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Hey, guys and gurls! Amanda here! Yes that's my name. Anyway, how are you guys enjoying the book so far? Good? I try to make it awesome, and try to update on my updating days, since I started my second week of school and I already have homework. Ugh!

Anyway, but I got on A+ on my first Social Studies assignment! =) Yaysees! Um.... so hows school guys? I know. Boring. For me it is too, sometimes. It's not as boring as I thought. Cause I like a boy anf he likes me! Eeekk! No I'm kidding. I would never say that in public.

Soo, um I got some things to tell you guys. Very Important, that's why I wrote VERY IMPORTANT in the heading. Soo... first thangs first, I'm the realest! Na just kidding. From Fancy. Do me a favor. Say, "First thangs first I'm the realest." Cause you are the realest! You guys (and gurlz) are totally radical! ^^

So, now time for the important stuff: First off, I'd like to thank everyone for getting this book over 100+ reads! Please share this book to your friends, vote and comment! Updates are Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays! Just wanted to let yall know! So, um.... I've been reading the comments and umm.... some are just like, "nooooooooo!" Cause bad things are happening between Ashlynn and Hunter! Well guess what? It gets even worse! Heh heh *evil laugh*

Okay, second, I have a new book called Ask Ever After High! Um.... I have some questions, but I only published one chappie, so far. I'm working on the questions my friends asked, so I'll get those published soon! Publishing days for this story are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays! Vote and comment! Ask me, well I should say the characters questions! I even accept dares, but they can't be inappropriate. But you can still dare Hunter to kiss Ashlynn! What?! Nothing Hunter!

Third, big surpriseys! There will be a sequel to Fighting Fire with Love! Fighting Fire with Ice! Ashlynn and Hunter raise a daughter named, Anias. And you'll have to find out who the ice belongs to! No its not Jack frost. It's a love story. And it's not olaf either! Hehe ×) You'll have to find out when Fighting Fire with Love finishes. Which won't be done until, at least December or January. Idk, yet. The schedule for the sequel will be the same days as Fighting Fire with Love.

Fourth, remember that old story I hadn't updated for months? My Eternal Love? Well I updated that one. Finally. But it's a very important author's note, so please read that. Ummm and I think that's it.

So, umm... share theses books with your- oooo, I forgot! I have some books to share with you! Here they are!

The Perfect Two, Twisted Fairytale, and My Songbook by FasterThanTheWind (just so you know she's one of my bffas/ best friend forever after, so treat her right or eles!)

I Am His and He Is Mine, Love Never Fails, and Beauty in the Mist by xElsa_Arendellex. (She's my bffa too, so don't mess with her either!)

Skipping Stones, and Ask Ever After High by EverAfterHighlover20. She has some awesome books you gotta check out!

And um.... oh! Beware His Frozen Heart. It's amazing! Like foreal! And that's it!

Bye bye! Remember what I told you! =)

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