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I can't believe half of what happened last night. Max took me to breakfast today and wasn't that nice this morning. I guess it was my fault. Last night, I clinged onto Max for majority of the event. They were not too happy about that. Sooyoung...well "Yves" couldn't take her eyes off of me or Max last night. At her own party, she just gazed at me. She looked furious. Max just yelled at me for not looking pretty enough. I'm sure that wasn't the case. Knowing Sooyoung, she probably was going through a guilt trip.

Max's grunts were starting to irritate me so I asked them what was wrong. "Vous ruiné le parti." (You ruined the party.)

"How?" I asked, folding my hands. "Je n'étais pas confortable. Je ne suis pas bon avec les grands événements." (I wasn't comfortable. I'm not good with big events).

"Vous êtes une chanteuse. Vous devriez être." (You are a singer. You should be comfortable.) I huffed in frustration. I didn't know how to be confident anymore. The spark in me has left. Like the smile that used to live on my face. It just ran away. I felt empty inside. Max gripped my hands. I thought they were going to assure me. "Qui êtes-vous une attitude avec ?" Their eyes got dark (who are you getting an attitude with?). The sweet person that I met on the quad was gone in that split second. They slammed me down in front of everyone. Max didn't care. I flashed back to last night when they assured me that their punishments were purely out of blossoming love and seeing greatness that I should achieve in myself. They gripped me by the waist last night and pulled me into a corridor at the party. They told me though they want to fall in love with me. But, in order for them to do that, I have to "act right".

I guess I disappointed them once again. They finally were done unleashing their wrath onto me. The people were still tending to their business. I was wondering to myself why didn't anyone notice this? Maybe I deserved this. I can't live up to my expectations.

We got back to Paris on a silent ride back. They took me home and tried to kiss my lips that they punched. I looked away, but they gripped me by my chin. "Je suis désolé." Their light colored eyes looked apologetic. I felt sad. I grabbed them by the sleeve. I wanted to kiss them so badly. I didn't know how to handle this though. I wanted to cry at the same time because I should know better. But, Max saw something in me. And that made me believe I was actually worth something. No one had actually tried to enforce my potential until now. We kissed and then they unlocked the door for me. Heejin raised from their desk and cursed in Korean.

"Hey yourself," Max waved in English. A small cocky smile was on their lips. "I'll be seeing you." I didn't want them to leave just yet. I wanted the sweet Max to hold and cradle me. Tell me that I'm beautiful, while stroking my hair. I want that Max. The Max looking at me right now.

Max closes the door after handing me my keys. Heejin placed her hands on her hips, angrily staring at me. I thought she was going to yell, but in a calm voice she quietly asks, "what the hell happened to your face?"

I swallowed. If I told Heejin anything that happened, she would just scoff. I tried to poke my brain for some silly answer. The one that popped out was "I ran into a pole".

"A pole crafted from the flesh of a human fist?" Heejin snapped. "Don't fucking lie to me, Jiwoo."

"I swear. It was nothing. " I went to the bathroom. Heejin followed me into the bathroom. She told me to sit down on the toilet seat. She pulled out some medicine and a few stitches. For a botany student, she was clearly invested into her first love's field: medicine. Heejin tsked as they worked. I winced as they sewn my lip. Was it that bad? I barely felt the blows to my face.

"I was so prepared. I knew that bastard was going to make you their little stomping ground."

"They didn't do anything. It was me."

"Kim Jiwoo, shut up." Heejin cut the string and inspected my lips. "Thank goodness she didn't give you anything to really ruin your face. If she gave you a black eye, I would kill her. I want to kill her now."

"Her is a they, Heejin," I remind her. "Don't be disrespectful."

Heejin rolled her eyes and went back to her desk. I went to my bedroom, looking at my phone waiting for a text. There was nothing. My stomach growled in hunger, since I didn't get the chance to finish my breakfast. I didn't feel hungry, but I knew I had to eat. I forced myself out of my room to go to a store to at least get some strawberry milk. Outside my door was a familiar dark-haired girl who was unloading her bags across from me. Oh hell no. I ran downstairs really quickly until I heard a loud call towards me. "JIWOO!"

I turned my head, though I really didn't want to. Sooyoung flashed a smile at me. I furrowed my brow. How could they look so mature? They didn't look the same at all. Her voice had also changed. Went down an octave since high school. There was that cute little smirk on her lips. I felt my cheeks go warm. I didn't respond vocally. I just nodded my head.

"We're neighbors." Sooyoung ran her fingers through her long hair. My breath hitched. I didn't like this at all. "Hey....what happened to your lip?"

"Cut it off a bottle," I lied.

Sooyoung shrugged. "Hey. Anything can happen in Europe. The alcohol here is wonderful."

I nod. I didn't know how to respond. Sooyoung looked at me with a little bit of concen though.

"Just be careful out here, okay? There's not a lot of good people around here. I know it's scary now, but you'll find those people you can trust. You got Max. Max is good people." She looks like she wants to choke up, but she didn't. She just waved. "Come by sometime..."

I walk down and just ignored their existence. I could have sworn I heard a sniffle once I reached the second landing. I tried to peer up at Sooyoung but I heard the door slam. 

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