xxiii. florence, italy

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The plane touched down in Florence Airport and Jiwoo was still astonished, looking outside of the window. It was Jiwoo's first time in Italy. She had told me that she never experienced other European countries since she came here. My secret goal was to let her see it all. All of her dreams that she wanted, I wanted her to live them. The smile on her face came back and she was lighting up like a Christmas tree, once again. This was something she always wanted to do since we started our language lessons. Visit the world.

"Oh my god, Sooyoung, you shouldn't have."

We were greeted by my personal welcoming committee with flutes of the finest wine. Jiwoo took one and looked a little nervous. I assured her by touching her shoulder. She took a sip and was immediately blushing. I laughed and took mine. "Gracias, Adonis." He bowed and held open the door to a Ferrari 488 GTB. I lowkey gawked at how pretty it was. Let's hope and pray I don't crash this car while I'm lost in the moment. I didn't truly have an itinerary in mind, I just wanted to go to Italy to spend time with Jiwoo. I wanted her to be comfortable with me.

She buckled her seatbelt in and was just staring at everything in awe. Then, she shot a dirty look at me. "You shouldn't have done this. Really."

"Why not?" I laugh. I turn on the radio and more classical music came on. "You got any requests? I'm your Uber driver today."

"I prefer Lyft," Jiwoo sighed heavily. "Why are you doing this?"

I shrug. "Maybe you just need a break from Europe, with a little bit more views of Europe."

Jiwoo looked outside the window at the beautiful buildings and bustling people outside. She then turned to see where we were heading. We were in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, in my opinion. It gave a taste of the old and a little bit of the new. I always loved Renaissance-esque buildings. I put that in my mind for when I decided to purchase a house. "I can't believe you." I felt like maybe this was too much. Maybe I was trying too hard? Then again, she could have been afraid of me. Her eyes were still glittering with fascination. I was happy that my Jiwoo was slowly coming back, though. "I really can't."

"You know we haven't truly talked without a person in the room or...without something going on." I turned into a parking lot. We were at the Trattoria Sabatino, one of my favorite restaurants. "I wanted to get to know the adult Jiwoo. And I hope she wants to get to know me too."

"I've heard enough about you from....you know who."

"They don't truly know me, Jiwoo," I chuckle. I park the car. "Let's have early dinner here and then we can go shopping. But we have to head back before 7."

We walked into the restaurant and a whaff of good-smelling authentic Italian food hit me. I heard Jiwoo make a pleasant sound. We got seated. It was a beautiful small restaurant that felt like you were at home. Jiwoo was more comfortable with the casual setting, so she relaxed. I took off her jacket for her and she looked at me with a soft, confused look this time. I still got it. It's been a while since I had been chilvarous. We sat across from each other and she looked at the menu and blinked twice. "Uh..Sooyoung, I can't read the menu."

"Why-oh!" I laugh. "Luckily for me, I happen to speak some Italian." I look at the menu. "Tell me what you have a taste for."

"Something sweet, a little salty." She looks at the menu intently. I look at her, a small smile playing on my lips. "Well, I think you want to stick within your comfort zone, eh? How about some ravioli al sugo? Then maybe when we get back, I could treat you to some cake."

Jiwoo grinned. "That sounds nice."

"Well, I'll have the same."

"What is this about, Sooyoung?" Jiwoo huffed. "Tell me, what do you want? Is there some secret way? You trying to seduce me like one of your little French girls from your job?"

"What French girls from my job?" I asked. I chuckled. "I haven't been with anyone since we broke up. Seriously, anyways. I've been actually relaxing." I take a sip of my sparkling water. "Just doing some self-evaluation. I know I'm a crooked person." Jiwoo folded her hands atop the table and cocked her head to the side. She looked very innocent. I felt my heart pounding in my ears. Here goes that feeling again. It's been so long since I had felt it. "Seduction isn't my plan with you, if I am trying to pursue you. You'd be someone I want to truly explore as a person."

Jiwoo was trying to find something in my words. Possibly a flaw or a lie. But, everything was too valid. I didn't want anybody else. "So, what makes me so different?"

"You're the only girl I ever loved."

There was a long beep of silence as Jiwoo took a long sip of champagne. I had to laugh to myself. Did I truly have the power to do that? Then again, I am quite the charmer. But, this wasn't the girl I wanted to charm simply. I wanted to expand our minds together, but maybe I got so used to using my words so loosely. Being open was my specialty, but never in my vulnerability. I never truly exposed that, but I was holding my heart out in the open for Jiwoo. She needed to see that someone was ready to be there for her. The food came fairly quickly and it was steaming on the plates. My stomach grumbled as I licked my lips to dive my fork into my first bite. Jiwoo was still staring at me, conducting an aura sleuth, I suppose.

"Just tell me the truth," Jiwoo said. "It'll be just easier if you say you want to take advantage of me."

"Jiwoo, you don't have to-" I sighed heavily. Patience is the key. "I don't want to. I wanted to spend time with you. We're roommates after all. I didn't want us to be strangers."

"That's kind of difficult not to pretend, don't you think?" Jiwoo asked, sternly. The criticalness in her voice made me quiver a little. "I mean, we break up. I hear about you screwing girls in England, Italy, Spain. You're all over the place! How am I supposed to truly trust you? You could be just like them and just use me. So, tell me what you want to do with me. Better yet-" Jiwoo slid a steak knife over to me. "Just do it to put me out of the misery you could possibly put me in."

I swallowed uncomfortable. People were watching us in confusion. I looked at our plates and then pinched the bridge of my nose. "Jiwoo. Kim Jiwoo."

"Tell me what you could possibly do to erase these thoughts from me. It happened. I'm not going to forget it. You're probably no different than them."

I stood and huffed in an angry breath. I told the hostess to pack up our food and took Jiwoo to the bathroom. I stood my distance from her and felt my chest get very heavy. Her eyes were skeptical and in pain. I knew she went through hell. I saw the fear. I saw the distrust. I saw the lack in faith in happiness. I wanted to hug her so badly, but I know that's not what she needed at the moment. She needed some room to breathe. "I know I can't prove it to you overnight. But, Jiwoo, you know I would never do anything to hurt you."

Jiwoo bit her lip. "It's something I just dream about every night. I don't sleep well. I may try to be happy, but I know somewhere in the back of my mind, they'll come back and I won't ever be able to live with that type of life again..."

I nodded. "With me, you won't experience that. Do you want to go back to Paris?"

Jiwoo looked down at her shoes. "I...we came all the way out here and...I just don't know why you're doing all of this."

I put my arm around her. "Look. We can just go back, see the Eiffel Tower at night, then go home." I pause. "Are you okay with this?" I gesture to my arm.

She nods slowly. "Just...please take your time. I'm still a little unstable."

I nod. "We'll take as much time as you need." 

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