xxii. paris, france

307 20 2


I tried to get myself together for my first day back at school. But, I couldn't. I was still too scared to use Sooyoung's bathroom. It was my first night there. I was worried about touching her blue toothbrush. Mines was purple. I applied my own toothpaste to it and looked in the mirror. Sooyoung had little notes on the mirror that had schedules and affirmations. I thought it was so cute. I also saw little French phrases like "le dejeneur" and "patron". I snickered to myself. Sooyoung was really a CEO. It was really cute. I still was registering the idea. I fixed and applied some of my makeup. I walked out the bathroom to see Sooyoung still brewing a cup of coffee, while reading a newspaper. Adult Sooyoung was an interesting person to meet. They were very refined and still kept that same nonchalance from high school. Sooyoung looked up at me and grinned.

"Want some coffee?"

I picked up my bookbag off of the sofa. "That sounds about good."

Sooyoung poured some into a thermos for me. "Free of charge. Better than most cafes. I promise." I heard the wink in her voice while I was making sure I had everything. I instantly rolled my eyes. "Look, I promise I won't make this awkward. It'll be like I'm not even here, unless you want me here."

"Let's respect each other's space." I slunked my bag over my shoulder. "You don't barge in my room, I don't come in yours."

"I pay the bills. That's my room until you either move out or help me pay rent." Sooyoung took her keys off the counter. "Or...you become my girl."

"No way in hell would I do that again. You're a whole player. Cassanova type," I giggle. "I'll work on getting a job."

"You could work for me." Sooyoung jingled her keys. "Need a ride to school, little girl?"

"Who are you calling, little girl?"

Sooyoung grinned with mischief. "You, little girl. Wanna ride in the upperclassman's Maybach?"

I rolled my eyes and got my bus card. "Nah. I'm perfectly fine on my own. I don't wanna be too dependent on you. I'm already staying at your place."

Sooyoung wrapped her arms around me. I hated how my heart was fluttering a little because of how flirty they were being. I was supposed to be unamused. But, I wanted them to be close. "You can get a ride with me, any time. Your school's near my job. Plus, we have an opening. I need a secretary. Plus, maybe a singer for this event we're holding very soon." I hated how close they were to me now. I couldn't even make up my mind on how I felt. "It could help you pay the rest of your tuition."

"Knowing your father, he probably paid in full my tuition because he loved me so much and he thought we were going to be together forever."

"Pardon, mademoiselle. He didn't do that after I told him that we broke up. He was going to invest only to take it back."

I was taken aback. My eyes widened as Sooyoung opened the door for me so we could leave the apartment. Before I knew it, I was on the passenger side of Sooyoung's Maybach that still smelled fresh. She turned the key into the ignition and soft classical music was playing. Sooyoung's cockiness was starting to really annoy me because of how they knew me all to well. Also, with the fact that they were pressing my buttons to make me vulnerable towards them. I couldn't fall for this playgirl now. No way. She could probably be screwing more beautiful women by the time she got to her job. She could cheat on me with a superstar model. Something insane. Sooyoung wasn't the same girl from high school. She was more evolved.

Once we got to my school, she opened the door for me, as if I were an important person. People were looking at me. I guess the healed wounds on my face made me look the way I did when I first came here. Sooyoung pressed her lips against my forehead. "Have a good day. Let me know when to pick you up. I have to show you something."

I wonder what she could possibly show me. As I walked onto the quad, people started to talk. I instantly felt self-conscious. Who did I think I was coming back here? I tanked most of my classes. Lip-synched during choir because my throat hurt too much from screaming the night before. Girls began to whisper about how Max was incarcerated because of something that I had done. I just brushed them aside. Once I got to my first class, Jody came up to me and put her arm around my shoulder. "Everything okay? I saw you come in with someone? Who's that? Your cousin?"

"How...." I laugh. "No. She's an...old friend." I forgot about how Jody never seen a person outside of her culture before. She also never seen much of anything else besides the usual white and black. So, she was a bit close-minded.

"She's kind of cute. I'm glad Max was arrested. These scandals were running the school's rep down to the ground. You know Max was kicked out the school a year prior? I heard she stayed because she was bribing the dean's kids with drugs."

That was the most insane thing I ever heard today. I sipped my coffee. Sooyoung was right. This coffee was quite tasty. Jody folded her hands atop the table. "It's good to see you back. I hope I can get to know the real Jiwoo, rather than Max's Jiwoo." She raised her own coffee cup. "To new beginnings?"

We clinked our cups and then class started. The professor was astonished to still see me there. I guess he didn't expect me to stay for the whole class. I never knew how rigorous the course had gotten. Thankfully, Jody was there to assist me in the classes we had together. I was often alone, but I made a new friend named Genevieve in my choir. She mentioned about how I caught her attention as a vocalist, and she knew I was having a hard time. She suggested that I go to a domestic violence group therapy to discuss with her and fellow people who experienced what I had with through. "Come with us after class tomorrow. We have refreshments and everything."


She gave me a hug. "Call me Genny. I'm so glad you finally came around."

The whole choir's attitude changed towards me. I guess they weren't big fans of Max. They were more open with me since I was more active now. I wished that I had established myself sooner, but I guess, better late than never. The day flew by instead of dragged along. Pretty soon, for the first time I spent a whole day focused on my schoolwork and choirwork. I felt so accomplished and finished my lunch entirely and then texted Sooyoung that I was off. Immediate response was her car rolling up on the quad. People were gawking at it. Well, her car did cost possibly more than 1 million. Sooyoung stood outside and nodded her head towards me. I walked over to her and got into the car. She closed it behind me and then started the car. "So, you wanna know where we're going?"


"Well, our plane leaves in 20. And we have to get here by 8, so..."


"Sh...love. We're just going for a little ride."

"I should be worried."

"You're lucky I didn't try to kiss you to shut you up yet."

Blush. My cheeks were flushed. "Just tell me please."

"Be patient." Sooyoung grabbed my hand and kissed it. Geez. Who was this person? They were straying far from the idea that I had of them being too cool to romance anyone. 

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