Chapter 10: Stay...

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Hunter's POV:

I brought Ashlynn upstairs to the attic and we both stayed there, afriad. I was bitting my lip, and Ashlynn was gripping onto my shirt. We were scared half to death. "Hunter..... do you think my mom killed the ones I loved because I don't like her? Or she wants me to like her?" I looked at Ashlynn and kissed her cheek softly. "Pumpkin.... no one will come between us, and we'll be okay. I promise to keep you safe from that pshyco." Ashlynn hugged me and someone burst through the door.

My dad was being held by something, or someone? I saw blood drip and he dropped to the floor. I cried and saw Ashlynn's mother behind. I took Ashlynn and we opened the window. "Hunter!" I turned around and got stabbed in the lung, with the knife, Ashlynn's mother held. I fell to the floor and cried. Ashlynn staring in maddnes. She went over to her mother and slapped her face. "Stop torturing Hunter! Torture me! I love Hunter, but you have to stop killing the ones I love and get away with it!"

Ashlynn struck her mother with fire and looked at me. I held my arm up and Ashlynn took it. We looked out the window and I didn't know what to do. Ashlynn let fire burst out of her hands and I slid down. Mostly gliding. She came down after me and the slide went away. I know what you're thinking. Why didn't I get burned? I don't know why either.

Ashlynn ran into the forest and I tried to keep up, but couldn't. I was about to die. I don't want to die! *crying* sorry. But I really don't want to. What will happen to Ashlynn when I'm gone. I can't protect her. I can't do anything. The only thing I can do is watch over her. At the least.

"Hunter come on! Don't.... no." I fell and Ashlynn ran over to me. I was weak. As in about to DIE! SOMEBODY HELP THIS GUY! (That's not supposed to be funny.) "Hunter...? Hunter please don't go into the light! I need you. I need you more than anything." Ashlynn brought me to a tree and layed me there. She took off my sweater and shirt, then rubbed her hand against the wound.

I closed my eyes and sighed. Watch (or read... I'd say picture it in your mind.) this: Ashlynn started crying and hitting the floor. "Hunter? Hunter...? No, Hunter, no! Please don't die! I need you please!" It started to rain and I moved my head. I took the sweater and put it over Ashlynn. She took her hands off her face and looked at me. She smiled and touched my cheek.

Then she moved her hand over to my cut and fire nicely healed it. Although, since it was raining, the fire kept being put out. She pulled a band aid out from my pocket and layed it against the test of the wound. It was gone, but not on Ash. The cut appeared on her face and she felt tinges of pain. Okay, that's it. I don't know why I made you do that. Heh heh. I'm weird....

Anyway, I stood up and Ashlynn snuggled by me. She layed her hand on mine, and her head on my shoulder. We met eye to eye. She's everything, and I'll never let that go. I would live without clothes for a week for Ashlynn. Anything to be with her.

"You know what?" I asked turning to face Ashlynn. "What? Is something wrong?" Ashlynn hesitated. "No, no. Nothings wrong. Um.... I just wanted to say... that I.... love you. Like alot. Like crazy alot. You don't even know how much I crush for you. I mean, when we first met at the lockers.... I was like: ohmygosh, ohmygosh..... ya know."

Ashlynn blushed and looked to the side. She let her bangs fall and blow through the wind. For a few minutes, it was quiet. None of us wanted to break the silence.

I looked at Ashlynn and noticed her hands on her lap. Then, one started moving towards me. I did the same and soon we touched hands. But for some reason, I didn't feel like I was in love. I felt like.... I wasn't doing something right. What was wrong with me? With this?

I let go of Ashlynn's hand and got up."Hunter, what's wrong? Where are you going?" I looked at Ashlynn and I held my breath. "I just need to.... um... go see someone. Not a girl, swear. Just someone." Ashlynn got up and took my hands. She looked me in the eye and kissed my cheek. "Cross you heart?" She asked. "Hope to die. Gonna stick a pencil in my eye."  Ashlynn let go of my hands and I smiled. I was happy that she trusted me and that I trusted her.

Ashlynn's POV:

Hunter stopped looking at me, and looked out the window. I looked in his direction and saw my mom getting out the car with a.... knife?

I cried even more and Hunter pulled my up. He rapped his sweater around me and carried me up to the attic and closed the door. "Shhh, calm down Ashlynn. Calm down, just please. For me.." Hunter whispered. I calmed down and stayed against Hunter. All we heard were screaming and glass falling.

Then.... the door got kicked down and Hunter's dad fell on the floor, dead. My mother carried a knife and started walking towards me and Hunter. I cried so hard. Hunter got up and took me to the window. He stepped back and helped me open the window.

"Hunter, look out!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Hunter turned around and got stabbed by my mom.

I hit my mom with fire and looked at Hunter. He was hurt and looked as if he was about to... to..... no. I couldn't let that happen. I took Hunter's sweater and put it on. Then I put fire over his cut and brought him far away from his home. We ran and ran into the forest and stopped.

Hunter fell on the floor with bloody hands. "Hunter, please don't leave me! I can't lose you. You're everything to me!" I cried and fell on my knees. How, could this happen all so quickly? The love of my life is gonna be gone, I will be locked in the basement forever, and never see daylight again.

"Hunter, just please! If I lose you, who will I have....?" I looked at Hunter and touched his stab. I closed my eyes and became scared. I pulled off Hunter's shirt. Fire flowed through Hunter's cut and he moaned from the pain. I cried little tears and felt the cut go away. I pulled my hand away and breathe heavily. The cut went away, but it rushed through me. Before I knew it, I had a huge scar going across my face.

"Ashlynn?" I looked at Hunter and pushed my bangs back behind my ears, to show that he had my undivided attention.

"Your face. It's, uh......" I looked down and felt nothing. I touched the scar and pulled my hand away sharply. All I felt was pain. Hunter grabbed my hand and sat up straight. I was dead. I was soo dead. This wound will be the least of my problems. The thing I'm worried about is Hunter.

"Why would you do that? To save me?" Hunter asked. "Yes, Hunter. I didn't want you to die, so I had to do what I had to do." Hunter looked at and smiled at me. "Thank you." He whispered. I smiled back and kissed his cheek. Everything felt right. But it wasn't. "Hunter?" I looked at him and held his hand. "Yeah..?" My eyes became watery. My lips started to quiver. Then, I started crying.

"What do we do know? You're parentless, my mom is trying to kill us, and.... I just feel bad. I put you in so much trouble, and look at what I've done to your life! I've ruined it.... forever..." I moved close to Hunter and cried with him. I couldn't stand the fact that I put Hunter and his whole life in danger. This is all my fault. But how could I make it right?

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