iv. barcelona, spain.

412 31 5


Okay, I know I'm a piece of shit. I'm at some girl's room after a wild party at a club. I don't even know her name, but we exchanged a deep conversation over mojitoes and dancing. One thing led to another and I was with her for the night. Sometimes, I wonder what my purpose in life is. What am I doing? I'm a photographer. I photograph photos on the caliber of Henri Cartier-Bresson, according to most of my professors. Also I'm making my own portfolio called lust., I'd photograph the girls I'm with for the evening for my personal collection. I'll sell this for a good sum of money to continue my wandering journey. Wherever the wind takes me. Girls get fascinated with the idea of engaging with a photographer. They also like posing for me. My portfolio consists of 15 photos of 15 different girls.

To define intimacy, I had to study it. This was how I studied intimacy: I take girls, charm them, sleep with them, sometimes leave them alone for weeks, they come back, I sleep with them again. A lot of my guy friends cheer me on for it, but my girl friends (like Bella) call me out on it. I'm aware that I am out of character. But, honestly, I never had a loving bone in my body since Jiwoo.

How long has it been anyway? I forgot. I always deal with this large weight of regret when the girl snuggles up to me. She presses her lips against my neck that's already covered in bruises. I pity her. I can't feel a thing for her. Usually, when you sleep with someone, someone always catches feelings when it happens. Girls seemed to be attached to me, and it feeds into my egocentric personality. I'm quiet, but when I speak, I know my words hold value. I'm a feminine seductress who breaks hearts. It's an unhealthy thing to do, but the reason I do it is for the sake of my heart.

This girl intertwines her fingers into mine. "Mmm...¿De dónde eres?"

"Corea de la Sur," I purr into her hair. "Es muy hermosa. Tal vez, te lleve algun dia. Te puedo presentar mi país de noche porque la vida de noche es muy divertida." (South Korea. It is very lovely. Maybe I can take you some day. I can present my country at night because the night life is very fun)

"Te quiero en la luz de la dia porque tu cara es muy brillante y bonita. Quiero caer in amor contigo." (I want you in the light of the day because your face is bright and pretty. I want to fall in love with you).

Now it's time for me to go. I giggle softly. Silly girl. I feel no remorse as I grab her face and kiss her hungrily. The study of romance is something I pass exceedingly. I just don't put too much feeling into it. My hands graze upon her neck. She gasps and then I slowly pull her back in for another round. I'm usually mindless in my advances. I'm going to break her heart by the next morning.

As she falls asleep, I slip out into the daylight. The sun is rising and it looks beautiful. I always preferred sunrise in Barcelona to that in Seville. It pleases me more. It also comes out a little earlier. I don't know where I'm going, but the train is possibly going to lead me to the airport. And I'll be on an airplane to somewhere different. Another set of girls to add to my Playbunny portfolio to sell off. Another set of bodies. Perhaps a different language.

I only acquired Italian over the past few months because of the numerous girls I've been engaged with were fluent in that and Spanish. I vaguely understand Portugese. Another girl, another good set of Euros. Travelling Europe has always been a dream of mine. I always wanted to go from country to country. The company I'm selling my portfolio to (well offering it to) were giving me a lot of money so they could put this set of photos in their photo book. As soon as I get everyone's consent, it's gonna be sent. Once I get 100 photos, I can have my own book. I just need 5 more photos to offer my preview.

I get a plane ticket to Paris, France since it was the only country my school was giving me money for at the moment. Paris...damn. Paris, France. I never thought I would end up there. I could almost taste the baguettes on my tongue. This was my second stop on my European tour. Spain for a few months, Paris for who knows how long. I wait for the flight. A few girls steal glances at me. One of them points at me and glares. I smile a little until one of them finally gets in my face.

"YOU ARE THE GIRL WHO HURT MY FRIEND!" she shouts in English.

I tilt my head in confusion. "Who are you talking about?"

"My friend Evelyn!"

Evelyn...Evelyn...I searched my mind. I really should stop playing with people's hearts like this. Honestly, I wouldn't be in this situation. I gave myself a bad reputation here. I might be even worse in France if all goes well. Which Evelyn? I really wanted to ask but I was already in some deep shit. I just nod. "I'm sorry."


I want to laugh but I don't. I hear this all to often.

"Vuelos para París, Francia..."

"Lo siento. I've gots to go," I said, picking up my things. "Tell Evelyn if she wants me, she should have not introduced me to her friend." I walk over to the gates. "Also, if she wants me to stay, tell her to give me a call. She knows me number."

As I got on the plane, a small smile appears on my face. Who knew a photographer could have this many girls chasing her down like a K-pop idol? 

Paris En Tu Invierno (ChuuVes FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ