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"Welcome to Paris En Tu Invierno."

There was a screen with some photographs I had taken of Paris when I first came. I hip-bumped Fabio for adding that touch, who was talking to a very wealthy man who was doing his early spring shopping for modern art. Working here felt like a blur. It was something I never expected to do. All the beautiful artworks both old and new exemplified love and blooming. Flowers, sunshine, youth, elderly. It made me smile, but also felt a taste of nostalgia. The moment of being around first love when the flowers bloomed and all the snow melted. Hands being held. Kisses being given. I was pleased.

Cameras snapped my photo beside some sculptures. "Ms. Ha, how does it feel to be an heir of such a big corporation?" one of the news people asked me.

"It feels surreal," I reply to them. A translator helped translate to some of the French based interviewers. People all around the world came to view the exhibit.

"Are you a splitting image of your father?"

"I'd like to say so," I laugh. "He couldn't make it because he is in Macau at the time."

All the interviewers were taking me on at once. I felt overwhelmed but proud. This exhibit was something I created. I arranged it with the help of my team. I had a vision and I executed it. "As a matter of fact, my father saw something in me that wasn't his reflection, but something greater than him." I grin. "I am introducing something different to his company. Not only as his heir, but as his confidant. His business partner. Most of all, as a creator." I grinned. The interior design was everything that I aimed it to be. Photographers had to arrange their cameras in ways that I once had to at a point in time. Capturing images made by others, but also the design that I had made myself. "I made this here exhibit with the help of the greatest team a woman could ask for. I wanted to make this personal. I wanted everyone to seek the feeling that spring gives them."

I noticed a face in the crowd. The greatest love of my life. Jiwoo. She was smiling at me with deep admiration. An interviewer steps up. "And what feeling does the spring give you, Miss Ha?"

"It gives me a feeling of familiarity," I replied. "A sesne of warmth. Love. Where I can create the best."

Another interviewer steps up. "However, this is Paris in the winter...where does the spring comes from?"

"Because in the winter, we face the dark and the cold, but...the spring is around the corner, ready to grace you. And in a city as romantic as can't help but feel the love around you," I grin. "So, this exhibit is my pride and joy. Take it any way you may. The here."

Everyone clapped as they eventually dispersed. Jiwoo came into my arms and kissed my lips. "I love you so much, Ha Sooyoung." She kissed me again. "This is beautiful."

"I knew my daughter in law would return to us!"

I turn my head to see my father. I ran and gave him a big hug. "Dad!"

"I wouldn't miss the opening for the world. I knew my youngest had a keen eye!" He looked at Jiwoo. "And I see that my daughter in law is with you again."

"Hello, Mister Ha," she said. "Happy to see you, again. Thank you for giving me a chance to live my dream."

He nods. "No problem. You have a mighty voice. The both of you do." He grins and pats my shoulder. "I am so proud to call you my daughter. I tried to tell your mother and sister about the opening...I sent them tickets.." he bit his lip. "They never replied."

I smile sadly. "Well, dad. You know how it is. They're hard women."

My dad chuckled with a touch of sadness. "Yeah."

Jiwoo held my hand. "We'll try and visit them soon enough. And I have plenty of pictures of the exhibit in case they want to see."

I laugh. "You took pictures?"

"I have an eye," Jiwoo jabbed back. "Better than yours."

"Not better than mine," I snickered, kissing her cheek.

My dad grinned. "Well, I best be off to check out the rest of the exhibit. Your old man has to scope it." He kisses my forehead. "My precious child."

Jiwoo looked at me and beamed the sweetest beam that reminded me of our time in high school. My first love was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She was the light in my life. My world. "I saw Max at the school, they ran after me...and I agreed to press charges after talking to my professor. I sent my testimony because I didn't want to be in the court before I came." She embraced me. "I'm okay now. I'm really ready to love you without being scared."

I hug her back. "You're strong, honey. It's okay if you're still hurting-"

"We came out of the darkness of the winter to meet the warmth of the spring," she says. "Yes. I'm throwing my words back at you."

"You are too corny," I laugh into her shoulder. "I really love you, Kim Jiwoo."

"I love you, Ha Sooyoung."

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