Chapter 7

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3rd PoV

In front of the classroom was a very beautiful girl with silver hair that shines at the sunlight poring down through the window at her right, smooth snow like pale skin that makes her like a porcelain doll that looks delicate and easy to break, unique ruby red eyes that can stare at your soul, and her delicate beautiful doll face that can outdone any girl in the world even models.

In front of her everyone was speechless of what they saw in front of them is a...

'A girl?! They all thought.

Silvette's PoV

People say that 'if you smile you cheekbones would hurt.' But I can't feel pain anymore so it dosen't hurt.

In front of me are six boys wearing different uniforms but they have the same logo of the acadamy.

I don't see any female students here either. I guees this has something to do with the question earlier and the acadamy's entrance.

I look at London and close my eyes to give him my close-eye smile."London I haven't seen any girl students here. Do you know where are they?"

"".................................."" Everyone became silent. I open my eyes and look around when a boy raise his right hand.

He has raven black hair, black onyx eyes, and a well built chizeld face. No douth that he is handsome

Mr. Yuyuba saw him. "Yes, Crest. Is there something you want to say?"

The boy called Crest'
stands up and look at me. "You know this is an all-boy school, right?"

Everyone noded. I look at London. I knew it.

London saw me looking at him, then gave a sigh. "Sorry, Silvette. It was our only choice to keep you safe and have connections to us. (Godparents).

"What do you mean?" I said in fake confusion. I knew it when we arrived here.

"Let's talk about in another time. Alright." He said as he walk over to me, then place' his right hand on top of my head.

I nod. "Treat her well. If not I'll expell every each one of you here." He said in monotone voice.

When everyone heard what he said they froze in shock. All of my godparents are very protective of me and they'll do anything to keep me safe, even if it means they sacrafice their own lives...

I look at Mr. Yuyuba with my fake smile. "Mr. Yuyuba can I take my seat?"

He snapped out from what London said. "Of course."

I walk over to a seat next to the window. I sat down on my desk and wave London good bye.

Now London was gone everyone sigh in relief.

Mr. Yuyuba walk in front of us holding a book. "Alright. We should start class and act like men!" He said in a voice with pride.

""Yeah..!"" Everyone said in usion ecxept for me and a handsome boy with chocolate brown hair and eyes he was two seats away from me from my right.

I just gave my fake smiles for the entier day.


Class ended. I am now heading to London's office. Everywhere I go a lot of boys were staring at me a few talk to me, but I just gave them my fake smiles and told them I was visiting London.

I knock on the door. When I got London's permission to come in I let myself in.

London was doing paper work. He had a strange aura behind him. A dark-ish black and blue aura. Saying that he hates paper work.

A/N: I know how you feel buddy *pats London on the back* it feels like hell.

London: Thanks... I'm glad that someone who created me knows what have I been going through. Created me to do the work. *holds a giant battle axe.

A/N: ..... 'S-Scary..'

I walk over to him and gave him a smile. "London. You look exausted."

He notices me and gave me a wrly smile. "Yeah, anyways what are you still doing here? Aren't you going home. Classes already ended."

"Well.. Nana is at work and she won't be coming home until midnight. I'm going to stay at home by myself, so I thought I could help so I won't get lonely." I gave him an innocent looking smile.

I am not really really that lonely. My true ententions is patroling the acadamy. Making sure I know any places that are good in case demons come.

"Well... there is one thing cand you chop up a few trees at the back of the acadamy. It's for the up coming festival for next month. I was planning on calling the acadamy's gardner, but with you I'm sure you can do that with ease. Can you do it?"

I nod. "Sure."


I am now at the back of the acadamy. The sun was setting I am sure people will have a magneficent view looking at the setting sun on one of the tree branches.

My first tree was a little tall. I didin't bring a axe or chainsaw. But...

"I call. Serve me as your master. Blood of thy Yin. Silver Cresent." I chanted a black circle appeared in front of me. I put my hand throught the circle and grab a majestic silver scythe.

The scythe was long. The scythe was even taller than me.

I walk near the tree and stop. I swing my scythe and it cut the tree in a mere second.

The texture of the tree was oak. The tree maybe small; but the texture of the trunk was hard.

When the fallen tree was about to meet the ground. A giant black circle appeared and it suck up the tree.

It was not magic. It was my ability. Magic dosen't exist.

I'm an a Araishi. An Araishi is someone who has abilities. Some mutant have the same abilities from family or relatives. Also new abilities are discovered everday from family or not also relatives. Were different from humans our bodies are different. Making us stronger, faster, and smarter.

I went to the next tree. London said he only needs me to cut two trees. The next tree was a bit bigger and a lot more sturdier.

I swing my scythe again to cut the tree. Then I use my ability again to create another black circle; the tree was now gone.

I was about to walk away when I sence someone. Where..?

I look around, but no. Wait, up!

I look up to dodge but...


The person who yelled 'f*ck' landed on top of me; also his lips landed on top of mine.


Yay! It's time. Time for romance! The next chapter would be a bit exciting and my most favorite part on that chapter was abou-- Whoops! I was about to spoil you guys. Sorry but trust me on this one I let my friend read it and she got crazy. So yeah I think I broke the switch of her with the must cutest scene of the story; Anyways I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to leave a vote, comment, and follow me 'K! Bye Cuties~

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