight squeeze on my hand. I looked down and Hunter was squeezing my hand as if he were giving me a sign.

I looked around and fell on the ground. I look at my leg and it was scratched up by something. It wasn't there before, and I just got tripped. So, maybe when I got tripped, I probably got scratched too. Hunter fell beside me and pushed my bang away from my eye. "Ash, what is going on?" I shrugged and put on my hood. Hunter did too.

Hunter turned on his flashlight, but there was no light. "Hunter! You didn't pack extra batteries!" I got up and let fire roam around me. Hunter looked at me and held my hand. I let light spread around us, like we were in love. "Ashlynn... wanna tell me something?" Hunter asked afraid of what I was gonna say.

"Well... when I was born, something sparked in my eyes. My mom thought it was just sunlight. One year later, I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed fire all around me. I started crying and my mother tried to keep it a secret from my dad. Me and mother weren't normal like him. So, my mother told me that he left us. Although... that's not what happened."

Hunter's POV:

I was sleeping and dreaming about me and Ash. It was a nice dream, but then it soon turned into a nightmare. I gasped and woke up. I looked at my phone and it was a text from Ashlynn.

Ashlynn: You, me, walk now. In the woods. Bring flashlights, got it?

I got out of bed and looked at my football shaped clock. "12: 29." I mumbled. I got out some navy blue jeans and a plain green shirt. I brushed my teeh and stuffed mints in my sweater pocket. I went down to the basement and looked for some flashlights. There were cobwebs everywhere and I didn't like it. When I was little, I was always uncomfortable in the basement. Too many spiders and centipedes.

Anyway, I came upstairs with the flashlight and got my camping bag. I put a first aid kit, food, drinks, and flashlights. Isn't it all the things you'll need for a walk in the woods?

Hunter: Sure, sweets. I have to talk to you anyway. C U there.

I took a muffin from the fridge and took a huge bite. "Mmm. Blueberry. My favorite." I walked downstairs with my bag and opened the door. I felt the fresh air against my skin blow back and forth, flowing through my hair. I silently closed the door, and walked to Ashlynn's house. Ya, I didn't know where it was, but Ash told me to just turn left and go down the street when she came over my house. That came in handy.

I turned on my flashlight and tried to find Ash. She said, she'd be on her doorstep. As I moved closer to Ashlynn's house, I saw something moving closer to me. I stopped moving and I was hugged by.... a girl? I looked down and saw Ashlynn smiling. "Hey, Hunter. Where have you been all my life?" she asked. I laughed and grabbed Ashlynn's hand. "In your heart, right? Where are we going?" I asked, my heart racing. Skipping beats.

"C'mon. I know." Ashlynn startes running and I followed. My breath was running out and I could feel my body going down. Like I was gonna faint. Ashlynn stopped and I ran into her. "Are we... there yet?" I asked, out of breath. "Yes. Follow me."

I took Ashlynn's hand and we walked into the woods. There were some lampposts that flickered from time to time. We walked closer into the woods and we sat under a tree. "So... now what?" I asked. "Well, I've been thinking about what you almost did the other day, and um..." Ashlynn pushed a bang out of her eyes and blushed. She couldn't say what she wanted, so I'll say it first.

"Ashlynn... I..." I stopped when I saw something move in the bushes. "Hold on. Ash... stay right here." I walked toward the bush and took a knife out of my pocket.

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