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I woke to the sound of birds madly tweeting outside. The sun was rising through my curtains. I took my covers off and walked into the bathroom. The shower was still on, so I knew Sooyoung was in there. I hurriedly washed my face and brushed my teeth. I heard her softly hum before saying "good morning" in a sing-song tone. I blushed and closed the door immediately. The TV was blaring details of morning traffic. I switched to a different and there was a soap opera where a couple was hungrily kissing each other. I changed it to a kids' cartoon. Sooyoung came out into the living room in a peach towel. I could have sworn that was mine. "Why didn't you answer me?"

I focused on the TV. "Uhmm...."

Sooyoung sat on the couch beside me in the towel. My eyes weren't going to look on her at all. I didn't feel like discussing the kiss. The ride home was quiet and when we walked in, I ran into my room as fast as possible. I didn't even want to look at how good she looked in the towel. I knew that I could be a bit of a perv, however....I'm sincerely shy. "Jiwooooo!~"

I hid my face between my hands and drew my knees close to me. I heard Sooyoung's laughter as her arm was around me. I removed my hands from my face, so I could look at her eyes. They were twinkling with excitement and curiosity. My heart began pounding lightly in my ears again. I noticed that today was Sunday, so we were both off...and alone in this apartment. Her hair was still wet and up in another towel, that I once again swore was mine. "What?"

"What are we?" she asks me.

"Farmers?" I respond nervously in English.

She starts laughing once again. Then she took her hand in mine. "You know...I can't stop thinking about yesterday."

I couldn't either. But I didn't know how to register the fact that my lips were on Sooyoung's less than 24 hours ago. I couldn't forget how good it felt to feel her torso against mine. But, it felt incredibly was much more mature than usual. It was like coming across an old flame, noticing that it wasn't put out. "I mean..." I also couldn't even fathom the idea of me being more dominant than Sooyoung. I needed her breath against mine. I wanted more but I'm not going to indulge. Especially when Sooyoung was like this. "Please put some clothes on."

Sooyoung raised her eyebrows and slapped my thigh playfully. "You naughty little girl!"

"Hey...we'll talk when you have some clothes on."

She disappears into her bedroom and then returns in a silk robe. That didn't make the situation any better. She sits dangerously beside me. "Is this enough for you?"

"It'll do," I say. I avoided looking at her body. "To answer your question, I don't know how to define us right now. I'm still healing."

"We can take our time." Sooyoung squeezes my hand assuringly. "You want something to eat?"

I smirk. "You're gonna spoil me again, aren't you?"

Sooyoung shakes her head. "I don't feel like driving today. You wanna cook for me?" She gives me the cutest puppy dog eyes, accompanied with that cute innocent bunny smile. I was immediately flustered. I would do anything for that smile. It felt like she was dangling her cuteness at me. I nod. "Sure, I'll make whatever you like."

"How about some dakjuk (chicken porridge)?" she asks, sitting at a reserved distance now. "We have some ingredients in the fridge for it."

I nod and get up. I haven't had anyone enjoyed my cooking this much in a while. I completely forgot how much Sooyoung liked my cooking. She was very alert when I stepped into the kitchen and started pulling out the stuff for breakfast. She was drawn by my every movement. I couldn't help but notice out of the corner of my eye. It was endearing to me. I felt appreciated. It was also a fairly simple meal too. I think Sooyoung misses Korea. Maybe as much as she missed me? That was probably too much to assume. I carefully made her bowl and sat it in front of her at the table. She flashed me a grin before eating. I sat before her and also ate my share. It felt like a familiar setting, but different. Here I was living with the person I never thought I'd ever see again.

"You know, I want to go back to Korea sometime," she says. "I love your cooking, but I miss the way my mom made dakjuk. You make it like hers."

"I do?" I ask.

Sooyoung nods, sadly. "We had somewhat of a disconnect after me and dad got close."

"When do you plan to go back to Korea?" I put an extra piece of chicken on her plate. She grins up at me and shrugs. "Well, if you need a travel partner, I'll come with you."

"Alright. We can go over your spring break. When is it?" Sooyoung wipes her mouth. "I remember when I had my classes, they told me that break was in 2 weeks."

"Mines is is less than 2 weeks. So, we can go." I think of returning back to Korea as a different person. I missed the quickness of Korea, the ambience. Though a lot of bad things happened there, the good always outweighed the bad. I missed my friends so much. And, Heejin was also back in our old apartment, probably studying. I missed Yerim's mom's fruit store. I missed messing with Jungeun and Jinsoul. I missed the night air. I missed hanging out at the playground on a swing, listening to cars zooming by, my hand in Sooyoung's. And, admittedly, I might miss my family. No one has tried to reach out to me since I came here. I didn't even try to talk to them. Maybe, I'll try. I don't know. It has been a few months.

"I'll arrange us two tickets," Sooyoung sounds excited. "It's been a long year since I seen home." She starts tapping on her phone wildly. "I can't wait to have some home-grown soju instead of the foreign stuff here. Man, we should get drunk together!"

I laugh. "That would be silly."

Sooyoung grins at me. "I haven't felt at home in Europe until I saw you again."

I bit my lip grinning. I hated to agree with her. But, I felt at home when I was with her again too. 

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