xxi.paris, france.

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Getting dinner at a "financial-friendly place" was at the Ritz, right here in Paris. I wanted to blush at how under-dressed I was at this fancy restaurant. Sooyoung smiled at me, knowing how badly I used to fantasize about going here. Heejin's eyes twinkled at the lights and the bellboys who tended to her every whim. Sooyoung whispered some words to one of them and they nodded immediately.

The area was just glitzy and glamorous. I wasn't used to it. As we were sat at a table, a man comes up with a violin. I gawked at Sooyoung. Heejin widened her eyes. And he began to play a song that I know all too well. "Che faro senza euridice" from "Ofeo ed Euridice". He was very focused on it. It was one of the best opera songs that I had studied. When I first saw Janet Baker performed it, I learned it like the back of my hand. I could basically feel Sooyoung's eyes that were on mine, which were focused on the violin. Honestly, in a way if this song could describe me...

The longing in the shortness of it. It was wondering where the life was in somebody's loved one. As it ended, I can't help but think why Sooyoung chose that song of all songs. Did she see me as her Euridice? As we began to order, I sort of felt out of focus. Was I seen as dead to Sooyoung? Did she miss something about me? Did she long for the peace in our love? I played with my fingers as we waited for the food. Sooyoung giggled at something Heejin said. I felt something inside me turn, like old times. I didn't like it when Sooyoung was friendly with other people. She tuned it down just for me. This time, a waitress came and gave Sooyoung an enticing look. I tried my best not to glare. Her short skirt showed off her nice tall legs and I was envious: all I had on was was a modest skirt and a cute cardigan sweater. I looked like a child compared to the sultry waitress who sat down our dishes.

I had to remind myself: Sooyoung was a bonafide playgirl now. There was nothing I could do about it because she is not mine.

"How's your food?" she asked me.

"It's more than what I imagined," I replied, slicing my beef and biting into it. I never tasted anything more expensive in my entire life. It tasted too good. I closed my eyes and just relished in the moment.

The violin guy came back and played a list of modern songs from off the radio. I enjoyed the song, humming along. Sooyoung grinned. "How about you sing a tune for us?"

"S-sing?" I coughed.

"If you'd like," Heejin said, in a quite pleading tone.

I thought about it. I haven't really sang in a while. Most of my classes, I just lip-synched along with the choir and then just tanked most of everything, barely passing to stay inside the school. I cleared my throat. "Well maybe after I eat because I'm not quite prepared..." I was flustered. I immediately took a sip of my sparkling water. "Here, though?"

"You used to sing to me everywhere," Sooyoung said. Of course, I did. I was smitten over her existence. Her hands would always grace upon mine. Her cheeks would turn red and she would try to hide it. Often, she wouldn't because Sooyoung was bold in her facial expressions. She was never shy with me, despite her aloof demeanor with other people. I guess that never changed.

"I don't know what you want me to sing..."I bit my lip as I felt a little full from my meal. But, I knew that Sooyoung wasn't done treating us yet. She already pitched an order for a cake. "Any requests?"

"How about..." Heejin had a devious grin on her face. Oh no. I could already tell what she might make me sing. It was probably the one I sang all over the way home while we walked together. I was in my final year of middle school, singing about that one girl in her 9th year. It was a classic song. How could I ever forget? "Hug by TVXQ."

"No. Way."

"You used to sing it all the time...come on...!"

"She did?"

"Yes. She would be singing her little heart out," Heejin chuckled. I was keeping my warmed cheeks beneath my palms. I could not bear to really expose myself like that. "Every single day. I would have to deal with her talking about some girl she saw across the street. She used to fantasize about skipping classes with her just to know her name and then would sing it aloud with her whole chest."

"Atrocious," I utter under my breath. I can't believe Heejin recalled that. This was something that was supposed to be a secret between us two. I guess because it was so long ago, it could be cracked open to laugh about again.

"Now I wanna hear you sing it to me," Sooyoung said.

I blushed. No way in hell... it had been too long ago...I already felt myself humming the first note, though. So many bittersweet memories came with that song. I had my 4th generation Ipod on, discreetly. I had cracked open a textbook so the teacher would think I was studying. Hug had come on shuffle. My head was always in the clouds back then. I was peering outside the window for airplanes and cars that would zip on past my school. I noticed a group of high school students, drinking banana milk and playing on Gameboys. A few of them had cigarettes in their hands. One of them stood out the most. She was checking her reflection in the mirror and applying some pretty red lipstick. I never saw anyone so beautiful in my life. I wanted to glance at her name tag, but the teacher slapped her ruler on my desk and my Ipod was gone forever that day.

I wanted to go to that high school because it was an arts school. I would yell about it to Heejin. She would just shake her head and she would look at her shoes. Hyunjin hung out with us at the time. Back then, I was their third wheel. They weren't aware of their feelings, but I felt like I was just that one supporting actress in their little k-drama. I can't help but know what would happen if their love continued.

Sooyoung raised up her champagne flute. "To new beginnings."

Heejin raised her cup and I followed suit. "What new beginnings?" I asked.

"We'll be facing the noses of our futures," Sooyoung said. "Kissing the future as if it were our wife."

"What kind of analogy, Sooyoung...? You're too gay, dude." Heejin finished up her food. "Ah look the cake!"

Luckily, for the rest of our evening, I didn't have to sing a lick of Hug by TVXQ.


When morning came, I made breakfast. Sooyoung had slept on our couch the night before. I woke to see her resting soundly. I started with the rice in Heejin's old ricemaker and also began cutting up slices of beef. I also began to fry everyone an egg. By the time the beef was finished cooking, as expected, Heejin walked in, with her bunny slippers and face mask on. "Hmmm yess...she still has it."

"Has what?" Sooyoung chirped, raising from the couch.

"She couldn't cook as well...." Heejin yawned. "It smells like our Jiwoo's cooking again."

My cooking was unique, I guess. I arranged everyone a bowl. Eventually, we all sat at the table and ate a quiet breakfast. We all got ready to drop Heejin off. I wanted to cry a little because now my Heejin was going off, while I lived in Europe. It didn't truly dawn on me until recently. I should have cherished our time together more. My heart began to get heavy. The ride was too quick.

Heejin gave me a big hug. Everything just felt like it flew by too quickly. She kissed me on my forehead. "You'll be okay. Alright, beautiful? You hear me?"

I wiped tears from my eyes. "Mmhmm."

"You can always call me. Though we have a nice time difference in zones."

"I will call you every day."

"Take care of Sooyoungie too."

I turned my head to see the raven-haired girl with a teary-eyed grin. We had a group hug until it was time for Heejin to go. We waved her off together. And now I'm facing sitting alone with the girl I had been trying to avoid for all of these months. 

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