Chapter 12

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Nana's PoV

"I'll take a bath." Silvette said in blank look.

"Ok!" I said as do the dishes.

She left the room and headed to the bathroom. I hear the water running coming from the bathroom she's in.

Maybe just a peek. Tip-toe, tip-toe, tip-toe. I quietly tip-toe to the bathroom door and I was about to open it, "You forgot to do the dishes." She says.

I pouted. Why can't I have a bath with you?! Were both girls and your living under my roof, your suppose to obey me!

Silvette, "I'm your leader and I'm stronger than you."

Nana, "....." Damn it. Also how can she read my mind?

Silvette, "Your face is easy to read and your straight foward with shame."

"..." Are you insulting me?

Silvette, "No, but it's the truth."


I sadly went back doing the dishes with heavy footsteps. Wahhhhh....! Why can't Silvette be cute like I imagine?! When I heared that Silvette was moving with me I thought she would have a cuter side after we moved in together but sadly she's an a emotionless doll who's an a perfectionist and a brutually cruel person!

Hmmmm, I need to help Silvette make friends before graduation or she'll live lonely again. I can't let that happen!

*Ding, dong* Someone rang the doorbell. I left the dishes and head to the front door.

Nana, "Coming!" I open the door and was met with.....

"Ko-kun!" I tackled my little brother who is named as Kota.

Author: Don, don, don! Kota is Nana's brother?! Tell me did you guess it? Write your comply down at the comments.

Kota stumbled down with meth me hugging him. "I miss you, I miss you, I miss you sooooooo much! I thought you were suppose to come here tommorow! But you miss your big sister so much that you couldn't wait for tommorow!"

Author: Wow. I never knew Nana was such a doting idio-*Cough* person...?

Kota, "Yeah.... I guess." He gently pushes me off him and stands up.

I was a little hurt but I kept on smiling. I stand up and found his friends behind him.

"Hey, guys!" I said in a cheerful voice.

"Hey, Nana!" Ryu waves at me with a smile.

"Hello, Miss Yokima." Kent greets me.

Nana, "Kent! Stop calling me miss! What are you all doing here? Aren't you suppose to visit me tommorow, Ko-kun?"

"Something came up.... Can the guys and I stay here?" Kota ask.

I nod. "Of course! You are my brother after all!" I look at his friends. "Come in. Let's chat!"

The guys noded and enter my condo.


"So that why your here...." I said and all the guys nod ecxept for Kai.

Ryu, "He's a terrible cook."

Kent, "The worst."

Shido, "He lives for his title of 'The Cathasthrophe Cook.'

Jin, "He needs cooking lessons."

Kota, "He's banned from ever entering kitchens again."

Crest, "I'm sure his cooking would become a weapon for the military."

Kai, "Shut up!"

They told me the whole story what their doing here. Kai a.k.a 'The Cathasthrophe Cook' burned down their apartment and all the other residents. They decided they could move in my condo for the time being.

"You know, you could stay here forever if you want." I said to Kota.

Kota, "No. After we found a place we'll leave."

Nana, "..."

Kota looks at me then stands up from the couch. "I need to go to the bathroom." He says then heads to the bathroom.

'Kota...' I said his name inside my head. Ryu looks at me.

"I'm sure he was just tired. Don't worry we'll take care of him!" He assures me.

I smile. "Thanks... ? Wait did he say he was going to the b-bathroom..?" I said in fear. I hope I heared wrong.

Jin, "Yeah.... Is something wrong..?"

I stand up and was about to call for Kota, but.....

"WHAT THE HELL.....!!!" I hear Kota's voice that was coming from the bathroom.

I ran to the bathroom with a pan in my hand and the guys following me. As I arrived at the scene.

Crest, "Oh-"

'Sh*t.' I thought. I see Kota looking at a beautiful girl who is wet and was completely naked in the bathroom. She has a towel on her head I think she was drying her hair. She has silver, long, wet hair; her hair was sticking on her body. Smooth, white snow skin that men want to touch and a curvious body that women would die for. Drops of water were dripping to her chin then neck then her mounty chest.

Nana, "Kyaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!"

*Twack! Twonk! Twack! Twonk!*


"Silvie~! I'm so so so so sorry I let this happen! Please forgive  me and Ko-kun and his friends!" I kneel down, hoping for forgiveness.

"... Ok." She says as she drinks her bottle of water.

I look up at her. "Really?!"

She nod; then looks at Kota and his friends. "I don't mind letting you see me naked."

""......"" Is she normal?!

I sigh, then tell her everything about the guys and their problem.

"I know who they are. They are my classmates from school." She says.

Ryu, "Wow! I can't believe your living with Nana. What a suprise!"

Shido looks at Silvette. "Are you roomates?"

I casually put an arm around Silvette's shoulder. "Yup! And I'm so happy that she's my roomate, right Silvette?" I said then rub our cheecks together.

Silvette, "..." She drinks her water without responding to my question.

Nana, "..." You could have said yes!

Silvette stands up then heads to the direction of her room. Before she head to her room she looks at me and everyone. "It's 10:32. We need to go to bed, goodnight." She says as she dissapered.

I hear sigh coming from Jin. I look at him. He notice my gaze and gives me a wry smile. "She's different from school."

I sigh. "Don't tell me she act like an happy-angel girl, right?"

Ryu, "She really does act different at school, huh."

I smile. "I'll take you guys to your room."


Sorry this chapter was so short; I've been busy with some family matters. Please don't forget to leave a comment, vote, share and follow me! Bye Cuties~

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